PCOGS Planning Template


Five Year Planning Booklet

Year by Year Instructions for Arrangements Chairs

Notes pages for permanent recording of comments

Five Years Prior to Conference

Arrangements Chair Chosen for next Caucus sponsored meeting

Ideally the future Arrangements Chair should serve as Assistant Arrangements Chair during this meeting. Recommend their primary role as registration sub chair.

Both might attend site visit

Arrangements Chair chosen by Caucus Chair

Planning for the next Caucus hosted meeting should begin at the first Winter Caucus meeting

i.e., the caucus that hosted 2015 meeting should begin planning for 2020 meeting at their 2015 Winter caucus meeting


Organize Committee structure with focus on upcoming site visits

Introduce oneself to Treasurer Secretary at next meeting

Receive and review PCOGS Planning Booklet.

Begin to consider and research 2 to 3 potential venues

Begin research of venues after caucus meeting including all information on “Four Years Prior” page


Four Years Prior to Conference

Arrangements Chair and Assistant Arrangements Chair Chosen

Initial visits to competing sites with initial discussions but no decisions

Venue Comparison at Winter Caucus Meeting (3 and 1/2 years to go). Understand information below, present briefly to caucus but have in mind your number one choice, etc. Members vote to determine top three choices and approve dates of meeting by ranking order

Consider Location, Weather, Wow factor and overall costs.


Consider Transportation Costs

Consider Activity options for Fellows, Guests and Companions

Consider Food and Other Costs

-Obtain Current menu costs. Take note of service costs and Sales tax; and food costs by age

i.e., at Turtle Bay in 2015 there was no charge ages 4 and under; discount for ages 4-11

-Anticipate potential for 20% increase in costs before meeting. Attempt to negotiate to limit to inflation.

-Obtain AV costs. (Vendors to bring power cords)

-Hospitality House fees

  • Work with Secretary Treasurer in Final negotiations to obtain as “comped room” based on guaranteed nights
  • Goal should be free Ice, Glassware, Maid service, etc.

-Liquor – discussed at Caucus level

-Resort fees (note fees for WiFi, Exercise, parking, etc. but don’t negotiate till Secretary Treasurer involved).

Utilize copy of previous year’s contracts plus food, AV etc. for basic understanding of contract mechanism from Secretary Treasurer and see attached File “PCOGS Planning”

Venue requirements

-Conference room to accommodate 200 plus

-Second Room Able to accommodate presidential address

  • Theatre seatingpreferred

-Approx. 3000 square foot room for Industry exhibitors adjacent or very near Conference room


-Typically meetings are early September to late October

-Attempt to identify dates of AUGS meeting

-Attempt to identify major religious Holidays

Report Choices to Secretary Treasurer who will assist with Negotiations

Items to be negotiated include all of the above items, items not yet recognized but added to this document, and all concessions from resort (See typical contract).


PCOGS Planning 09_12_15

Sample Contracts Sample AV costs

Contracts History

Food Guide (Sample from Sun Valley)


Three and 1/2 Years Prior to Conference

Arrangements Chair in cooperation with Caucus Chair work with Secretary Treasurer to obtain best contract available from preferred resort along with backup contracts from second and/or third choices in preparation for Interim Board Meeting

Contracts reviewed at Interim Board meeting with attention to room and food costs, other expenses, concessions, travel, wow factor, meeting dates and other considerations.

Contract signed after Interim Board meeting by Secretary/Treasurer

Out of USA meetings difficult as Industry representatives cannot attend.

5 Star resorts not acceptable as traditionally industry cannot attend.

Recommend review of geographical boundaries on as needed basis.


Three Years Prior to Conference

Recruit Committee members for Arrangements Structure.

- Three Years Prior to Conference

Final Decision announced by Fall Conference

Attend Arrangements Chair Meeting at PCOG. Liaisons with Chairs of Upcoming two meetings.


Two Years Prior to Conference

Confirm Volunteers for Registration, On Site Industry Liaison and Hospitality. Outline job descriptions (See pages below for overview). Two Years Prior to Conference

Can confirm leaders for Golf, Bike, Spouses, birding, etc. Two Years Prior to Conference

Attend Arrangements Chair Meeting at PCOG. Liaisons with Chairs of Upcoming meetings

Track attendance at Hotel rooms at current and upcoming conference. See Attachment 4. (# of room reservations and # of registered attendees) Look at upcoming and adjust for your Caucus’s meeting if necessary. Find out at this and next years’ meetings how many rooms were filled and if overbooked how many people stayed off site. Talk to resort manager.

Allow 20 – 30 for industry reps and 7 – 12 for residents and fellows.

Prepare for Interim Board Meeting in March which is 18 months before your meeting

  • attend the 1st and 2nd Board meetings to be held at the annual meeting


18 Months Prior to Conference

Site Visit to finalize plans.

See Site visit check off (Site Visit check off list option 1

Site Visit check off list option 2)

Recommend that industry exhibition room be located close to conference and also location of food/beverages at break.

  • Ideal space for each exhibitor is 8 by 10
  • Total room size 2800 square feet minimum, 3000 preferred

Attend Winter Caucus meeting. Continue to confirm Volunteers for Registration, Industry Liaison and Hospitality. Provide with job descriptions/expectations

Attend Interim Board Meeting (historically 1st weekend in March: 10 – 4 PM). Give brief report on meeting if requested and time permits. Understand

Food Costs


Travel costs and duration


Off site dinner options


Provide above information to Society Administrator for Spring Newsletter


One Year Prior to Conference

Attend 1st and 2nd Board Meetings.

