Application for Employment

& Selection

Northumbria Police recognises that by recruiting, retaining and developing a workforce that reflects its communities, it is better able to respond to, and develop the trust of, those communities. Our aim is to deliver equality of treatment in the workplace and in service delivery through integrity, consistency and fairness.



Family Name: / First Names:
Previous Name(s): / Home Tel No:
Nationality: / Alternative Tel No:
Post Code:
(Provide previous address in past five years on a separate sheet if applicable) / e-mail address:
National Insurance Number:
(To be provided in all cases)
Date of Birth:
Place and Country of Birth:
Are you an existing member of Northumbria Police?
YES/NO (Delete as appropriate)
If a commonwealth citizen or a foreign national, is your stay in the UK free of restrictions? / YES/NO (Delete as appropriate)
Please enter details of any cautions, arrests, and/or convictions for any offence (including traffic convictions and appearances before a Court Martial) or formal cautions by Police for any offence (including cautions as a juvenile) or any Court. You must include spent convictions under Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (by virtue of the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975). If you have been convicted or cautioned you may still be eligible for appointments depending on the nature and circumstances of the offence. However, failure to disclose details may lead to rejection/termination of your application/ employment.
Date / Offences / Court/police station/unit which dealt with the matter / Result
Enter details of any charge or summons at present outstanding Against you
Date of alleged offence / Nature of alleged offence / Court/police station/unit dealing with the matter
Are you or have you been a member of the British National Party or similar organisation whose constitution, aims, objectives or pronouncements may contradict the duty to promote race equality?
YES / NO (Delete as appropriate)
You must complete this declaration as part of the vetting process:
I confirm that have read and understood the Recruitment Information Pack and allow Northumbria Police to carry out the necessary pre-employment checks as stated.
I confirm that the information provided is complete, accurate and current to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I understand that if this is found not to be the case the application will not be progressed and any offer of appointment will be withdrawn.
I consent to this information being submitted for checking against records held by the Police.
I will undertake to notify the Force Vetting Unit, at the earliest opportunity, of any material changes or additions to the information provided.
I declare that the information provided is complete, accurate and current to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I understand that if I knowingly make a false statement or deliberate omission in the information provided, I may be disqualified from working in a designated post on this or any future occasion and/or may be liable to disciplinary action.
I also understand that the information provided as part of the vetting process will be treated in the strictest confidence, but will not be immune from disclosure and consideration in respect of serious disciplinary or criminal matters that may be revealed through or facilitated by vetting operations. Where this is the case information provided in this questionnaire may be disclosed in any subsequent proceedings.
Signed...... Date......


Northumbria Police is fully committed to working towards being an equal opportunities employer and is determined to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, ethnicity, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. We also seek to ensure that employees are not subject to any form of harassment.

Discrimination is not always intentional or overt, therefore the Force’s Diversity and Equality Policy will be constantly monitored to ensure that equality of opportunity is properly observed and where barriers are identified, any necessary changes will be made.

In order to implement and monitor the effectiveness of its Diversity and Equality Policy, it would be helpful if you would complete the below personal information.

The provision of this information is entirely voluntary and completion or otherwise will in no way prejudice your application. This section of the form with be detached from your application and is for statistical purposes only.

1 Age range 16-24 o 25-34 o 35-44 o

45-54 o 55 and over o Prefer not to say o

2 Gender Female o Male o

Prefer not to say o Prefer to use my own term o

If you prefer to use your own term, please provide here:


3 I would describe my ethnic origin as:

A. White - British W1 o I. Asian - Pakistani A2 o

B. White - Irish W2 o J. Asian - Bangladeshi A3 o


C. Any other White background W9 o K. Any other Asian background A9 o

D. White and Black Caribbean M1 o L. Black - Caribbean B1 o

E. White and Black African M2 o M. Black - African B2 o

F. White and Asian M3 o N. Any other Black background B9 o

G. Any other Mixed background M9 o O. Chinese O1 o

H. Asian - Indian A1 o P. Any other ethnic group O9 o

Not Stated NS o

4 Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010?

Definition: “A physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.”

