Behaviour Policy

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind ... love your neighbour as your self. (Matt 22:37-39)


At Highfield CE Primary School we are committed to establishing a safe and caring environment according to our Christian foundation, where the welfare and pastoral care of the pupils is given a high priority. We believe that children will learn and develop when they know that they are valued and respected equally by their peers, their teachers and all other adults working in the school. The underlying principle of this policy is to “observe the child doing something good” and praise them. It rests upon the high expectation that pupil behaviour in the school is good.

The behaviour policy provides the mechanism for building this environment in a consistent manner through all the year groups in the school.


Our aim is that through the implementation of this policy the school community should be able to recognise, understand, handle and appropriately express their emotions and know and understand what behaviour is expected and why. Unacceptable behaviour should not be allowed to impact on the well-being of others. All children and staff develop their Emotional Health and Wellbeing.


It is the responsibility of all to treat everybody with courtesy and respect.


  • Ensure that all children clearly understand the rules for good behaviour
  • Ensure that the reason for a rule is understood by all
  • Be consistent in rewards and punishments
  • Communicate with parents as appropriate
  • Act as a good role model
  • Ensure behaviour of all children in and beyond their own class is to the highest standard


  • Encourage their children to behave well in school
  • Follow-up communications from school
  • Keep staff informed of developments that could affect the behaviour of their children
  • Communicate with staff if they have a concern about their child’s behaviour in school
  • Are expected to support the implementation of the behaviour policy


  • All children will follow the Golden Goals

Golden Goals

Do your best in everything

-Be a super learner

-Tell the truth

-Be kind - care for people and their feelings

-Be polite to everyone

-Respect other peoples’ property

-Listen carefully and wait for your turn


  • Know the “Golden Goals”
  • Ensure that standards of behaviour are monitored
  • Support the school in the implementation of the policy


The policy defines the following in two sections:

a)Good behaviour

b)Unacceptable behaviour

a) Good behaviour:

At Highfield we recognise that good behaviour does not just refer to achievement in lessons.

Procedures for rewarding good behaviour:

  • Praise and encouragement in lessons and around the school is used as much as possible by all members of staff
  • Good behaviour, effort and academic achievements should all be rewarded as appropriate by teachers and recognised in whole department assemblies
  • Children should be rewarded by sharing good examples of work and behaviour with Head, DHT or department leader
  • Positive comments are entered on written work as appropriate
  • Examples of named children's work on display around the school
  • Children are encouraged to bring to school awards and certificates gained outside school to be awarded in assemblies
  • Children who have gained musical or dancing awards to be encouraged to perform in assemblies

Infant Department:

-All children have an individual sticker card. Larger stickers that will not fit on the line go on the back and a stamp or mark is made inside;

-Every class has a sun where children start the day;

-If they have worked or behaved exceptionally well their name is moved to the rainbow. Children who are on the rainbow receive a larger sticker to wear home and a small sticker which they put in their reward card. The stickers may be awarded immediately or at the end of the day;

-Each class collects class awards (given in Assembly or for lining up etc.). Class teachers decide on the end of week or 1/2 termly reward to celebrate the children’s achievements;

-Each class also has a ‘Super Celebrations’ box where parents have the opportunity to add notes etc detailing individual achievements at home, e.g. ride a bike independently/ swimming/ reading/ etc.

  • Additionally class teachers may use stamps certificates, golden time or written comments on labels to recognise good work or behaviour.

Junior Department:

There is a system used by each class with boards.

Superstars boards:

-Each classroom has three boards labelled: Superstars You’re Great Stop and Think

-Children can be moved one way or another as their behaviour changes during the day.

-Each child has a little card with their name on it. At the beginning of every day, every child’s name card begins on the You’re Great board. The expectation is that the children will, as a minimum, be on this board at the end of the day;

-If they work particularly well, behave in an outstanding manner, then the teacher or TA can ask them to move their name card onto the Superstars board;

-At the end of the day the child’s entry on the super stars board is recorded in the teachers mark book;

  • Every class may also implement its own system of rewards.

Reward assemblies:

Infant Department

-For each complete line of stickers (15) in their reward card, children receive a special certificate;

-Approximately 3 children are chosen by the class teacher to receive a gold leaf for following the Golden Goals/4 R. These are displayed on a Praise Tree and sent home termly;

Junior Department

-Approximately 4 children are chosen weekly by class teachers to receive assembly awards;

-Staff write on the celebration nomination sheet and share in weekly in celebration assembly. These are displayed on the board near the entrance area;

-The names of all Superstar pupils are read out weekly in the Friday assembly

b) Unacceptable behaviour
  • Where children have behaved in an unacceptable way they need to learn what was wrong about their actions. It is expected that punishments will be addressed to individuals.
  • The policy is that, except in exceptional circumstances, an entire class shall not be punished for the misdemeanours of a few.
  • Class teachers will keep in their own children if necessary to complete work and they may ask a member of the SLT to talk to the child.
  • The school expects to receive the support of parents where there are serious incidents or persistently bad behaviour from a child. Such incidents may require outside agencies to be contacted, or suspension or exclusion procedures to be implemented. This may occur with or without parental agreement, although parents will always be informed should such serious incidents occur.