First Board meeting at annual meeting on Wednesday from 4 – 6 PM.

Second Board Meeting at Annual Meeting on Saturday from 1 – 4 PM which is after Business meeting – lunch provided

Attend Second Business Meeting at close of Scientific Session:

Saturday at approximately 12:30

Present Slide Show at end of business meeting to preview next year

  • Room rates
  • Activities
  • Resort pictures
  • Etc.

Attend Arrangements Chair Meeting at PCOG. Liaisons with Chairs of Upcoming meetings.

Conference Year

The best meetings are organized where the arrangements Chair is NOT the hands on leader in the areas of responsibility. These areas should be captained by experienced and capable leaders who will be the “lieutenants” to help you get through the meeting. Plus it helps train people for the future and it increases the friendliness of the meeting. The 3 main areas are:


On Site Industry Representatives Liaison

Arrangements and Registration


Captain and Host Hospitality Suite

Be present and prepared before, during and after official hours at times

May need two couples depending upon size for optimal “fun”

Promote and prepare for activities in suite. Consider “games” or other activities to bring groups together. Be willing to “advertise” activities at microphone during meeting.

Purchase and manage supplies

Consider Costco for best pricing

Return unused liquor at end of conference

Request reimbursement from Secretary Treasurer

Arranges for transport and/or ships if needed all photo booklets to next years’ Arrangements Chair

See Hospitality SuppliesPCOGS 2011 Liquor list)

On Site Industry Representatives Liaison

Arrive Tuesday night or Wednesday AM and prepare to greet industry representatives and to promote booth visitation – exhibitor set up start time is advertised as 1:00 pm; arrive by 12:30 pm

Invite approved number (one per exhibiting company) of industry representatives to Wednesday night reception

Understand ahead of time shipping, receiving and mail out protocols

Understand arrangement of exhibit room

Provide contact information to all exhibitors and be available to answer questions

Periodically check in with industry representatives and promote visitation by attendees. This is extremely important.

See (On Site Industry Representative Liaison Guidelines)

Arrangements and Activities (Overall)

These volunteers are the main source for success, or not, of your meeting. The personality and competency of the volunteers is paramount to the guests’ experience. Think of how we were treated at arrival to the Marana or Hawaii meetings and duplicate that.

The registration desk should be staffed by a combination of the registration chair with monitoring by the arrangements chair and assistant chair.

The registration desk functions as a CONCIERGE desk and although there may be set hours of expected operation the guests have questions, concerns, off time arrivals and should essentially be staffed almost continuously especially on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday all day and Friday AM.

Conference Year: Arrangements

Arrangements Chair Responsible for Financial and Social Success of the Meeting.

Plans, Monitors and accountable for all on site activities related to meeting production including

Pre meeting planning and negotiations (as above)

Relationships with representatives from host resort/Hotel

All activities for members and companions

Sports Day

Food and Beverage Costs

Planning for on site and off site events

Flowers, décor and table decorations

Music (bands, etc.)

Hospitality Suite

On Site Industry Liaison

Volunteer Leaders

Registration Desk

Arrange for gift during Presidential address for spouse/significant other of President

Handles payments to bands and other separate contractors in conjunction with Secretary Treasurer

See Files

PCOGS Planning 2

Contracts history 13-19

Chair and Assistant Chair - attend interim Board meeting (first weekend of March) and 1st & 2nd Board meetings at the annual meeting


Pay Band after they have completed their sets

Responsible for recycling and reusing name tags either by Prelabeled shipping box (FEDEX/UPS) addressed to next year’s Arrangements Chair with all name tags, badges and unused printing materials OR take home and organize and send shortly after meeting.

Arrange for transfer of; or take home with you, all photo display items.

Thursday night caucus dinners should be managed by individual caucuses.

All activities with any costs involved should be prepaid. If Arrangements Chair wants to allow sign ups at meeting for activities then Registration Desk should have ability to charge easily at that time.


Conference Year: Registration

Registration Chair Responsible for Operations of Registration Desk including working in conjunction with activities leaders. This is an important position. Should be fully prepared upon arrival to be busy and to act as a Concierge to the Meeting Attendees. Obtains information and sign up sheets as needed from Activity Chairs as well as cell and contact information

Recruit volunteers to “man” registration desk – may be flexible depending upon travel times to location.

  • Tuesday afternoon (3:30-6:30); 2 people
  • Wednesday (1:30-6:30); 4 people
  • Thursday (7:00am-6:00pm) {multiple volunteers can be used for Thursday – possibly 2 hour shifts each}
  • Friday (7:00am-1:30pm) 1 person

See Files

PCOGS Directions

PCOGS Registration

PCOGS Printing TemplatePCOGS Printing Template Heart

Year of Conference


  • Saturday AM – prelabeled shipping box out on registration table for drop off of name badges

Prelabeled box also put in area of spouse/companion breakfast with sign requesting return of name badges SATURDAY MORNING – not needed for Saturday dinner dance or Sunday Farewell breakfast

Registration Chair Hands off all Collected and or Unused Registration Materials (Badges, Paper, etc.) for transfer to Next year’s registration Chairs before they leave.

Registration Chair stays through farewell breakfast on Sunday morning (or appoints/recruits member of “registration team” to attend to collect name badges from spouses/companions/children)
