Denver School of the Arts
Class Schedule for the 2017-2018 school year
High School
Attached to this sheet is your class schedule for the 2017-2018 school year. Student schedules are not available on parent/student portal until July when the district “rolls” everyone over to the 17/18 school year. The only way to view the schedule right now is through the hard copy that you will receive on May 1, 2017.
Need to see your counselor?
As you can imagine, our DSA counselors cannot see all 1000+ students during the month of May. If your schedule is fine – please do not sign up to see your counselor. If your question can easily be answered by an email, please email your counselor directly. The best way to have a quick question answered by your counselor is to email. This is both for parents and for students.
During the month of May, counselors will not see students concerning their 17/18 schedules without an appointment. Students and/or parents may sign up for an appointment at the counseling desk. The counselors will work through the list in order. You will be called out of your class. It is probable that you will not be called down the same day you signed up.
You may see your counselor just once so make sure you have all questions/concerns in order before signing up.
Mrs. Subhudhi (last names G - L) is on maternity leave. Miss Odom or one of the counselors is happy to help you.
Not returning to DSA?
If you are not returning to DSA and received a schedule, please let Miss Odom know.
Class changes that will NOT be honored
We will not change a student’s class schedule for the following reasons:
1)Don’t like the teacher. You selected a class – not a teacher. If the class is on your schedule, it will stay. In addition, staffing may change over the summer. You may end up with a different teacher because of unforeseen circumstances regardless.
2)Don’t like the period. You selected a class – not the period of the day. If the class is on your schedule, it will stay where it is.
Math for incoming 9th graders
All 2017-2018 math levels were given to the counseling department by the math department. These math placement decisions were thoroughly and thoughtfully made. If you do not agree with your math assignment, you must contact your current math teacher – not your counselor. DSA counselors will NOT make further switches in math levels without your current math teacher’s approval.
Foreign Language
If you believe you are in the incorrect foreign language level, you must contact a foreign languageteacher – not your counselor. DSA counselors will NOT make switches in foreign language levels without the teacher’s approval. The foreign language teacher will email us the change. Mr. Mallaney, Mr. Ceron or Mrs. Rall are our foreign language teachers.
Why don’t I see the block classes?
For purposes of printing the schedules, we ran the stripe day schedule (Wednesday’s schedule) only. We will have the same block format on Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri as we do this year.
How many classes do I need?
All DSA high school students must have 6 classes in the fall to meet Colorado Department of Education’s minute requirements for the October 1st count. All high school students may have one period off per day. Juniors and seniors may have 2 periods off per day. Some seniors may have even less in the spring if they are on track to graduate.
What is the deadline to change my schedule?
Students and parents have until May 26th at noon to make any changes to this schedule. Students may not change classes, periods, make a teacher switch, a level switch or add classes after the May 26thdeadline for the ENTIRE 17/18 school year. If you need to simply drop a class, email your counselor. You don’t need an appt to do that. Remember – you must maintain 6 classes in the fall.
Signed up for an AP class?
Remember – the cost of the AP test is $105. You must also purchase the textbook. Make sure to look online for the summer assignment.
Signed up for a CU Succeed class?
All CU classes will cost $250 per semester for the 17/18 school year. You will pay this in August at registration. The fall semester CU Succeed Social Studies is called American Political Systems. It will count for civics credit. In addition – many universities count this class for their intro civics credit as well. Registration for CU Denver will happen in the fall and spring, you will be given directions in your class on how to register for college credit.
What if I want to drop a class next fall?
Students have the first six weeks of each semester to drop a class without penalty on their transcript:
First semester = September 29, 2017
Second semester = February 16, 2018
After these end dates, a withdraw fail (WF) will be placed on the transcript.
How do I know what periods a class is offered?
The DRAFT master schedule is currently available online under the counseling section of the DSA website. Please keep in mind, just because a class is offered in the period you are interested, doesn’t mean it’s available. If a class is full, your counselor will not move you there. There are no “waiting lists” for classes.
Student Assistants
ALL student assistantships must be signed up for by May 26th by noon. No student assistantships will be added in the fall or spring. If you want to be a student assistant, please go to the main office or counseling office and pick up an assistant slip. You must take that to the teacher and have them sign it. Please return those slips to Miss Odom’s office. Miss Odom will add all assistantships to student schedules. An assistant WILL count as a 6th class. All student assistants who select to assist for the main office and counseling office are full year commitments. Students may not drop this assist in January – even with parent permission.
Honors vs NonHonors
If an honors section is available, all students were put into it. For example, English 1 has an honors option: English 1 Honors. What if you don’t want to take the class as honors?
All DSA high school students have the first four weeks of each semester
First semester = September 15, 2017
Second semester = February 2, 2018
to change to the “regular” section of a class. This will not change the period of the day. You will remain in the same class with the same teacher. Honors credit is on a 5.2 GPA scale, “regular” is on a 4.0 scale.
Don’t see an audition only/selection only class you thought you were suppose to be in?
Yearbook, History Day, Chamber, 4 Squared, Vocal Jazz, JWO, Calliope are all classes that you must have approval by the teacher in order to enroll. If it’s already on your schedule, then you’re good to go.
If you are still interested in being in the class, talk to the teacher first. The teacher will email the counselor if they want you in the class. Then make an appt with your counselor. All audition classes are only offered once a day. This means you may have to choose between it and another class.
AP Summer Assignments
If you sign up for an AP class, you must check to see if you have a summer assignment. Summer assignments are on the DSA website: homepage, students, counseling department, miscellaneous, Advanced Placement. You will see the summer assignments linked here by mid May.
Summer School Advancement
Some students like to take classes in the summer in order to advance in the fall. If you are interested in doing this, your class and grade must be turned into your counselor by Monday, August 14, 2017. If there is not room in the class, we will not move a student’s schedule regardless of the summer advancement.
High School Counselors
Last Names (Mon, Tues and Wed)
Last Names G- n maternity leave – may contact Miss Odom or a counselor
Last Names (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri)