World Environment Day Grant Application Form
To celebrate World Environment Day 2018 Melton City Council will award five grants of up to $2000. Applications will be open to environment groups working on public land within the City of Melton, or environment and other groups working in a public capacity on environmental projects. To be eligible for these grants groups must complete the form below and submit it by 5pm on Tuesday 1 May 2018. Groups will be notified by Tuesday 22 May 2018 of the results.Council is looking for projects that have an impact on the local environment and/or improve the local community’s knowledge of environmental assets or programs.
This grant is available to environment groups or organisation doing environmental projects that are:
- Incorporated or have an auspicing agreement and have public liability insurance and an ABN
- Located within the City of Melton working on public land or involving the Melton community (eg community environmental education programs, revegetation program)
- Permanently based in the City of Melton and/or provide ongoing service or programs in the City of Melton
Assessment of the grant applications
The following weighting will be used to assess the grant applications:
- environmental / sustainability benefits of project (35 %)
- community benefits and communication of the project (35%)
- management of the grant - realistic plan, budget, time frame (30%)
- Your group’s details and eligibility
Name of group: / ABN:
Contact name:
Mailing address:
Phone number: / Mobile number:
Is your group incorporated? . Yes No
(If yes, please attach current copy of incorporation.)
Does your group have public liability insurance? Yes No
(If yes, please attach current copy of liability insurance.)
Where is your group based (geographically) and what programs are the main focus of your group?
- Assessment criteria
Environmental / Sustainability benefits of the project (35%)
Please describe the project you are intending to complete. Points will be awarded for projects that address issues of significant environmental benefit, impact substantially on local sustainability, and/or impact on large areas. Projects/programs must be located in the City of Melton.
Description of the project:
What are the main environmental/sustainability benefits, impact or outcomes of the project?
Community benefits and communication of the project (35%)
Please describe the community benefits of your program. The aim of this section is for the project to reach a wide number of people, particularly those in groups that are hard to reach. Points will be awarded for projects that reach a large number of people, and/or reach people not currently involved in environmental projects eg culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
What are the community benefits of your project?
Please describe how you will communicate your project to the wider community in Melton? The aim is to have a communication plan as part of your project such as a Facebook page, a web-site, or a specific method to distribute information about the project. Points will be awarded for a plan that can reach more than 30 people in the community.
How will you communicate your project to the wider Melton community and involve them?
Management of the Grant (30%)
Please describe the proposed budget for your project, the timelines and key steps. The aim of this section is to ensure you have a clear understanding of what you are planning, how much it will cost, and how you will go about it.Points will be awarded for a clear breakdown of the budget expenditure and a step by step plan of the project. It is preferred that the project is completed within 12 months.
What is the proposed budget for the entire project including how the $2000 grant will be spent?
What are the timelines and the key steps of the project (when will it start, what are the major dates or milestones and when will it finish?)
- Presentation ceremony attendees
Successful applicants will be required to attend a presentation ceremony on Tuesday 5 June 2018 at 3.30pm-5pm.Please list the names and contact numbers of five or more members of your group who are able to attend the presentation ceremony.
Name: / Contact number:
Name: / Contact number:
Name: / Contact number:
Name: / Contact number:
Name: / Contact number:
If you received a World Environment Day Grant last year (2017) you will need to provide information in section 6 below.
- Declaration
- In submitting an application for the Environmental Grant I certify that all details supplied are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that the application has been submitted with the full knowledge and agreement of the people and groups named.
- I understand that there is no guarantee that funding will be provided. The application will be assessed against the criteria by an assessment panel.
- I agree to contact Melton City Council in the event that any information regarding this application changes or is found to be incorrect at least four (4) weeks prior to the program / project or at the time identified.
- I will acknowledge Melton City Council’s support for the program/ project in any information provided with the words: “Supported by Melton City Council”.
- I understand that if funds are approved and made available, the project must be completed within the agreed time frame.
- I understand that the purchase of any non-voluntary labour expenses will be obtained through providers registered for GST with an Australian Business Number.
- At the completion of this project, I agree to provide Melton City Council with photographs, expenses accounted for, receipts attached and a final report on the available form.
- I understand Melton City Council is collecting the personal information requested on this form for the purpose of determining the Environmental Grant and will be solely used by Melton City Council for this purpose and any secondary purposes associated with the conduct of this program.
- I understand that information about the project submitted to Council becomes the property of Melton City Council to be used at its discretion including Council publications and website for the purpose of promoting the Environmental Grants Program and exchanging ideas about community projects.
Signature / Date
- Submitting your application
Please submit your application by 5pm, Tuesday 1May 2018 to:
City Design, Strategy and Environment Department
PO Box 21
Melton VIC 3337
Melton Civic Centre
232 High Street, Melton
For any queries please contact the City Design Strategy and Environment Department on 9747 7200 or email
- Report on 2017 Environmental Grant
If your group received this grant in 2017, please complete the section below.
Name of project:
How was the project executed (when, by whom, final results etc…). Please attach receipts where possible. Please also attach 2-5 photos.
Expenditure of funds: statement by Office holder
I (name)
being the President Secretary Treasurer (select one) of this group, hereby state that the previous grant funds received for this project were expended as described.
Signature / Date