Infant Department:

Every class has a dark cloud and a storm cloud displayed. In the event of unacceptable behaviour, the children are moved onto the clouds according to the procedures outlined in Appendix (ii). At the start of each session following a sanction the child will have a new start.

Junior Department:

In the event of unacceptable behaviour, the children are moved onto the Stop and Think board according to the procedures outlined in Appendix (ii) A child who has been on the stop and think board will have a fresh start every day. However a teacher can move the child off the Stop and Think board as a means of celebrating a change in performance or attitude. A child who has a sanction outstanding from the day before will return to the You’re Great but the teacher will ensure that the sanction is applied at the first opportunity.

When a teacher decides that behaviour or work continues to beunsatisfactory in the classroom, and the child is on the Stop and Think board, the child could have a time out session within the class, in another classroom under the supervision of an adult or with a member of the SLT.


High standards of behaviour are expected at lunchtime and MSAs are expected to follow the behaviour policy. The senior Lunchtime supervisor will be responsible for the implementation of sanctions as set out in Appendix (ii)

Beyond the classroom (Assembly/Church/visits):

If a child misbehaves unacceptably beyond the classroom ie during or on the way to Church or assembly they will be given a verbal reminder if this is the first incident. If the child is already on Stop and Think (or cloud) then procedures as per Appendix (ii) will be applied. Teachers will consider past behaviour when organising partners and sitting arrangements.

The appendix contains level descriptors for unacceptable behaviour (i); the procedures that should be followed when dealing with this kind of behaviour (ii); copies of behaviour log sheets (iii) and (iv);


The school adopts the ‘Physical intervention Guidelines for schools (issued by the LA in October 2011 and with reference to “Use of Reasonable Force - Advice for head teachers, staff and governing bodies”, reference DFE-00060-2011, published by the Department for Education in July 2011.) Restraint is a last resort and should only be used after alternative calming strategies have failed to deescalate the situation.

The following categories would be considered legitimate situations in which to consider using restrictive physical intervention as a response:

  • committing a criminal offence
  • when there is risk of injury to self and/or others
  • when there is risk of significant damage to property
  • when a young person is behaving in a way that is compromising good order and discipline.

SEN pupils:

Where pupils have already been identified as needing a behaviour management plan as part of their special educational needs, additional sanctions and rewards will be put in place by the Inclusion Manager in consultation with the class teacher , pupil and parents to match individual behavioural targets.

Equal Opportunities:

This policy requires that all members of the school community feel valued and cared for, irrespective of age, gender, ability, creed, or race.

Other Relevant School Policies:

Values Policy, PHSE & Citizenship, Child Protection, Home School Agreement

Governor Group Responsible:Foundation Group

Date of Policy:2012Policy to be reviewed annually:Last review Jan 2014

Appendix (i): Level Descriptors

Level 1:

  • calling out in class/hall
  • not listening to the adult’s instructions
  • wandering about in class/hall
  • inappropriate chattering
  • fiddling with things (including food)
  • work avoidance strategies
  • distracting others
  • not sitting on chairs properly
  • making a mess/not clearing up
  • minor damage to property (eg defacing work book)
  • writing and passing notes in class
  • play fighting and boisterous behaviour

Level 2:

  • spitting on floor
  • swearing
  • challenging or answering back to staff
  • throwing or flicking small items such as rubbers and pencils
  • pushing and shoving dangerously
  • running in school
  • name calling (not racist)
  • inciting others to misbehave
  • inappropriate physical contact, eg poking, hitting, kicking, blowing
  • persistent interruption of an adult
  • interfering with the property of others
  • minor deliberate damage of property, eg breaking a pencil, lunch box
  • leaving the room without permission but returning almost immediately
  • inappropriate gestures
  • being out of bounds within school
  • bringing non-permitted items into school (eg mobile phone)
  • late arrival in class
  • deliberately searching for inappropriate websites
  • not following the Internet Rules

Level 3:

  • physical or verbal threats
  • leaving the classroom without permission, not returning, but staying outside
  • swearing – highly offensive language
  • proven theft
  • stone throwing
  • dangerous conduct liable to injure another person e.g. deliberate biting
  • refusal to follow instructions from a member of staff
  • deliberate damage or vandalism
  • spitting at others
  • strangling

Level 4:

  • bullying (wilful and conscious desire to hurt, threaten or frighten)
  • racism (words or actions which make a person feel frightened, humiliated or ridiculed

or undermine self confidence/self-esteem because of their colour, ethnic group or nationality)

  • actual violence towards staff or children
  • sexual harassment
  • lighting a match, lighter or fire
  • bringing dangerous items into school

Appendix (ii)

Procedures for teachers/teaching assistants managing unacceptable behaviour:

