Minute of meeting held on the 8th of December 2011, Committee Room 3, Highland Council HQ, INVERNESS
Present:Mr Bill Alexander, Director of Social Work (chair)
Mr Alistair Dodds, Chief Executive, HC (Sponsor)
Mr Stuart Davidson, Youth Convenor, HC
Mr Steve Barron – Director of Housing and Property
Mr Jon King, Head of Integrated Children’s Services HC
DI Vince McLaughlin, PPU, Northern Const
Ms Kath Clarke, Lead Nurse CP Advisor, NHS
Ms Donna Munro, HCPC Training Officer, HC
Ms Pene Rowe, CP Development Officer, HCPC / Apologies:
Chief Constable George Graham, Northern Const
Ms Margaret Davidson, Councillor (Political Champion)
Mr Andrew Laing, Procurator Fiscal
Mr Tom Boyd, Authority Reporter SCRA
Ms Rhona Morrison, Chair of the Children’s Panel
Mr Ken Ross, Vice Chair Children’s Panel
Mr Hugh Fraser Director of Education Culture & Sport, HC
Ms Jan Baird, Director of Community Care, NHS Highland
Mr Stewart Fraser, Legal Manager, Highland Council
Ms Fiona Malcolm, Solicitor, Highland Council
Ms Lisa McClymont, Clerk to HCPC
Item /
Summary of Discussion
/Action Required
1. / Welcome and Apologies / Mr Bill Alexander welcomed those present, noting that attendance had been affected by the severe weather conditions.2. / Minutes of last meeting held on 13th of September2011 / These minutes were accepted as a true record of the last meeting of the Child Protection Committee held on the 13th of September 2011. However a number of errors were noted:
- Gordon Greenlees had been in attendance
- The spelling of the Youth Convener’s first name was incorrect and the surname of his predecessor was ‘MacIntosh’.
- Vince McLaughlin had been accorded the wrong rank and is a DI.
3. / Matters arising / 5b – Review of Communications: Mr Jon King and Mr Tom Boyd reported that there had been some slippage with this piece of work.
Ms Pene Rowe drew attention to a piece of work from the National CPC Coordinator, who had reviewed all CPC websites. Highland’s website was considered to have good content, especially for professionals, but was felt to be less user friendly for children and families. Jon King reported that usage of the website is increasing on a monthly basis and he is commissioning a Survey Monkey survey to be added to the website to gain insight into who is using the website and what their opinions of it are.
Ms Pene Rowe also reported that the national Public Awareness Reference Group had chosen the Highland CPC ‘See it, Hear it’ poster to feature in their 2012 calendar (March). She also circulated the 4 page Highland Life supplement produced to hi-light key achievements in the CPC and ASPC annual reports, the Highland Council Annual performance newsletter and the area health guide, featuring information about the CPC.
It was noted that the Annual Report had been presented to JCCYP and a request had been received for the executive summary to be in a format that would be more user friendly for Children and Young People. Mr Stuart Davidson reported that he had since had discussions with Ms Pene Rowe and recommended an approach similar to that used for the dissemination of the Lifestyle Survey results. It was agreed that Mr Stuart Davidson and Ms Pene Rowe should take this forward.
5d – Lead professionals for Transitions: Ms Pene Rowe reported that Lead professionals had been identified in each of the audited cases.
6a – Safer Highland Support Staff: Mr Bill Alexander reported that interviews for the Data Analyst post had not yet taken place. In addition, Ms Pene Rowe reported that recent interviews had failed to appoint additional administrative support.
7 – Response to Children’s Rights Consultation: Mr Jon King reported that the draft response had been taken to the JCCYP and additional comments had been added to the effect that the new duties rest with Ministers and it is unclear whether they are likely to devolve these to public bodies. / JK/TB
4. / Workplan / Review Event:
i – Feedback and priorities: The notes of the event and recommended priorities were agreed. It was noted that the CPC Delivery Group would meet in January to flesh out the activity to take the priorities forward. Mr Bill Alexander reported that he and Ms Pene Rowe had met with Ms Deborah Stewart, co-ordinator of the Alcohol & Drugs Partnership to take forward recommendations for a joint CPC/ASP event to review support for children of substance-misusing parents.
ii – Framework for Action Plan:Mr Jon King reported that he was in discussions with Mr Stuart Downie about changing the electronic format of the Integrated Children’s Services Plan to allow completed actions requiring ongoing monitoring to sit behind the current priorities, with electronic hyperlinks between the two. Ms Pene Rowe will consider how to reflect this in the paper version of the CPC section of the plan.
iii – Children with Disabilities: Mr Jon King reported that he has negotiated the use of the JCCYP morning seminar slot, on 20th January, for a presentation to elected members on the issues relating to Children with Disabilities. This will be followed by a workshop. He will be assisted in this by Ms Marlyn Campbell and Ms Pene Rowe,
It was agreed that the revised plan from the Delivery Group should be brought to the next CPC.
iv – Budget: Ms Pene Rowe requested approval of a standstill budget for 2012/13. This was agreed. / BA/PR/DS
5. / Standing Items:
Standing Items cont’d: / a)Safer Highland
- Minute of October 2011 meeting- Mr Bill Alexanderspoke to the minute of the last meeting of Safer Highland. He reported that following a recent fire resulting in a number of fatalities involving members of vulnerable groups it had been agreed that Safer Highland will pilot a scheme where SWS and Housing will work with Highland and Islands Fire and Rescue Service to identify vulnerable households and undertake targeted risk assessments.
