Academic Assessment Committee Documents Workflow
Purpose: This document is intended to articulate the process by which the AAC committee reviews and records assessment activities. Not only should it serve as a guide for the committee but as a vehicle of transparency for the University community that the committee serves. Departments are encouraged to track their reports and engage in the review process.
This document should be reviewed and updated annually.
- The academic assessment committee will initiate a request to the department heads (with the Deans copied) with a Winter deadline for the previous year’s report.
- The department heads submit reports via
- All reports submitted to the committee will be marked with the date received by name and placed in the New Assessment Documents folder in BB. An example of the preferred naming convention is MS CIS 2015-2016 Implementation Report 11-17-17. The file is entered as an item with the contact person as a note.
- A week prior to a an AAC meeting an acceptable number of reports, based on submission date, is moved from the New Assessment Documents folder to Assessment Documents Under Review
- Once reviewed,
- The report is moved to Awaiting Chair/Director Finalization and
- The department head sent a copy of the committee’s recommendations.
- The document remains in the Awaiting Chair/Director Finalization folder until the next meeting or is replaced by an updated copy if revised by the department head. It is then moved to Reviewed Assessment Documents -> To Be Filed. This gives the department roughly 2 weeks to make a revision. In the rare case where the document does not meet the committees standards it will remain in this folder.
- The AAC’s website is updated to reflect the new verbiage of the Program’s report (Provost Staff)
- The excel tracking spreadsheet updated. (Provost Staff)
- The report is the placed in the departments records under the assessment year (chair)
- an email sent to the department head and the dean cc’d. (chair)
Addendum: Documents submitted in alternate formats such as TK20 for years prior to 2016-2017 are filed with the appropriate suffix. Any document submitted for 2016-17 in an alternate format will remain in the New Assessment Documents folder. The committee will work with the department in standardizing the format until it is in a manner acceptable for review per the rubric. At which time it is moved to the Assessment Documents Under Review folder per item 3 above.
Last review date : 12/7/17