Combined ATR 07/08 & WSP 08/09
! ! ! P L E A S E R E A D ! ! !
ANNUAL TRAINING REPORT (1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008)
WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009)
529 Belvedere Street, AgriSETA House, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 | Postal: PO Box 26024, Arcadia, 0007
Phone: (012) 325-1655 | Fax: (012) 325-5845 | email: Web:
The Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) Grant application combined with the Annual Training Report (ATR) Grant application is fixed as a percentage of levies paid by an employer. An employer who makes an application on time and in the proper manner will receive 50% of the total of the levies paid over to SARS in the period 1 April 2008 to March 2009 (2008/09). This grant application has been prepared in terms of Annexure 2, Skills Development Act, 1998, Seta Grant Regulations, Application for Mandatory Grant by Employer [Regulation 6(1)(A)].
The Workplace Skills Planning (WSP) Grant and the Annual Training Report (ATR) Grant are central to skills development system, which is responsive to the economic and social needs of South Africa. The ATR allows employers to monitor the achievement of the skills priorities and skills development objectives that were outlined in the WSP. Where there are variations between the WSP and the ATR, the ATR provides employers and Skills Development Facilitator's (SDF’s) with an opportunity to analyse reasons for non-completion of planned training.
AgriSETA recognises the need for absolute discretion in respect of the information requested in the grant application and employers are assured that all information received will be treated with the highest regard for confidentiality. Information received in the grant applications are aggregated for the purposes of the Sector Skills Plan (SSP), research and strategic directives.
NOTE: As government is focusing on the eradication of skills in which a shortage exist. Employers and SDF’s are advised to, in as far as possible, align their WSP’s to the Agri-sector’s scarce and critical skills as recorded in Chapter 4 of the Sector Skills Plan. The Sector Skills Plan can be downloaded from our website.
· If the employer does not claim a mandatory grant by the deadline date, the Seta must immediately (in terms of the relevant regulations) transfer the employer’s unclaimed mandatory grant funds to the discretionary grant fund.
· In terms of the relevant regulations, requests for extensions and late grant submissions will NOT BE ACCEPTED by the Seta. The penalty for submitting mandatory grant applications late is losing the grant in full. The only exception to this is where an application for the WSP is submitted within 6 months of registration in the case of an employer who has registered for the first time in terms of section 5(1) of the Skills Development Levies (SDL) Act.
· A Seta may not pay any grant to an employer who is liable to pay the SDL in terms of section 3(1) of the SDL Act unless the employer:
☼has registered with the Commissioner in terms of the SDL Act
☼has paid the levies directly to the Commissioner in the manner and within the period determined in the SDL Act
☼is up to date with the levy payments to the Commissioner at the time of approval and in respect of the period for which an application is made
☼has submitted a WSP & ATR within the timeframes prescribed
☼is registered with AgriSETA and the levy contributions are up-to-date.
· Employers who fail to meet the prescribed criteria will forfeit the grant.
· The WSP and the ATR completed correctly and submitted in the required format.
· The WSP and ATR must be submitted to AgriSETA by no later than 30 JUNE 2008 in terms of the Department of Labour deadline.
· In terms of Section 10(2) of the Grant regulations, a SETA may not pay a Mandatory Grant to an employer unless the employer has submitted a Training Report in respect of the implementation of the previous year’s Workplace Skills Plan. This means that an employer, who has not submitted a WSP in 2007/2008, will not be able to claim a Grant in 2008/2009. They will only qualify for a Grant in 2008/2009 if they have submitted a WSP for 2007/2008, a ATR for 2007/2008 and a WSP for 2008/2009
All registered SDF’s have access to AgriSETA’s SMS System, where they are able complete and submit the WSP’s and ATR’s online, check Levies received, Grant Payments and update organisation information. To access this system please go to our website at under Levies and Grants, click on the link “SDF Logon” or go to For username and Password queries please contact Amandie or Racquel at 012-325-1655.
Combined ATR 07/08 & WSP 07/08
ANNUAL TRAINING REPORT (1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008)
WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009)
529 Belvedere Street, AgriSETA House, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 | Postal: PO Box 26024, Arcadia, 0007
Phone: (012) 325-1655 | Fax: (012) 325-5845 | email: Web:
Completion & Submission of ATR & WSP
q Only make use of the latest available formats. No previous formats will be accepted!
q Do not change or delete any part of the new formats.
q Select the correct format for your company: Less than 50 PERMANENT employees or
: More than 50 PERMANENT employees.
q Ensure document is completed in full before sending it to AgriSETA
q Do not complete a “Hard Copy” if already completed/submitted On-Line and visa versa
q Hard Copy: Fax / E-mail or Post document:
- (Less than 50: Sent Page 2 up to Page 7 & Proof of Training)
- (More than 50: Sent Page 2 up to Page 12 & Proof of Training)
q On-Line Submission: Only fax /E-mail (scan) or Post:
- The Signed authority page and the Proof of Training!
q No Exemptions OR Extensions will be granted for late submission!