YES / NO / Prefer not to say (Delete as appropriate)

If yes, you will be asked at a later stage if you need us to make any reasonable adjustments for assessment and/or interview. If you wish to discuss any concerns about the application process, please contact the Recruitment Unit on 0191 4936117

5 Religious beliefs/Faith: Buddhist o Hindu o

Christian o

(State denomination if you wish)

Jewish o Muslim o

Sikh o No Religion o


Prefer not to say o Prefer to use my own term o

If you prefer to use your own term, please provide here:


6 Sexual Orientation: Gay Man o Gay Woman/Lesbian o

Heterosexual Straight o Bi-sexual o

Prefer not to say o Prefer to use my own term o

If you prefer to use your own term, please provide here:


7 Do you identify as Transgender? ______


Job Title / Salary / Notice Required
Name of Organisation / Start Date / Direct managers Contact Number
Direct Manager’s Name / Direct Manager’s Address
Direct Manager’s Title
Key tasks of the Job
Name and Address
of Employer / Date From / Date
To / Position Held and Salary / Reason for Leaving


Schools/Colleges/University attended
(Name & Addresses) / Qualification Obtained & Subject / Grade/Result
Schools/Colleges/University/ Course Provider / Course Title
Level of Membership / Name of Body/Institute
Do you hold a current driving licence
If Yes, indicate the category of licence / YES/NO (Delete as appropriate)


As outlined in the advert there are vacancies across the force. Please tick the relevant vacancies below which you would lie to be considered for.

No / Location / Days and hours available / Tick to select option (s)
1 / Rothbury Station, Front Street, NE65 7TZ / 6 Hours per week – 2 hours Mon, Wed & Fri Flexible times between 6am and 11am.
2 / Etal Lane Station, Newbiggin Hall, NE5 4AW / 20 Hours per week – 4 hours per day Mon-Fri 6am – 10am
3 / Alnwick Station, Prudhoe Street, NE66 1UJ / 5 Hours per week – 1 hour per day Mon-Fri times flexible between 6am and 11am.
4 / Bellingham NPT, Fire Station, NE48 2JS / 2 Hours per week – 1hour Tues & Thurs flexible times between 6am and 11am
5 / Cobalt Building, Cobalt Park Way, NE28 9NZ / 12.5 Hours per week – 2.5 hours each day Mon-Fri times 6am-8:30am
6 / Forth Banks Custody, Newcastle NE1 3PH / 15 Hours per week – 3 hours per day Mon-Fri 8am-11am
7 / Forth Banks Custody, Newcastle NE1 3PH / Weekend Post 4.5 Hours Times: Week 1, 2.5 hours Sat & 2.5 hours Sun. Week 2, 2 hours Sat & 2 hours Sun 9am start
8 / Ponteland HQ, North Road, NE20 0BL / 18 Hours per week – 4 hours Mon & 3.5 hours Tues – Fri 6am start
9 / Ponteland Fire Station, Callerton Lane, NE20 9EY / 3 Hours per week – 1.5 hours Tues & Thurs flexible times between 7am and 12pm
10 / Seahouses Fire Station, Main Street, NE68 7TZ / 2 Hours per week – 1 hour Tues & Thurs flexible times between 6am and 11am
11 / Wooler NPT, Cheviot Centre, NE71 6BL / 2 Hours per week – 1 hour Tues & Thurs flexible times between 6am and 11am
12 / Berwick Station, Church Street, TD15 1DZ / Weekend Post 3 Hours per week – 1.5 hours Sat & Sun 9am – 10:30am
13 / South Shields Station, Station Road, Millbank, NE33 1RR / 18 Hours per week – 4 hours Mon & 3.5 hours Tues – Fri 6am start
14 / Wallsend Custody, Middle Engine Lane, NE28 9NT / Weekend Post 6 hours per week – 6 hours Sat & Sun working alternative weekends 6am – 12pm
15 / Corbridge NPT, Corbridge Middle School, NE45 5DU / 2 Hours per week – 1 hour Tues & Thurs flexible times between 6am and 11am


Please tell us about your relevant experience and why you would be suitable for role. 250 words maximum.

Police Staff Application from – Cleaning Staff 2016 1