MSGP Quarterly Site Inspection Log


Name of Inspector:______

Weather Conditions: ______

The areas identified below are to be inspected for evidence of potential pollutants, tracking of material, evidence of any spills or leaks, evidence that all BMPs identified in the SWPPP either operational such as good housekeeping or structural such as concrete pads are effectively controlling pollutants, any signs of erosion around the site or has there been any change in operation which isn’t identified in the SWPPP.

Areas / Items to Inspect / Inspected / Acceptable / Corrective Actions
Processing Area
  • The areas around the car rack, metal cutting areas, are free of debris, fluids, & sediment
  • Secondary containment is free from debris & fluids
  • The concrete pad & travel way are free from debris, spills, & sediment
  • Any signs of leaks or spills
  • Used oil absorbent materials have been clean up

Material Storage Area
  • Material is contained and has not been tracked outside designated piles
  • All piles have been inspected for items which should not be included
  • Any signs of leaks or spills
  • All waste fluid containers are properly labeled & have adequate secondary containment
  • Motor blocks & other potential parts with fluids are properly stored

Equipment & Fleet Storage Area
  • All yard equipment/fleet vehicles and associated storage locations have been inspected for signs of leaks or spills
  • Any used spill absorbent material has been removed

Battery Storage Area/Mercury Switch Storage Area
  • All batteries are properly stored in designated area
  • Broken batteries are properly contained in labeled leak proof containment
  • All mercury switches are properly stored in covered/labeled mercury bucket and proper documentation is on file for disposal.

Spill Kit Material and Spill Response
  • Adequate spill response material is onsite (i.e. Speedy dry, oil absorbent pads, booms, catch basin covers, etc.)
  • All spills have been documented on spill log and reported to the Department

Stormwater Drainage
  • All stormwater outfalls are free of any potential pollutants
  • All drainage swales are free of debris, sediment, & other pollutants

Travel Way
  • The travel way has been inspected for signs of material tracking, erosion, and signs of drips or leaks

Further description of corrective actions including date action was initiated and completed:______


Are there any non-stormwater discharges?______

If yes, what are they?______

Are the non-stormwater discharges authorized under the MSGP?______

If no, state corrective actions for all unauthorized non-stormwater discharges.______


Does the SWPPP require and any modifications?______

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowingly violating the law.

Authorized Signature:______Date:______