Hosting a Local AIMSweb Manager (LAM) Workshop:
If you are part of an educational organization that would like to train staff or learn more about AIMSweb, but would prefer not to purchase private training, we offer an excellent opportunity to fit training into your service delivery and professional development model via our AIMSweb Training Host program.
Simply open your doors to us for two days and we do the rest! We post the training to our website and allow anyone from anywhere to register. We provide the materials and the trainer. In exchange for offering us your facilities, your organization is provided with two complementary (free) seats in the two-day workshop!
What is involved to host an AIMSweb LAM Workshop:
LAM Workshops are offered year-round! To participate in this opportunity, please review the following requirements:
Scheduling: Trainings must be finalized for posting to our website no later than two months prior to your scheduled date. This allows us all time to promote and create awareness of the event, as well as time for attendees to register.
Computers: Your organization must provide a computer lab with a minimum of 12 seats which meets the requirements within the Tech Checklist (see addendum).
Location: Training should be hosted at a location that offers comfortable lodging/accommodations for out-of-town workshop attendees.
Minimum Registration: For training to remain scheduled, we require a minimum of 10 paid registrants. You will also receive two free seats to the training. (Cancellation decisions are made three weeks prior to the event in most cases. Though cancellation is rare, we recognize the inconvenience it causes. Any attendee with a registration that has been cancelled will receive $100 coupon toward our online training.)
We promote your training via flyers, our website, and word-of-mouth. We will also provide you with an electronic document containing an informational flyer about your training. You may then distribute it as needed.
Refreshments: We have a daily stipend for refreshments. Please provide a continental breakfast and/or snacks and beverages for participants. We will reimburse you fully for those expenses. Budget for refreshments is set per training and number of participants. You will be informed of your budget as your training date approaches.
Trainer: Your training is provided by a Certified AIMSweb Trainer (CAT). For information about CATs, please see the addendum to this document.
This form will enable us to organize and schedule your LAM Open Workshop training. Your training requests will be reviewed and you will be contacted by Edformation, Inc. regarding the availability of your request and final approval. Please complete, using the form fields below, and submit via email or mail to:
Lisa A. Langell, M.A., S.Psy.S.
Manager of Training Services
Lead Certified AIMSweb Trainer
Edformation, Inc.
Call (602) 541-0093 (PDT) for additional assistance.
General Information:
*Primary Contact Person:
*Daytime Phone:
*Evening/Cell Phone:
*Email: *
*Mailing address:
*Secondary Contact Person:
*Daytime Phone:
*Evening Phone:
*School/District/Organization Name:
*Address, ZIP, & Bldg. name where training is to be located:
Website (optional):
*Building at which training will be held (location must have computers available for each trainee if software training is involved):
*Room number:
*Parking recommendations:
*Lodging recommendations:
*Maximum number of seats (with working computers) in your computer lab: (To ensure quality training, software training for more than 35 participants per session requires advance approval from Edformation, Inc.)
Our organization has reviewed the Tech Checklist and will ensure these items are completed prior to training.
Technology Checklist for AIMSweb® Training
IMPORTANT: If you are hosting a training at your location:
On the master workstation, your trainer will need:
o Proper logins, if any are required, to access the desktop and internet
o Ability to download, save, and open PowerPoint and Word files for editing and viewing from various websites we provide to our trainers for personal use.
o Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat installed on all machines
o Advanced setup of audio/visual equipment with ability to play (with audio) a training video in DVD format
o The master workstation/computer must be hooked to a digital projector/overhead monitor or SmartBoard
If these things are setup properly, in advance of your trainer’s arrival, it may significantly delay the start of your training. Each organization’s network systems are unique and we sincerely appreciate your ability to support our trainers in the “startup” of their training each morning so that they know how to work all of your equipment properly. Thank you.
Ensure that all participants can login and/or access the desktop and internet of the machine they will be using during the training
If your computer lab is set up so that logins are needed to access the web, and those logins are unknown to the participants, please provide a list of those logins to the host or your trainer so that they can be accessed at the onset of training.
IMPORTANT: If the network is running on a caching server, disable caching for: . Caching/proxy serving for this site must remain disabled for as long as you are subscribers to AIMSweb.
Ensure all computers upon which AIMSweb is to run have a relatively recent/updated copy of Adobe Reader installed for viewing Portable Document Files (PDFs).
AIMSweb requires SSL encryption. Ensure that Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is not blocked on the computers which trainees and/or staff will use for AIMSweb.
Ensure that ActiveX is not blocked. ActiveX often prevents PDF files from opening. (This is typically only a problem when using Internet Explorer.}
Ensure that pop-up blockers do not interfere with AIMSweb pop-up windows. Check the browser’s toolbar, and any additional pop-up software installed on the machine, to ensure no pop-up blockers are present for training.
Ensure that school or district email accounts can receive external emails from, with or without attachments.
