English 102, Composition and Research

Instructor: Cathy Ruiz Course Syllabus, Page 1

Syllabus, English 102

Spring Quarter 2007

6pm-8:30pm Tuesday, Room BE 4130

Thursdays 6pm-6:50pm in Room 4130 and

7-7:30pm-8:30pm in Computer Lab Room BE3165

Instructor: Cathy Ruiz

SCCC Office: BE4109

Phone: 206-587-6908

Office Hours:5:30-6:00pm Tuesday and Thursday. Please make an appointment to meet me during these times.

Email: Out of class, I am best contacted by email.

Web Page:

Required Text: Writing Research Papers. 7th Edition. Weidenborner, Caruso and Parks.

Recommended Materials: A computer jump drive or disc to save your work done in the computer lab or a SCCC Copy Card.


Course Description: The focus of this English 102 class is to successfully complete a 12-15 page research paper and to further develop college-level critical thinking skills via reading, research and writing.

Course Exit Skills. Students will develop the ability to: 1) use research methods to locate and record accurate, valid information relevant to an academic research project; 2) be able to judge the value of the information you use including distinguishing between primary and secondary sources; 3) effectively synthesize source information into your writing with the use of quotes, paraphrasing and summarizing; 4) use a standard research documentation format (MLA for the purpose of this class) in your completed research paper; 5) demonstrate college-level critical thinking skills in analyzing and interpreting research information, and by successfully supporting your research thesis on paper and in presentation; 6) meet several assignment deadlines throughout the quarter. ______


  1. Research Paper Assignments. Turned in to instructor as paper copyonly on the date they are due. They are: Topic; Hypothesis and five-library sources; Annotated Bibliography; Outline; Five-page draft.

We will hold Peer Workshops for all of these assignments the day they are turned in (see schedule). At these sessions you will share your research assignments with other students and help one another with project plans. You must therefore bring 2 extra copies of workshop assignments for most workshops (see Schedule).

  1. Computer Lab Assignments: There will be six computer lab assignments that you must be present in the computer labs to receive.These assignments will be related to your research paper work. They will either be done on the textbook online site or on MS Word. Computer Lab assignments will only be accepted if they are completed on the day we meet in the lab.
  1. Essay paper: There will be one 5-page essay paper due. It will be based upon essay readings handed out the first week of class. This essay paper must contain a Works Cited page. Follow the essay information and format guidelines included in this Syllabus.

ON THE ESSAY PAPER. The 5-pageessay paper you turn in will be based upon a reading handed out the first day of class. It must include:

  • Thesis Statement: At the end of the first paragraph unless you begin with an anecdote.
  • A combination of the essay methods you learned in English 101: Narration and Description; Process Analysis; Example and Illustration; Definition; Cause and Effect; Comparison and Contrast; Argument and Persuasion; Analogy.
  • Use at least one outside source other than the essay readings to support your Thesis.
  • Use exact quotes from your sources in your writing.
  • Echo your thesis in your conclusion, but do not restate it.
  • Cite all sources (including essays) in a Works Cited page in MLA Style (to the best of your capability at this time) at the end of your essay on a separate page.

D.Final Research paper:You will choose your own topic. Since the research process is best done in stages, you will turn in a series of assignments related to your research paper project. Your final papermust be 12-15 pages long. It must accurately follow MLA guidelines. It will be turned in as paper copy in the classroom only.

* All assignments must be typed when turned in.Email submission of assignments will not be accepted except for computer lab assignments.



Essay Paper 100 points

Oral Presentation of Research: 100 points

Final Research Paper: 300 points

Assignments (includes Computer Lab Assignments, 6x10=60,

Research Paper Assignments=120, and Mid-Term=100) 280 points

Class Participation (*Attendance=195; **Workshops=25) 220 points

Total: 1000 points

* Attendance includes being in class each day with all relevant materials including your textbook. Approximately 3 points are accumulated for every day you are present in class.

** Workshops include bringing 2 extra copies of your assignments and participating in the peer review session.


I am here to help so don’t hesitate to make an appointment to meet in my office to talk. You may also email me with questions/concerns. At Week 7, I will hold conferences with each of you to discuss your research paper and your current grade standing in the class.


Class Policies:

1.Begin class with the understanding that you are responsible for your own learning. If you attend all classes, turn in all the assignments, essays and the research paper on time and write them to the best of your capability, participate in discussions, and exhibit sincere effort, you will do fine in this class.

