CFAR Joint Symposium Research in Women
Abariga, SamuelTufts Medical Center /
Akullian, Adam
University of Washington /
Alisauski, Andrea
AIDS Arms /
Allen, Wanda
Harvard CFAR /
Anahtar, Melis
Partners /
Anastos, Kathyrn
Montefiore Medical Center /
Anderson, Deborah
Boston University School of Medicine /
Appiagyei, Ashley
Rwanda Zambia HIV Research Group /
Around, MD, David
Tufts University /
Avendano, MD, Juan
Baden, Lindsey
Brigham and Women's Hospital /
Balkus, Jennifer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center /
Baum, Linda
Rush University Medical Center /
Beaubien, Candice
Bell, MD, Tanvir
UT Health Science Center Houston /
Biswas, Nabanita
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth /
Boslett, MD, Bryn
Massachusetts General Hospital /
Brown, M.D., Gina
NIH, Office of AIDS Research /
Bryant, Vaughn
Brown University /
Buckley, Niall
Albert Einstein College of Yeshiva University /
Burke, Sara
Carpenter, M.D., Charles
Alpert Medical School of Brown University /
Celum, Connie
University of Washington /
Chan, Kee
Boston University /
Chapman, RN, Stacey
The Miriam Hospital /
Cohen, Mardge
Cohn, Susan
Northwestern University /
Coleman, Jenell
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine /
Cooper, Diane
Women's Health Research Unit, University of Cape Town /
Cormier McSwiggin, Chelsea
Brown University, Department of Anthropology /
Crear, La Cisha
The Afiya Center /
Crist, Sarah
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth /
Cuca, Yvette
University of California, San Francisco /
Cu-Uvin, MD, Susan
Brown University /
Dainton, Laura
Brown University /
Dehlinger, Marjorie
DiCesare, Rhonda
Lifespan/Tufts/Brown CFAR /
Elhassan, Osama
SNAP (Sudan National AIDS control Program) /
Embry, Alan
Fahey, John
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth /
Farel, MD, Claire
University of North Carolina /
Galarraga, Omar
Brown University /
Gesessaw, Hailay
Jimma Universty /
Ghartey, Jeny
Albert Einstein College of Medicine /
Ghebremichael, Musie
Harvard Medical /
Gillani, PhD, Fizza
Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University /
Godleski, Vicki
Lifespan/Tufts/Brown CFAR /
Goparaju, Lakshmi
Georgetown University - WIHS /
Greenblatt, Ruth
Haase, Ashley
University of Minnesota, Department of Microbiolog /
Hamilton, Susan
MGH Institute of Health Professions /
Harper, Walter
Brown University /
Heresi, Gloria
UT Medical School /
Herold, MD, Betsy
Albert Einstein College of Medicine /
Hodder, Sally
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School /
Horvath, Angela
Rwanda Zambia HIV Research Group /
Hudson, Linda
Tufts School of Medicine /
Hyde, Jennifer
Lifespan/Tufts/Brown CFAR /
Ingaciola, Mark
Harvard University Center for AIDS Research /
John-Stewart, Grace
University of Washington /
Jones, Deborah
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine /
Jones, Marsha
The Afiya Center HIV Prevention &
Sexual Reproduct Justice /
Kacanek, Deborah
Harvard School of Public Health /
Kahyaoglum MD, MPH, Ferahnaz
Harvard University /
Kantor, MD, Rami
Brown University /
Karim, Roksana
University of Southern California /
Keller, Marla
Albert Einstein College of Medicine /
Kelso, Gwendolyn
Boston University /
Kempf, Mirjam-Colette
University of Alabama /
Kimani, Makobu
Kenya AIDS Control Project /
Gakii Kimani, Gloria
University of Manotoba - Nairobi /
Klingman, Karin
Kohler, Pamela
University of Washington /
Kojic, E. Milu
Brown University/The Miriam Hospital /
Kosgei, Rose
University Of Nairobi /
Krause, Kathleen
Brigham and Women's Hospital /
Kuo, Caroline
Brown University /
Landay, Alan
Rush University Medical Center /
Latta, Aimee
Bridge Over Troubled Waters /
Lee, Ann
Lienkamp, Brianne
Amedysis, MassBay Community College /
Loewenthal, Helen
The Miriam Hospital /
Luque, Amneris
University of Rochester Medical Center /
