Welcome to St Columba’s

Sunday 11th June

Approach to Worship

The Bible

Welcome, Intimations & Choir

Call to Worship

Hymn 63 – All people that on earth do dwell

Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Address

Hymn 178 – God is good, we sing and shout it

Reading – Psalm 100 (Old Testament Page 598)

Hymn 802 – We are here to praise you

Offertory Prayer


Hymn 662 – Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts


Hymn 137 – All things bright and beautiful


The Bible Reading next Sunday will be Psalm 13.

Sunshine Tours - Crannog Centre - Thursday 15 June - The bus will leave the church car park at 9.30am

Junior Church Picnic - Saturday 17th June at Cairney Fruit Farm.

Tickets from Paula Morrison.

St Columba’s Parish Church of Scotland, Glenrothes (SC016386) and we are on Facebook

Minister – Alan Kimmitt (01592) 742233 or .

For other contacts, please see

Messy Church – This afternoon from 4pm-6pm

AFTERNOON TEA in aid of GROW - Saturday 17 June – 2pm-4pm

Tea tickets, £4. Available from the Fundraising Committee.

Christian Aid 2017 - Ewan and Sheila thank all who helped or donated for ChristianAid Week. Amounts raised:St Columba’s £720.28, Town Centre £194.65,Glenrothes total£2154.97.

Sunshine Tours - High Society – the balance for this is £21 and needs to be paid by Sunday 25 June at the latest.

Crazy For You - Thursday 19 October - We have provisionally booked tickets for this. If you are interested, please speak to Beth or June. The tickets cost £25, to be paid by Sunday 16 July.

Malawi Partnership – We are forming a small group to plan for a partnership visit from Malawi in September. Please can anyone who would like to help plan activities and hospitality please contact Alan Kimmitt, Lorna Baker, or Joan Cumming.

Items for the June newsletter, please contact Margaret Kimmitt or Jen, our administrator ()

Rothes Trinity Parish Grouping Shared Notices

GRAND CONCERT – Wednesday 14thJune at 7.30pm in St.Columba’s Church. This is a concert of choral and orchestral music by SINGFONIA. Tickets at door, Adults £5, Children £2.

GROWAGM - Sandwich and Sweet Meal at 6:30pm in St Ninian’s

on Thursday 15th June 2017, followed by the AGM and Thanksgiving Service at 7:30pm

Welcome to St Columba’s

Sunday 11th June

Approach to Worship

The Bible

Welcome, Intimations & Choir

Call to Worship

Hymn 63 – All people that on earth do dwell

Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Address

Hymn 178 – God is good, we sing and shout it

Reading – Psalm 100 (Old Testament Page 598)

Hymn 802 – We are here to praise you

Offertory Prayer


Hymn 662 – Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts


Hymn 137 – All things bright and beautiful


The Bible Reading next Sunday will be Psalm 13.

Sunshine Tours - Crannog Centre - Thursday 15 June - The bus will leave the church car park at 9.30am

Junior Church Picnic - Saturday 17th June at Cairney Fruit Farm.

Tickets from Paula Morrison.

St Columba’s Parish Church of Scotland, Glenrothes (SC016386) and we are on Facebook

Minister – Alan Kimmitt (01592) 742233 or .

For other contacts, please see

Messy Church – This afternoon from 4pm-6pm

AFTERNOON TEA in aid of GROW - Saturday 17 June – 2pm-4pm

Tea tickets, £4. Available from the Fundraising Committee.

Christian Aid 2017 - Ewan and Sheila thank all who helped or donated for ChristianAid Week. Amounts raised:St Columba’s £720.28, Town Centre £194.65, Glenrothes total£2154.97.

Sunshine Tours - High Society – the balance for this is £21 and needs to be paid by Sunday 25 June at the latest.

Crazy For You - Thursday 19 October - We have provisionally booked tickets for this. If you are interested, please speak to Beth or June. The tickets cost £25, to be paid by Sunday 16 July.

Malawi Partnership – We are forming a small group to plan for a partnership visit from Malawi in September. Please can anyone who would like to help plan activities and hospitality please contact Alan Kimmitt, Lorna Baker, or Joan Cumming.

Items for the June newsletter, please contact Margaret Kimmitt or Jen, our administrator ()

Rothes Trinity Parish Grouping Shared Notices

GRAND CONCERT – Wednesday 14thJune at 7.30pm in St.Columba’s Church. This is a concert of choral and orchestral music by SINGFONIA. Tickets at door, Adults £5, Children £2.

GROWAGM - Sandwich and Sweet Meal at 6:30pm in St Ninian’s

on Thursday 15th June 2017, followed by the AGM and Thanksgiving Service at 7:30pm