- Safer Communities – Ms Pene Rowe reported that she would be meeting with Isabelle Kaminiarznext week.
- Support Arrangements-(Staffing issues – see Matters Arising 6b above) Ms Pene Rowe reported that Ms Moira Paton would be meeting with Development Officers on 16th December to progress a range of issues.
- Lead roles for Cross-cutting Issues–The meeting considered the paper from Safer Highland and the recommended Leads:
ii)Transitions – it was suggested that the greatest and most problematic link is for children of substance misusing parents. Mr John King is to discuss this with the ADP.
iii)Mr Jon King reported that the evaluation of the MAPPA/GIRFEC pilot is still awaited but Scottish Government appear to be selling it more widely across transitions, e.g. Children’s Hearings.
iv)Protection of Vulnerable Groups – It was suggested that this should sit with Highlife Highland. Mr Bill Alexander to speak to Ian Murray about leading on this priority and also about representation at CPC.
v)Sexual Exploitation, Trafficking and Organised Crime – it was felt that this was bigger than MAPPA and that further discussion was required at Safer Highland.
vi)Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse - Ms Pene Rowe reported that after discussion with Ms Moira Paton it was agreed that VAW should lead on this.
vii)Hate Crime – Ms Pene Rowe reported that there was already a group, outside Safer Highland, taking this forward. It was agreed that Ms Pene Rowe should speak with Ms Moira Paton and Ms Caroline Tolan about whether this should be removed from the Safer Highland list and how progress on this cross-cutting issue should be reported.
viii)Victims of Crime – It was felt that the lead for this lay with victim support groups. It was suggested that Safer Highland needs to reflect further on this.
ix)Disabilities – it was suggested that this should be merged with Transitions.
b)Delivery Group Minute- Two errors were noted:
Ian Murray has a new title as CEO of Highlife Highland
David Goldie is now Head of Housing.
- In respect of the proposal for deputising arrangements in the absence of the delivery Group Chair, Mr Bill Alexander agreed to discuss this with Supt Gordon Greenlees.
- In respect of Highlife Highland representation, Mr Bill Alexander will speak with Mr Ian Murray.
- Mr Jon King reported that it had been agreed to review all Child protection Orders taken out in Highland within an agreed 12 month period.
- It was agreed that the issue of NSPCC approaches to schools would be discussed between Mr Bill Alexander and Mr Jon King.
- It was agreed that Mr Jon King would contact Mr Hugh Fraser to suggest deleting current Safe and Well guidance on handling allegations against school staff and replace this with the new guidance note from Scottish Government. There should also be some discussion between them about any updates needed for the CPC interagency guidance.
d)Serious Case Reviews:
- Standardisation of SCRS - No further progress. It was noted that DCI Mark Mackay has had other pressing issues diverting him from this work. It was suggested that progressing this issue is now becoming urgent and DCI Mark MacKay may not be best placed to carry this forward. It was agreed that DI Vince McLaughlin should find out the definitive position.
- Action Plan for Baby H – Mr Jon King and Ms Kath Clarke spoke to the updated action plan. It was noted that one of the two 3rd sector projects involved in the case had withdrawn its worker from the North so that there would no longer be a need to action work around relationship issues. Mr Jon King would deal with that project separately from the action plan. It was reported that Ms Dawn Grant was dealing with the remaining project.Ms Kath Clarke agreed to request an update on progress. Additional information around the training issues was submitted by Ms Donna Munro for inclusion in the next update.
e)Planning for Integration – Mr Bill Alexander spoke briefly to the latest update report. Ministerial clearance has been given for Highland Health and Social Care Partnership. It was noted that discussions would be needed with the Chief Constable about the new geographic divisions. Mr Alistair Dodds suggested organising a meeting between the Chief Constable, the CEOs for NHS Highland and Highland Council, Ms Jan Baird and Mr Bill Alexander. DI Vince McLaughlin was tasked with exploring this idea with the Chief Constable.
f)Visual Recording of JIIs- Mr Vince McLaughlin spoke briefly to his update paper on Visual Recording. Clearer proposals are likely to be available in January 2012. It was agreed that protocols for VRI should be stand-alone until the CPC interagency guidance is rewritten following completion of the planned integration. / PR/AD
6. / National Issues / a)National Chairs Update–The papers for next week’s meeting had not arrived in time for the CPC meeting. Ms Pene Rowe agreed to circulate the December update with the minutes.
b)Advocacy Support for Children and Young People – Members were asked to note this consultation and the circulated link. / PR
8. / AOCB / a)Forced Marriage Guidance – The Guidance has been issued by Scottish Government and specifically makes CPCs, ASPCs and VAW strategy groups responsible for implementation. Safer Highland has identified VAW as the lead group for this cross-cutting issue. Ms Pene Rowe is therefore meeting with Ms Gillian Gunn net week to progress this.
b)CP Audit – Following a press article that had implied that a concerning number of infants were admitted to A&E having ingested illegal substances a retrospective audit and a further comparative audit were undertaken. Ms Kath Clarke reported that, in the case of under 5’s none of the cases involved illegal substances. Amongst older children self-harm and alcohol intoxication were issues requiring refreshing of additional protocol s to ensure follow-up. It was agreed that it was legitimate child protection activity to report concerns to the child’s named person and therefore not a breach of data protection.
Due to a photo-copying glitch Ms Pene Rowe was requested to re-circulate the audit paper. / PR/GGunn
9. / Date of next meeting of the HCPC / 20th of March 2012, 1000 – 1200 at the Highland Archive Centre.