Minutes ORF Meeting Lisbon 20th March 2018
Present, HerveFinel , MuhitOzcan, Peter Dreger, Silvia Montoto, Stephen Robinson, Luca Castagna, Claire Burney, Harry Schouten,CharalampiaKyriakou, Stefania Bramanti, Leyre Bento, Sonja Genadieva-Stavric, Karan Wadhera, Christian Gisselbrecht, Norbert Schmitz, Vanderson Rocha, ZaferGulbas, Alina Tanase, Elizabeth Vandenberghe, Anna Sureda, Gonzalo GutierrezGarcia, Giulia Perrone, Jennifer Clay, Dilyana Georgieva, Sascha Dietrich, Lajos Gergely, Erik Aerts, ElianaZuffa, Joanna Drozd-Sokolowska, Joanna RomejkoJarosinska, ZsuzsannaLeitnerneKosa, Ariane Boumendil, Irma Khvedelidze
General Matters
Ongoing collaboration with the CIBMTR.Peter Dreger/Anna Sureda
#Two ongoing consensus papers:-
1. Maintenenance therapy post SCT:currently at 2nd round of voting
2. Conditioning regimens for SCT in lymphoma. Expert panel being formulated
#Two ongoing retrospective analyses:-
1. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in follicular lymphoma-Joint EBMT LWP and CIBMTR study, now in press with Cancer.
2. Haploidentical transplantation for DLBCL-Joint EBMT LWP and CIBMTR study submitted to EHA and ASCO meetings.
Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation in Lymphoma:- Position Paper Alina Tanase/Harry Schouten/Sascha Dietrich.
A first draft is currently being worked on.
Educational issues. Anna Sureda
The next EBMT LWP Educational Course will be held in Palma De Mallorca September 27th and 28th September2018 hosted by Leyre Bento.
The EBMT LWP Educational Course 2019 will be held in Bristol. Final date to be confirmed.
Bids for the 2020 course are invited.
LWP Activity
Ongoing Studies
1. Studies undergoing data collection/data analysis
- 2009-N-02 SCT in blasticplasmocytoid dendritic cell neoplasia (SD with ALWP) –SD. To combine PROMISE dataset with NIS study and submit to ASH
- 2016-S-01 Checkpoint inhibitors pre/post alloHCT (SD/PD/AS). Manuscript in preparation. 20 HL patients 2 NHL patients post alloSCT.
- 2016-R-02 DLI in lymphoma (SR)- 692 patients- for data cleaning and analysis.
- 2016-R-04 2nd auto in HL (CM/AS)-67 patients- data cleaning
- 2017-R-02 Haplo (AB/AS)- 495 patients- data entry on-going
- 2017-R-05 Ibru post ASCT MCL (CB/SR)- data collection on-going
2. Studies at manuscript stage
- 2007-R-01 HL auto late effects update (AS/PD), paper to be circulated to WC/authors
- 2006-R-02 RIC in MCL (SR), accepted BMT 2018
- 2009-R-06 FL unrelated; (AS, with CIBMTR) accepted Cancer 2018
- 2010-N-02 WM auto; (CK), 1st draft written
- 2011-R-01 PMBCL auto; (IA) accepted BMT 2018
- 2012-R-04 MALT; (AC/SM), rejected AO, submitted to BJH (12/1/18)
- 2012-R02E CTCL recent era; RD/ED, with PD
- 2013-N-02i Pwi prior to SCT; PD, rejected by Blood/JCO/ Lancet Hematology/ Haematologica; submitted to BMT (27/02/18)
- 2013-N-02, 2016-R-01 PWI pre and post allo studies (PD, with CMWP)
- 2014-R-01 alloWM (CK); for JCO?
- 2015-R-05 Allo in NHL according to age; CK/PD, submitted to BBMT (04/03/18)
- 2015-R-04 HIV new era (KH); draft with WC, for JCO
- 2015-R-03 Rel after auto DLBCL (EG/AS)-paper 2018
- 2015-R-09 FL Rel post auto in FL (SR)- paper 2018
- 2015-R-06 SCT in NLP-HL (SA/AS), accepted AJH 2017
- 2015-R-01A BV as bridge to SCT in ALCL (AS/ED)-papers 2018
- 2015-R-01H BV as bridge to SCT in HL (AB/AS), accepted BJH 2018
- 2015-R-01H BV post allo in HL (AB/AS)- 1st draft
- 2015-R-08 Haplo in DLBCL (PD/AS with CIBMTR)
- 2015-R-09 FL Rel post auto in FL (SR)- paper 2018
- 2016-R-05 BEAC toxicity (SR) BMT 4 minor review-deadline 4 resubmission 21/3/18
- 2017-R-01 trends in SCT in FL (SR)
Abstracts for 2018
- Accepted (2 orals + 3 posters)
- 2015-R-08 Haplo vs SIB in DLBCL (with CIBMTR)
- 2015-R-08 Haplo vs MUD in DLBCL (with CIBMTR)
- 2016-R-03 Trends in SCT in HL
- 2015-R-08 Haplo vs MUD in DLBCL (with CIBMTR)
- 2016-R-03 Trends in SCT in HL
- 2016-R-04 2nd auto in HL
- 2016-S-01 Checkpoint inhibitors pre/post alloHCT
- 2013-C-01 WM consensus
- 2016-R-02 DLI in lymphoma
- 2016-R-04 2nd auto in HL
- 2017-R-02 Haplo
- 2009-N-02 SCT in BPDCN
Next studies to be launched
- 2017-R-04 PT-Cy-(LC/SB)-pt final protocol
- 2017-NIS-01 haplo vs other- (LC)
New proposals
1. Cord vs haplodonor SCT in lymphoma. A Joint study between CIBMTR, Eurocord and the EBMTpresented by Vanderson Rocha
14 voted in favour, non against. Standard priority assigned
2. Tandem auto and RIC-allo in HL presented by Leyre Bento
13 voted in favour, 1 against. Standard priority assigned
3. Stem cell transplantation in Bing Neel Syndrome presented by J Drozd-Sokolowska.
19 voted in favour, 1 against. Standard priority assigned
Any other business
Next Meeting 26th September 2018 Palma de Mallorca, Spain