MacCarthy, Sarah
Miriam Hospital and Brown University /
Madan, Rebecca
Albert Einstein College of Medicine /
Makinde, Hadijat
Rush University /
Marc, Linda
Harvard School of Public Health /
Marx, Grace
University of Colorado /
Matthews, Lynn
MGH Center for Global Health /
Maxwell, Julia
Massachusetts General Hospital /
McClelland, R. Scott
University of Washington /
McFall, Allison
Johns Hopkins /
McGrath, Janet
Case Western Reserve University /
Mills, Lisa
Mirmonsef, Paria
Rush University Medical Center /
Miron-Shatz, Talya
Ono Academic College /
Mooney, Jessica
Legacy Project, Office of HIV/AIDS Network /
Moonzwe, Lwendo
University of Connecticut /
Morse, Diane
University of Rochester School of Medicine /
Moses, Agnes
Mtisi, Velda
Adult Rape Clinic /
Mtonga, Masauso
National AIDS Preventation Center /
Mugo, Nelly
Kenyatta National Hospital /
Mukura, Lucy
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth /
Murnane, Pamela
University of Washington /
Murphy, Kerry
Albert Einstein College of
Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center /
Murray, Kate
Mwanahamuntu, Mulindi
Uniniversity Teaching Hospital /
Nance, Christina
Baylor College of Medicine /
Njuguna, Irene
University of Nairobi /
Norman, Chenelle
Brown University /
Nunn, Amy
Brown University /
Ochsenbauer, Christina
University of Alabama at Birmingham /
Okunbor, Osarenoma
Harvard Medical School /
Olson, Jennifer
Lifespan/Tufts/Brown CFAR /
Orbach, Shari
Merck /
Oshri, Assaf
University of Rochester /
Overbaugh, Julie
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center /
Papas, Rebecca
Brown University School of Medicine /
Parker, Sharon
Brown University /
Patel, Mickey
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth /
Penniman Dyer, Typhanye
University of Florida /
Petro, Emily
Boston University /
Plank, Rebeca
Brigham and Women's Hospital /
Poole, Danielle
University of Washington /
Psaros, Christina
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital /
Rahangdale, Lisa
University of North Carolina /
Rana, MD, Aadia
Alpert Medical School at Brown University /
Ray, Verneda
MBMH/DPH Lemuel Shattuck Hospital /
Reid, Paula
University of North Carolina Wilmington /
Reiter, Laura
Riley, Elise
Roan, Nadia
University of California San Francisco /
Rodriguez-Garcia, Marta
Dartmouth Medical School /
Rosen, Rochelle
The Miriam Hospital /
Setaruddin, Monica
Harvard School of Public Health /
Shafi, Juma
University of Washington
University of Nairobi /
Shah, Brandi
University of Washington
Seattle Children's Hospital /
Shaw, Julia
The Miriam Hospital /
Shen, Zheng
Dartmouth College /
Shumba, Constance
De Liao Private Limited /
Siddiqui, MD, Robaab
Baylor College of Medicine /
Sinabamenye, Robertine
San Francisco Project /
Smeaton, Laura
CFAR, Harvard School of Public Health /
Spangler, Sydney
Emory University /
Spear, Greg
Rush University Medical Center /
Sullivan, Kristen
Center for Health Policy and
Inequalities Research /
Tang, Alice
Tufts University School of Medicine /
Teitelman, Anne
Universitiy of Pennsylvania.PennCFAR /
Tsai, Alexander
Robert Wood Johnson Health and
Society Scholars Program /
van den Berg, Jacob
The Miriam Hospital /
Venkatesh, Kartik
Brown University /
Veronese, Fulvia
Wanke, Christine
Tufts University School of Medicine /
Watts, Heather
Waxman, Aliza
National Institutes of Health: Office of AIDS Research /
Webel, Allison
Case Wester Reserve University /
Weber, RN, Kathleen
Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) /
Weiss, Stephen
University of Miami /
Westreich, Daniel
Duke University /
Wilson, Katherine
University of Washington /
Wilson, Ira
Brown University /
Wira, Charles
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth /
Yolken, Annajane
The Miriam Hospital /
Young, Mary
Georgetown University- WIHS /
Zaller, Nick
The Miriam Hospital /