Welcome Students!
Twelve mathematics faculty members are collaborating in “cohorts” to combine their experience, energy and efforts to provide students with enhanced learning experiences to promote student retention and success. There are Math 20, Math 31, Math 81 and Math 84 cohorts with thirty-two cohort classes taught by these twelve full-time and adjunct faculty members.
The foundation of our philosophy is that “students learn best when they are actively involved
in the learning process”. Cohort faculty use a variety of teaching techniques to meet the needs of diverse learning styles. and active learning methods are the primary methods of instruction. If you have a “hands-on”, “learn by doing” attitude, then a cohort class is for you!
Shared Office Hours
One advantage for cohort students is that students may visit any of the cohort instructors during their scheduled office hours. This gives you more access and one-on-one time with instructors.
S. Boosheri
Math 31/84 / MC 39 / TTh 11:00AM-12:30 PM / Mon 9:30-10:30 AM, Math 31/20
C. Dalton
Math 84 / AET 240 / MW 5:00-7:00 PM / None
B. Bronie
Math 31/84 / AET 207 / Tues. 3:10-3:40 PM
Thurs. 3:30-4:00 PM / None
T. Green
Math 20/31/84 / MC 32 / TTh 3:15-4:15 PM / Mon 11:00-12:00 PM, Math 20
Wed 11:00-12:00 PM, Math 31
M. Lopez
Math 31/84 / MC 58 / Mon. 8:15-9:15 AM
Tues. 9:00-10:00 AM
Thur. 1:00-2:00 PM / Thurs. 8:15-9:15 AM, Math Lab
F. Manion
Math 81 / MC 28 / Mon. 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Tue. 10:00-11:00 AM / Math 21/32 Wed. 1:00-2:00 PM
Math 81/84 Thu. 1:00-2:00 PM
M. Martinez
Math 20/81 / MC 41 / MW 12:45-1:45 PM
4:45-5:45 PM / Math 81 1:30-2:30 PM
Q. Phung
Math 84 / MC 62 / Th 8:00-9:00 AM
MW 12:45-1:45 PM / Tue 8:00-9:00 AM, Math 84
J. Quevedo
Math 20/31/81/84 / MC 37 / Tues/Thur 8:15-9:15 AM / Math 81 Mon. 8:15-9:15 at BSL
Math 31/20 Wed. 8:15-9:15, MC 84B
N-B. Simpson-Rodgers
Math 20/81 / MC 24 / MW 5:25-5:55 PM / None
J. Sims
Math 84 / MC 23 / Mon 9:30-10:30 AM / None
A. Tsvikyan
Math 31/81 / MC 23 / Mon. 8:15-9:15 AM / None
All Cohort Members Are “Networked” Through the e-Companion Web Site
Instructors and students in each cohort are electronically “networked” in a virtual
workspace through the e-Companion web site. Asynchronous chat is available as well
as access to course materials & information that is posted at the course shell.
To participate, students must enroll in the appropriate course shell:
Math 20E, Section Number 3391 Math 81E, Section Number 3389
Math 31E, Section Number 3390 Math 84E, Section Number 2749
Each section is 0 units and there are no additional fees to pay. There is no “grade”
for this section and it will not appear on your academic transcript.
Supplemental Instruction (S.I.) For Math Cohorts
Supplemental Instruction is provided by successful SMC students who have done
well in mathematics courses and have the qualities of an “S.I. Leader”. These peer students, or “S.I. Leaders”, have the knowledge and skills to assist you in learning mathematics. S.I. Leaders also provide information on learning techniques, study skills and campus resources.
Most cohort classes have an S.I. Leader who will assist students both in and outside
of the classroom. “S.I.’s” meet with students at S.I. Sessions on scheduled days & hours at the Basic Skills Math Lab & AET Math Lab. These sessions are designed
to supplement classroom instruction for further engaged student learning, but are
not “tutoring” sessions.
The current Math Supplemental Instruction Schedule is posted at the Basic Skills Math Lab (BSL) at the Math Complex, Room 82, and at the AET Math/English Lab.
If you have any questions, please contact John Quevedo at or
(310) 434-8517.