…………….. Primary School Headlines 2013-16
NB 2016 results and national averages are all provisional
EYFS / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016GLD
Keystage 1
Year 1 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016Phonics
By end Y2 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
*Mobility is not accounted for
NB:National expectations, assessment and testing arrangements for Y2 and Y6 changed in 2016 and results are, therefore, not directly comparable. Comparisons can, however, be made in relation to the national average in all years.
Year 2 / % L2B+ / Working at +% ARE / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / National
Reading / 74%
Writing / 66%
Maths / 73%
Y2 outcomes at the expected level in 2016 are………
Outcomes have, therefore, …………..
Year 2 / % L3 / Greater depth% ARE / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / National
Reading / 24%
Writing / 13%
Maths / 18%
Outcomes at greater depth are ………..
Keystage 2 Floor standards 2016: 65% RWM; average progress at least -0.5 R, -0.7 W, -0.5 M)
Year 6 / % L4B+(*except writing: TA = L4+) / Working at +
% at ARE / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / National
RWM / 52%
Reading / 66%
Writing * / 73%
GPS / 72%
Maths / 70%
Y6 2016 outcomes at the expected level are …………..
Outcomes have, therefore, ………….
Year 6 / % L5+(*except writing: TA) / Higher standard/
greater depth
% HS/GD / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / National
RWM / 5%
Reading / 19%
Writing * / 15%
GPS / 23%
Maths / 17%
Outcomes at the higher standard/greater depth are ……..
Attain-ment / Average Points Score(based on old level system) / Average scale
Score (tests)
2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / NA
Reading / 103.0
GPS / 104.0
Maths / 103.0
Year 6 / Value-added / Average progress
Progress / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / NA
Reading / 0
Writing / 0
Maths / 0
Progress over KS2 is ………..and is in the ………..% of all schools in reading and the ……….% in writing and the …….% in maths (see p25 Primary School Accountability in 2016)
Above NA / In line with NAOutcomes and analysis of all year groups
EYFS: Current overview of attainment and progress (in relation to the GLD areas)
% expected+ / Baseline (30-50E) / July 2016 (40-60E) / Progress / % just below expectedNursery (38) / 5% / 13% / +8% / 55%
% expected+ / Sept 2015 (40-60E)
Baseline / GLD June 2016 / Progress
Reception (66)* / 6% / 61% / +55%
* the YR cohort includes a number from the school’s YN and a significant number from outside.
Y1 – Y6 Current Attainment and Progress – September 2015 to July 2016
NBThe assessment of pupil attainment and progress has changed significantly and nationally from Sept 2015. All schools are implementing a new assessment system and teachers are making assessment judgements using a very different, curriculum-based approach and against higher national curriculum expectations. The %s on-track, at this stage, are lower than those found previously, in common with many schools. Assessment judgements continue to increase in accuracy and security.
Suggested expectations for attainment and progress:
- Work towards 85% on track, as this is the attainment measure in the new KS2 coasting standard;
- For typical progress, 90%+ in all year groups, depending on the % of pupils in each year group unable to achieve this as a result of cognitive difficulties.
July 2016 YR-6 % on-track to achieve age expected levels and progress
(STAR used for Y1, 3. 4 and 5. National interim frameworks for Y2 and Y6, ELGs for YR)
Year group / Reading / Writing / MathsJuly 16 / Typical+ Progress / July 16 / Typical+ Progress / July 16 / Typical+ Progress
R / 64% / 61% / 70%
1 / 85% / 88% / 85%
2 / 76% / 70% / 74%
3 / 68% / 53% / 74%
4 / 64% / 63% / 66%
5 / 63% / 58% / 70%
6 / 55% / 73% / 68%
NB: Progress figures have been omitted because baselines, established at the start of the year under previous leadership, have been found to be unreliable.
- Moderation of teacher assessments has taken place internally between year groups and externally with Pilgrims Way Primary and other schools;
- Data is considered to be much more secure than at the start of the year, when Target Tracker criteria were in use. However teacher assessment, using STAR, will continue to require further refinement in the coming year.