What is the Green Army?
The Green Army is a 6-month programme for 17-24 yearolds to train and work in the environment.
Green Army projects include restoring native vegetation,heritage restoration, protecting animal habitats andregenerating wetlands in urban, rural and remote areas.
Who is involved?
The Green Army is for young Australians aged 17-24 yearswho want to participate in environmental projects in their localcommunities. It is open to school leavers, gap year students,graduates, and job seekers.
Project Hosts
Community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resourcemanagement organisations, environment groups, Indigenousorganisations, local councils and others can apply to host aGreen Army project.
Each year the Australian Government will call for project ideasthat have a clear environment or heritage conservation focusthrough project selection rounds.
Once your idea is successful you will become a Green Armyproject host. The first step is that a Service Provider will beallocated to your project and together you will agree on aproject plan that will detail roles and responsibilities. TheService Provider will then deliver the project on the ground.
Further information about these rounds includingeligibility and project guidelines is available at:
Service Providers
The Australian Government has engaged five ServiceProviders to help deliver the Programme. They areresponsible for recruiting participants and team supervisors,managing work health and safety, providing training, payingallowances, and overseeing project management.
The Service Providers are Campbell Page Limited togetherwith Skillset Limited; CoAct; Conservation VolunteersAustralia; Manpower Services together with LandcareAustralia Limited; and Workskil Australia Incorporated.
Project Hosts work closely with their allocated ServiceProvider to ensure the project is consistent with communityenvironmental plans and needs.
To find out your state’s or territory’s Service Provider, go to
What’s in it for you?
Project Hosts
- You can nominate projects that benefit the environment as well as your local community. This may supplement volunteer work already underway.
- A team of up to nine participants and a qualified team supervisor will support your project for up to 30 hours each per week.
- The team can carry out activities such as revegetation, habitat protection, weed control, cleaning up creeks and rivers and conserving national or Indigenous heritage places.
- The Green Army Programme covers costs associated with the team including:
- participant allowances
- supervisor wages
- safety clothing and basic equipment
- participant training
- local transport costs
- participant insurances
- items such as seeds, chemicals, fencing materials and
- equipment (with an average value of $10,000 per project).
You are paid
- You are paid an allowance during your placement in the Green Army, ranging from $614.40 to $996.60 a fortnight.
You will gain training, skills and contacts
- You will be trained in First Aid and Work Health and Safety before starting a project.
- You have the opportunity to do accredited training modules to help you prepare for the workforce or improve your career opportunities.
- You can meet people who are as interested in helping the environment as you are.
You will help deliver real benefits for the environment
- You’ll help a nationwide effort to clean up and protect Australia’s environment and lend a hand your local community.
- Activities include restoring native vegetation, rejuvenating wetlands and rivers, protecting animal habitats and conservingIndigenous heritage places.
You will be supported in a safe environment
- You will be given appropriate clothing and safety gear, including boots, trousers, hat, gloves, and shirts. Wet weather gear and jumpers or jackets for cold climates will be provided.
Want to know more?
Phone 1800 780 730