  1. All assignments (including the final Research Paper) are due on the assigned date. Late papers will not be accepted.I strive to return assignments at least one week after they are turned in.
  1. Make every effort to attend all classes. You will receive the best learning experience from being in class every session. If you are ill or cannot attend class due to a medical emergency, a letter from your physician will be required to receive credit for days missed.

Remember: To simply stop attending class does not mean you are officially withdrawn from the class. It is your responsibility to follow through with the appropriate paperwork within the college’s withdrawal deadlines. If you do not officially withdraw, your grade at the end of the quarter will be based upon the work you did up to the time you stopped attending class.

  1. If you are late for class, it is your responsibility to inform me of your presence or you may be marked absent.
  1. Once you have arrived in class be courteous and remain for the entire class period. If you need to leave early, inform me before class begins or you will be marked absent for walking out of class early. Classes are small at Seattle Central, and those who walk out early disturb the rhythm of the class in session. So be courteous and remain seated. Likewise, if you are tired and cannot stay awake, don’t come to class.

Plagiarism: College policy on plagiarism is outlined in the SCCC catalogue. The rule basically states that if you are found to have used someone else’s writing anywhere in your work without citing it as an outside source, you will fail the assignment (if this assignment is the final research paper, there is a good chance you will also fail the class). You may also be subject to further disciplinary actions by the college.

Special needs: If you need classroom accommodations based on a documented disability, have emergency medical information, or you need assistance in case of building evacuation, please see me as soon as possible.


[Use this Format for the Essay

See the Student Research Paper Example for Final Paper Format]

English 102-Ruiz

Your Name

Current Email Address



Work should be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. Use a 12-point Font in Times Roman. Center the title of the work, then double space and begin with the manuscript text. Follow standard rules for grammar. Use the MLA guide for quote references and add a Works Cited page on a separate sheet at the end of your paper to list source information.

For each full page of text, your last name, and the page number should go in an upper right corner header. Example: Last Name - 2.



6pm-8:30pm, Tuesday and Thursday

READ = Read in Writing Research Papers

Text Web Address:

Any changes to this Schedule will be announced in class.

Week 1 April 2nd – 6th

READ:Part 1, Understanding the Research Process andDeciding on a Topic; Essay Readingand Assignment Handout


1) Introduction to English102. Syllabus and Class Schedule Review.

2) The Argument Essay; The Essay Thesis Statement; Research Sources: Used to back up an Argument Essay claim; Essay Assignment Review (due Week 3)

3) The Research Process; the Research Paper Timeline; the Research Topic (generating an idea)


6-6:50pm:Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Quoting (Part I, for the Essay)

7-8:30pm:Computer Lab (10)

Bring to each computer lab session: Your Student ID# so you can log in. Your textbook.

Computer Lab Assignments are due the day the lab meets (all Computer Lab Assignments are worth 10 Points).

Some assignments will be done on your textbook’s online site (or on other sites). Others will be typed using MS Word and can be printed out or emailed to me at the end of the lab.


Week 2 April 9th – 13th

READ: Part I, Moving from Topic to Hypothesis


1)Formatting your writing in MS Word; Formatting the Essay and the Works Cited page. You will need to adhere to this formatting in your Essay and in your Final Paper, but this also applies to all other assignments you turn in.

2) What is a Research Paper Style?

Using MLA Style:In-text citations (Parenthetical Documentation) and the Works Cited page.

REFER TO: Part V in your textbook, Documenting Sources, P. 234-239.

(This material will be coveredeach week for the next four weeks and perhaps longer if needed)

3) Discussion of Essay Readings


6pm: Research Paper Hypothesis; Review of assignment due next week:Essay

6:50: Research Paper Topic Due (10): One sentence to one/two paragraphs. Type out a description of your research paper topic at this point. If you are deciding between two topics, include them both. You must have your final research topic chosen by Week 4.

Peer Review Workshop (5): Most Workshops include bringing 2 extra copies of your assignment and participating in the peer review session.At these sessions you will share your research assignment with other students and help one another formulate project plans.

7:30pm: Computer Lab (10)


Week 3 April 16th – 20th

READ: Part II, Searching for Sources

Tuesday: 5-page Essay Due (100 Points). See ON THE ESSAY PAPER in your Syllabus. You are expected to know how to write a short argument paper from English 101 study. If you need additional help following the class review, please see me as soon as possible rather than doing the assignment incorrectly.