Proof of Training:
You are required to submit proof of training (stated as completed on the ATR 2007/2008) in order for AgriSETA to Approve the Mandatory Grant Application for Payment.
We request only a MAXIMUM of 5 (Five) pages of proof of training per SDL number.
Proof of training for 1 April 2007 up to 31 March 2008 may consist of the following:
TYPE OF PROOF: / IMPORTANT INFO WITH REGARD TO PROOF:(Dates & company name must be clear on all proof)
1. / Copies of Invoices:
(Preferred proof) / q Ensure invoice date are clear and for the correct
scheme year (1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008)
q Ensure the company name is clearly stated on the
2. / And /Or Copies of Certificates: / q If company name is not stated (printed) on
certificate the company stamp must be on the
3. / And/ Or Copies of Attendance
Registers / q Ensure the company name is clearly stated on
attendance registered (Company stamp may also
be used)
q Ensure the period of training and/or date is clearly
4. / And/ Or Summary of Training:
(For In-house training only) / q This is only for In-house training!
q Must be on company letterhead
q Date/Period of training must be clearly stated
q Training programs completed must by clearly
q Must be signed by owner/manager/partner/trustee
Incompletion of ATR & WSP:
If any part of the document is incomplete or incorrect AgriSETA will notify the SDF at our earliest convenience. Insufficient detail or errors on these applications needs to be corrected and resubmitted within 22 working days of notification by AgriSETA. (See the Mandatory Grant Policy on our website) If not the application will be regarded as a late submission and the employer will forfeit their grants.
Mandatory Grants are being disbursed quarterly. You will receive the dates of payment with you Approval letter. Take note that we do not sent any payment remittances as all info are available on the SMS system.
All registered SDF’s has a username and password to logon to the system. It is the SDF’s responsibility to inform employer of latest Grant Payments, new information or outstanding documentations.
Please visit our website on a regularly basis for new updates and info!
OFO (Organising Framework for Occupations)
OFO: Completing the of On-Line Version: 50 +
In future Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) will be structured according to the newly designed Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO). This year you will find two options when completing WSP for 50 or more Permanent employees. When completing the WSP08/09 part, you can now either select the OFO dropdown or only select the main occupations (e.g. Managers, Professionals); whichever is most convenient to you. Although the new format is more intensive to complete we urge employers/SDF’s to, if possible, complete the new format. This will assist us in piloting the new OFO based system.
We however wish to stress that completing the OFO format is NOT compulsory – if you prefer to make use of the normal format, you will not be penalized in any manner.
Should you be kind enough to elect to complete the OFO format we will appreciate feedback on the process and the complexity of completing this document. It will be appreciated if you could mail or fax your feedback to Amandie Gerber at , Fax: 012-325-5845
OFO: Voltooiing van “On-Line” weergawe: 50 +
In die toekoms gaan Werkplekvaardigheidsplanne (WSPs) gebruik maak van ‘n nuwe sisteem wat op internasionaal gedefinieerde okkupasies gebasseer is – genaamd die “Organising Framework for Occupations – OFO”. Vanjaar is daar twee keuses vir die gene wat 50 of meer permanente werkers indiens het. Wanneer u die WSP08/09 gedeelte voltooi het u die keuse om die OFO “dropdown” of net die Hoof Okkupasie Groepering (bv. Managers, Professionals) te kies, wat ookal die mees gerieflikste is vir u. Alhoewel die OFO formaat meer detail verg, moedig ons werkgewers/SDF’s aan, om waar moontlik, die OFO formaat te voltooi. Dit sal ons baie help om die nuwe stelsel uit te toets.
Ons onderstreep egter dat dit NIE verpligtend is om die OFO formaat te voltooi nie – as u steeds die gewone weergawe verkies, verseker ons u dat u geensins gepenaliseer sal word nie.
Sou u so gaaf wees om die OFO formaat te voltooi sal ons dit waardeer indien u vir ons terugvoer sal gee rakende die proses en moeilikheidsgraad rondom die voltooiing daarvan. Stuur asb ‘n e-pos of faks in die verband aan Amandie Gerber by , Fax: 012-325-5845
The drop-down menu from which relevant occupations can be selected is structured as follows:
· The first drop down menu lists the main categories (eg. managers, professionals, etc).
· Once you decided within which category you wish to complete the information (e.g. managers), click on it and a second drop down list will appear. This drop-down lists all the 6-didget managerial occupations in the OFO which are believed to be directly related to the Agrisector. You have to select from these occupations when completing the WSP. (It is important to keep in mind that you complete the 6-didget list.)
· If you are not certain, you can click again on any of the occupations (e.g. Managers) and a descriptor and alternative titles/areas of specialisation for the occupation will appear. Once you are satisfied that the occupation you wish to complete is accurately enough described, return to the 6-didget occupation and complete the WSP.
· If you cannot find an occupation (or its alternative title or area of specialization) which describes the occupation you want to record, sufficiently, use the “other” field – in this case type in the name of the occupation as you would like to see it reflected and complete the numeric part as required. (This will assist us largely to expand the OFO to, in future more accurately list agri sector occupations).
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