History of Western Art II: Renaissance to the Present Art

Summary Syllabus

106.01 MWF 10:00-10:50

3.0 credit hoursEHFA 137

Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Howie,

Office Hours: TTH 1:30-3:30 EHFA 283

Course Description-- A survey of the visual arts and their relevance to their times from the Renaissance to the present.

Course Objectives--After completing this class, you will be able to:

1) Describe, analyze, and compare works from of art from different cultural contexts, such as Late Gothic, the Renaissance, the Baroque, Mannerism, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Modernism, Cubism, Dada, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism, Pop Art, Conceptual and Performance Art, Contemporary Art and Postmodernism

2) Describe how different materials, techniques, and technologies can be used to express meaning and function of art and architecture between ca. 1300 CE and the present.

3) Identify and explain the roles of major artists, religious and political leaders, objects and monuments during this period and their respective contributions to culture.

Student Learning Outcomes--Upon completing this course, the student should be able to:

1) analyze and interpret basic regional trends in artistic and architectural style, and compare the style of one culture or period to another

2) apply methods of inquiry to the practice of the fine arts discussing innovations in technology, materials and style using appropriate vocabulary

3) analyze and interpret forms of artistic expression by identifying major artistic, political, intellectual, and religious leaders from various periods and regions as they relate to art history

Evaluation and Grading

The grade a student earns in this class is the result of his/her combined grades on three exams, a final exam, 3 writing assignments, and any potential extra credit. Late work will only be accepted in unavoidable, documented academic or medical circumstances. On-line mid-term grades will be provided.

Grading Distribution (%)

A 100-90B+ 89-88B 87-80C +79-78C 77-70

D+ 69-68D 67-60F 59-0FX failure due to academic dishonesty


You are expected to attend all class meetings for the full class period and to be an active participant. Coming to class having reviewed the text and your lecture notes are the best ways to prepare for class. Attendance is essential for learning, progress, and class participation. Excused absences are determined at the instructor’s discretion and are typically limited to unavoidable, documented academic or medical reasons.

Art Department Attendance Policy: For classes that meet 2 times a week students are allowed up to 3 unexcused absences without penalty. Absences 4 & 5 may be punishable by grade reductions; absence 6 may result in failure. See the Student Handbook www.coastal.edu/catalog

for the University’s attendance policy.