1) Sources: Primary and Secondary; Types of sources; the Working Bibliography

2)Using MLA Style:In-text citations (Parenthetical Documentation) and the Works Cited page.

REFER TO: Part V Chapter 18 in your textbook

3) Review of Assignment due next week:Hypothesis with 5 Library Sources.


6pm: LIBRARY WORKSHOP—meet in the Library instead of in the classroom.

7:30pm: Computer Lab (10)


Week 4 April 23rd – 27th

READ: Part II Working with Sources


1) Research Hypothesis with 5 Library Sources Due (10)

Peer Review Workshop (5): This Workshop includes bringing 2 extra copies of your assignment and participating in the peer review session.

2) The Working Bibliography as part of the Annotated Bibliography (Assignment due Week 6)

Taking Notes on Sources

3) Using MLA Style:In-text citations (Parenthetical Documentation) and the Works Cited page. REFER TO: Part V Chapter 18 in your textbook


6pm:Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Quoting (Part II, for the Research Paper)

7pm: Computer Lab (10)


Week 5 April 30th – May 4th

READ: Part II, Writing the Paper


1) Writing your Research Paper Draft

2) Research Writing Rules: grammar pertinent to research writing (Verb Tense; Personal Pronouns; Subject-Verb agreement)

3)Using MLA Style:In-text citations (Parenthetical Documentation) and the Works Cited page.

REFER TO: Part V Chapter 18 in your textbook


6pm: Writing concise sentences: Active voice,Review of Assignment due next week: Annotated Bibliography

7:30pm: Computer Lab (10)


Week 6 May 7th – 11th


1)Research Writing Style Issues:Word Choice; Connotation; Concrete and Abstract Language; Imagery

2) Research Writing Rules: Punctuation; Numbers written in text.

3) The Outline with review of assignment due next week.

4) Sign up for Student-Instructor conferences next week.


6pm:Annotated Bibliography Due (25). This Annotated Bibliography should list at least 7-10 sources related to your research project. Each source must be listed in MLA Style. Below each source write at least two sentences describing how the source will be used in your project.

Peer Review Workshop (5): This Workshop includes bringing 2 extra copies of your assignment and participating in the peer review session.



Week 7 May 14th – 18th

Tuesday: Student-Instructor Conferences. Meet me in my office, BE4109, at your appointment time. Bring any questions about your research project.

Class does not meet this week. You are to work on your research papers. If you do not attend your conference you will be marked absent for all four days.


6pm:Conferences continue until 6:30pm. This will be announced Week 6.


Using Tables and Footnotes; Appendixes

Midterm Review

Outline Due (25). Your Outline must include at least three main points with subtopic information. Related research sources can be noted if you have them.

Peer Review Workshop (5): This Workshop includes bringing 2 extra copies of your assignment and participating in the peer review session.


Week 8 May 21st – 25th


1) Oral Presentation of Research

(Sign up for Oral Presentation of Research Paper: Week 10)

2) Introductions; Conclusions; Titles

3) Revising your Paper. REFER TO: Chapter 16 in your textbook


6pm: 5-Page Draft of Research Paper Due (50). Your draft should consist of the first five pages of your research paper including the thesis statement. It must include a Works Cited page that lists all sources you have parenthetically referenced in this draft.

Peer Review Workshop (5): Share your draft with one other student. Use the Editing and Proofreading Checklist and in the paper’s margins make notations for any areas that need change under:

Introduction and Thesis Statement

Documentation and use of source information


7pm: Computer Lab Last One(10)


Week 9 May 28th – June 1st


1) Final Paper Checklist; Proofreading your Paper (Bring a copy of your next to final draft)

Thursday: Film. After viewing the film, write a Response Paper of two to five pages (minimum two). Use the instructions and questions handed out in class for guidelines. (15-30)


Week 10 June 4th – 8th

Tuesday, June 5th: Final Research Paper due in class (300).

Tuesday and Thursday:


Presenters: You must be prepared to present your research in the numerical order you signed up. You will not be allowed to reschedule unless you provide proof of a medical emergency.

Rehearse your presentation so that it does not go over the 15-minute limit!

Audience: If you are not presenting on a given day, you must still attend class as audience.

Thursday, June 7th, is the last day class meets. Enjoy your Summer.