PC: Windows 98, 2000, XP
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer, FireFox, Netscape
MAC: OS 9: Supported browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape
MAC: OSX: Supported browsers: Firefox, Safari 1.1, Netscape
PALM Subscribers: AIMSweb Palm Link hardware and software requirements
IMPORTANT: In addition to AIMSweb’s software installations for Palm (see below), you must ensure that the software for the Palms purchased for your staff has been installed on the computers which will be used during training.
AIMSweb Palm Software (Conduit and software) must also be installed in advance onto all computers and PDA’s that will be used during your AIMSweb training. This is integral to a successful and timely training. To do so, follow the instructions below:
AIMSweb conduit and Palm Software may be obtained from within your AIMSweb subscription account. To access it, follow these instructions:
o Login: go to . Use your own Customer ID number, username, and password to login. (If you do not have one, please contact )
o Once logged in, click on the brown Manage Tab, located on the far left side of your screen.
o Find the MENU, located on the left side of your screen.
o Click on the “Setup PDA Download Settings” link under the menu.
o The new screen will have download instructions. Your conduit and AIMSweb Palm software download links will also be on this page. Please follow the instructions as listed.
o Ensure Palms can HotSync properly prior to training. You will notice an AIMSweb icon on the list of your PDA’s available applications when HotSync has occurred properly.
o Trainees must bring Palms, Hot-Sync cables, and stylus’ to the training.
o Your trainer should have a Palm to borrow for his/her training use, as it is unlikely he/she will be able to operate a personal Palm (different model) on your machines because no OS has been installed that matches the Palms they personally own.
AIMSweb Palm software is compatible with:
IBM® PC Compatible:
· Windows 98SE, Windows® 2000/XP
· Pentium® III - 500 MHz (700 MHz or greater recommended)
· 64 MB of RAM (128 MB or greater recommended)
· Free USB port
· 100 MB Free Hard Disk Space
· 56 Kbps or greater Internet access
· Palm™ Desktop 4.0.1 software
· Palm™ Hotsync® Manager 4.0 or greater
· MacOS® 9.2.x, MacOS® 10.x
· Power Macintosh® 7300/180 or greater
· 256 MB of RAM or greater
· Free USB Port
· 56 Kbps or greater Internet access
· Palm™ Desktop 4.x software for Macintosh®
· Mac® Hotsync® Manager 3.x
Supported Handheld Devices
· Palm™ OS4: m500, m130, m505, m515, Tungsten™ W
· Palm™ OS5: Zire™ 21, 31,71,72, Tungsten™ E, E2, T2, T3, T5, C, Life Drive™, Z22, T|X
Contact AIMSweb Technical Support if you have questions. 888-944-1882 x.105.
If you are participating in an Online Training for AIMSweb, please ensure your system is compatible. You will need:
o Preferably a high-speed internet connection
o Test your browser for readiness:
§ Visit and complete the Browser Check:
§ Click on Browser Check to
ensure your system is ready for
the Flash Videos that are used as part of the
AIMSweb Online Training.
§ This training is designed so that it is compatible with most computer systems and networks. If the browser check indicates you do not have the required software on your machine, please consult with your IT staff to obtain the necessary installations/plug-ins. (Generally the software and/or plug-ins needed are obtainable at no charge as a free download.)
Certified AIMSweb Trainers (CATs)
Certified AIMSweb® Trainers are well prepared to teach the AIMSweb Assessment and Improvement System. They have the advanced expertise and training materials to needed to educate your staff on the set up, management, and adoption of the AIMSweb System. They are experienced in training a diverse array of educators across a variety of organizations to use AIMSweb, and as a professional consultant endorsed by Edformation, Inc., they do so efficiently and effectively. Only the best, experienced AIMSweb users (Local AIMSweb Managers) around the country are selected to become Certified AIMSweb Trainers.
Certified AIMSweb Trainers (CATs) represent a specially selected, diverse group of individuals who have strong backgrounds in education, assessment, and student learning. They also keep current with regard to the critical issues facing education today. They have completed additional training via Edformation, Inc. to earn this certification and are required to participate in continuing AIMSweb training experiences in order to maintain certification as a CAT.
The Edformation, Inc. CAT endorsement ensures those who request CAT consultative services that their trainer is proficient in all areas of the AIMSweb assessment system, demonstrates familiarity with related research and federal law, and excels in his/her ability to train and lead individuals in becoming proficient AIMSweb users. In addition, based on their unique experiences and backgrounds, many CATs offer additional expertise in a variety of areas which may be well-suited to match the training and consultative needs of specific schools and organizations. Those areas of expertise may include subjects such as reading, math, ESL/ELL/bilingual education, statistics, IDEIA law, RTI, instruction, and more.
Recognizing the experience and skills that CATs offer, organizations interested in successfully adopting the AIMSweb assessment system often look first to CATs when addressing their training and consultative needs.