Behaviour / Suggested Action: / Evidence / Monitoring
Infant Department / Junior Department
Level 1
/ Fresh start each school session (between play/lunch times) / Fresh start each day
  1. Verbal warning
  2. Verbal reminder, move position in classroom/hall and move child’s name onto 1st cloud
  3. Move child’s name onto 2nd cloud and miss some playtime, or other activity (at the teacher’s discretion). Incident logged
  1. Verbal reminder
  2. Name on Stop and Think board
  3. Incident logged, miss 5 mins of play by standing by the wall
* In cases of fiddling:
1. Verbal reminder
2. Remove object / Class teacher’s behaviour log book
(other logs to be given to class teachers) / ½ termly department meeting
Level 2 /
Fresh start each school session (between play/lunch times)
Fresh start each day
1.Name put on 2nd cloud and incident logged
2.Withdrawal from favoured activity eg playtime, or privilege withdrawn for that day.
3.Withdrawal from favoured activity eg playtime, or privilege withdrawn for that day. Incident logged. Key stage co-ordinator or Deputy/Head informed and letter sent home
4.Withdrawal from favoured activity eg playtime, or privilege withdrawn for that day. Incident logged. Key stage co-ordinator or Deputy/Head informed parents now requested to have meeting with HT/DHT /
  1. Name on Stop and Think board. Incident logged miss 5 mins of play by standing by the wall
  2. Miss 10 minutes of play. Incident logged
  3. Withdrawal from favoured activity eg further playtime, or privilege withdrawn for that day. Key stage co-ordinator or Deputy/Head informed and letter sent home
  4. As 3 but parents now requested to have meeting with HT/DHT
  1. NB – miss 10 mins play means stand by the wall and when the teacher directs, run around the track
/ Class teacher’s behaviour log book
(other logs to be given to class teachers) / ½ termly department meeting
Key stage co-ordinator informed of class teacher letter and meeting with parents
Level 3 /
Fresh start after each sanction
  1. Key stage co-ordinator or Deputy/Head informed They will decide upon the sanction. Parents will be informed
  1. Key stage co-ordinator or Deputy/Head informed They will decide upon the sanction. Parents will be informed
/ Class teacher’s behaviour log book, plus detailed record of incident
(other logs to be given to class teachers) / SLT to be informed of all incidents
Level 4 /
Fresh start after each sanction
  1. H/DHT to decide on fixed term or permanent exclusion
  1. H/DH to decide on fixed term or permanent exclusion
/ Class teacher’s behaviour log book, plus detailed record of incident / SMT and Governors to be informed of all incidents
  • Read in conjunction with child’s IEP
  • Emergency procedure: if a child is posing a threat to himself or others and refuses to co-operate, move the other children and inform Key stage co-ordinator, Deputy or Head. Reasonable force may be used to prevent a child from committing a criminal offence, injuring themselves or others, damaging property, acting in a way that is counter to maintaining good order and discipline at school. Detailed records must be kept of all incidents where force is used. (Ed Act 1996)

Appendix (ii)

Procedures for MSAs managing unacceptable behaviour:

Behaviour / Suggested Action:
Infant Department Junior Department / Evidence / Monitoring
Level 1
/ Fresh start each lunchtime
  1. Verbal warning
  2. 5 minutes time out standing by wall and clear up mess if appropriate
  3. Repeat 2.
  1. Verbal warning
  2. 5 minutes time out standing by wall and clear up mess if appropriate
  3. Repeat 2.
/ Review at ½ termly MSA departmental meetings
Level 2 /
Fresh start each week
  1. 5 minutes time out standing by wall and clear up mess if appropriate and incident logged
  2. Get class teacher
  1. 5 minutes time out standing by wall and clear up mess if appropriate and incident logged
  2. Get class teacher who will decide on appropriate sanction
/ Record in lunch time behaviour log book and give information to class teacher / Staff monitor at departmental meetings
Two incidents of Level 2 logged in 1 week move to Level 3
Level 3
1. Get KS co-ordinator / 1. Get KS co-ordinator / Record in lunch time behaviour log book and give information to KS Co-ordinator / SMT to be informed of all incidents
Two incidents of Level 3 logged in 1 term move to Level 4
Level 4
  1. Get KS co-ordinator /DH/H
  1. Get KS co-ordinator /DH/H
/ Record in lunch time behaviour log book and give information to
KSCo/DH/H / SMT and Governors to be informed of all incidents and follow DfES guidelines
  • Emergency procedure: if a child is posing a threat to himself or others and refuses to co-operate, move the other children and inform Key stage co-ordinator, Deputy or Head. . Reasonable force may be used to prevent a child from committing a criminal offence, injuring themselves or others, damaging property, acting in a way that is counter to maintaining good order and discipline at school. Detailed records must be kept of all incidents where force is used. (Ed Act 1996)
  • Junior Department lunch time staff all use yellow books which go directly to the class teacher at the end of lunch. Teachers follow up anything that happens.

Appendix (iii): Lunchtime/Playtime/Assembly/Offsite Behaviour Log


Date / Name / Incident: / Action taken:

Rule off after each incident

Appendix (iii): Lunchtime/Playtime/Assembly/Offsite Behaviour Log


Date / Name / Incident: / Action taken:

Rule off after each incident