Important MA in Education-Instructional Leadership Program Information
MA in Education-Instructional Leadership candidates who demonstrate competencies aligned with Washington State Professional Certificate standards will be awarded up to 10 graduate credit hours toward the 32-credit degree. Candidates must submit a portfolio for juried review. If the candidate is determined to be at or beyond the Descriptions of Practice level, s/he may be awarded up to 10- tuition-free credits. To submit a portfolio, candidates must adhere to the following guidelines.
Portfolio Submission Guidelines
To submit your portfolio through mail:School of Education and Movement Studies
Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
Attn: MAEIL Portfolio Assessment/Tony Aho
Or during business hours (M-F 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), you may bring your portfolio directly to the School of Education Office:
Hauge Administration Building Room 121
Attn: MAEIL Portfolio Assessment/Tony Aho
1. Submitted portfolios must follow content and construction guidelines as described in OSPI Professional Certification Handbook and implemented by approved Professional Certification programs.* Portfolios may contain no more than 12 entries. The entries need to be complete and provide clear and convincing evidence of “at standard” performance.
2. No paper portfolios will be accepted for review.
3. All portfolios must be submitted to the School of Education & Movement Studies at Pacific Lutheran University within the consideration dates to be assessed. Please see the following program timeline:
a. March 19, 2009 Submission of Professional Portfolio for consideration in early decision. (April 1, 2009 decision issued on Professional Portfolio).
b. May 18, 2009-Final date for submission of Professional Portfolio for consideration for 2009. (June 1, 2009, decisions issued on Professional Portfolio).
c. June 15, 2009-Classes begin.
4. All portfolios must be clearly labeled:
Candidate Name: ______Address:
Street/Apt. ______City: ______State:____ Zip:______
Telephone # ( ___) ______
Professional Certification Program/University:______
Date of Successful ProCert Program Completion:______
Portfolio Submission Date to PLU for MAEIL Assessment:______
5. Portfolios must include:
a. Student Learning Context Profile
b. Completed Professional Growth Plans
c. Completed Entries in template format** (no more than 12)
d. Final Reflection
6. Entries must include (template format)**
a. Cover Sheet:
i. Brief description of Entry
ii. Explanation of how the Entry demonstrates the state criteria
b. Goal Selection/Rational:
i. What did you intend to accomplish to impact student learning?
ii. In what ways is the plan data driven, research based, appropriate to context?
c. Process:
i. Describe the process/implementation of this area of focus in your classroom practice.
d. Evidence:
i. List, briefly describe and hyperlink the evidence you have gathered to demonstrate the impact of your professional growth on student learning.
e. Analysis and Reflection:
i. As you reflect on your impact on student learning in this area, what are some next steps that might guide future efforts and professional growth?
* For more information regarding portfolio content, please check the OSPI website, and Professional Certification Handbook: