Buchanan Parent Council Minutes - September 17, 2014

In attendance: Linda DeMedeiros, Nick Gordon, Chris McCue, Desi McCue, Kim St. Croix, Amie Kirou, Dora Metaxas, Maria Constas, Anastasia Antoniadis, Pat Grace, Wendy Grace, Kim Kozovski, Marlene Element, Sagun Lohli, Lorrie Element, Karen Martin

1.Welcome & Introductions:

  • Chris opened meeting. All in attendance introduces themselves.


  • Chair position - Nominations for Chris McCue and Marlene Element. Decided and agreed that this year the Chair position would be joint with Chris and Marlene.
  • Kim Kozovski- volunteered for Secretary
  • Treasurer- joint position with Kim St. Croix and Anatasia Antoniadid

3.Treasurer Report

  • $1500.00 Buffer
  • $5150.39 (Cash-Spendables)
  • Last year Bar-B- Q made $4477.05

4.Principal Comments:

  • November 5th, 2014, Buchanan is having its District Review. Trustee's and Principal's come to Buchanan and interview students only. They do not interview teachers or other staff.

5.Funding Requests

  • Kindergarten Playground- more fundraising to come this year. Currently have $12,000.00 need another $12,000.00 for installations. Alternatives to the playground are "Playscapes". Outdoor spaces that let kindergarten learn using nature and the outdoors.
  • Ms. Raynor requesting $300.00 for the Grade 7/8 "Positive Ticketing Program" This will be used to provide prizes. (APPROVED)
  • Mr. Alexander requesting $500.00 for the "Prefect" program. This will be for Pizza lunch and for a field trip. The program has about 30 children involved. (APPROVED)
  • Ms. Mittal requesting $200.00 for the Student Council- start up funds for school spirit, posters, Fall Food Drive incentives. Halloween/Candy Grams. Pizza lunch. (APPROVED)
  • Wendy Grace attends the Crayola Sale. Prizes for Bar-B-Que or any other areas.

$200.00 (APPROVED)

Other business:

Proposed meetings for the year:

- November 20th

- January 22nd

- March 12th

- May 7th

Other items:

- All volunteers for school activities must have a Criminal Record Check done.

Forms can be picked up at the office.

Kindergarten realignment- classes were combined:

Both Mrs. Hernandez and Ms. Pang's classes have 29 students and one ECE.

Ms. Siddiqi has been moved to the arts department.

There are co-op students from Ryerson with the Kindergarten clases.

EQAO- Buchanan has a 18% decline in results. Our school encourages all students to write the test. The school has improvement plans in place.

A school climate survey was conducted with students from Grades 4-6. 86% feel that they belong. This survey had generally positive feedback.

Fundraiser item:


Funscript (Gift Cards)

Mr. Gordon has applied for a Buchanan Web Site.

NEXT MEETING: NOVEMBER 20th, 2014: 7:00p.m.