Maryland Line C.S.A. meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm-8:45 pm

Edgewater Library 25 Stepney Lane Edgewater, MD 21037


I would like to extend an invitation to anyone interested in learning about our organization or any current members to join us at our new meeting place.

Commander’s Report

This months’ newsletter will be different as we lost a friend and member in Bruce Blevins.

Bruce E. Blevins Jr. joined the SCV on July 23, 1979 and remained an outstanding member for 34 years. He was most at home as a chaplain and lead many meetings with his prayers and softly closed our meetings.

Bruce’s passing will leave a gap in both the Maryland Line and the Maryland Division as he was known by many and loved by all.

As a band member in the Shadyside Sour Notes, he donated his services to the last two division conventions and never blinked when serving the SCV.

At a recent meeting, Bob Radtke our camp historian discovered some information that had Bruce as excited as I have ever seen him. Bob found that the famous picture of 3 Confederate prisoners at Gettysburg may be related to Bruce. It was discovered that two of the 3 men photographed were Blevins. Bruce brought his research papers and he had the complete background and service information of the two Blevins and Bruce discovered photos of other family members that served the Confederate states.

Bruce’s excitement was equaled by the camp members present. Every member of the Maryland Line Camp wanted nothing but good things for Bruce.

Bruce’s untimely death was a blow to us all and it is clear to us all he will never be replaced.

In his 34 years Bruce held many offices and was a charter member of the Waddell Camp. He found his calling as chaplain, he was a devout Christian and family man. Each prayer was from his heart and directly to God.

Bruce served on the Color Guard and wore the uniform of the North Carolina troops proudly. His ancestors were from North Carolina. He served her proudly.

After the local memorial service, Bruce will be taken to North Carolina. His family has made arrangements in Annapolis where there will be enough room for friends and family and parking for all the cars.

Lasting Tributes in Annapolis

Bestgate Road Thursday viewing 2-4pm/6-8pm

Friday-Memorial Service 11am

Bruce was a Christian, family man, and friend to all. His membership in the SCV was one of dedication, service and 34 years of forwarding the colors of the CSA. He shared his music with churches, conventions and anyone who needed a band. He played his music for all to hear and never left a doubt he was a great man.

Bruce Blevins has been called home and he has achieved his life long goal of entering the gates of heaven and sitting on the arm of God.

We will look to heaven forever to see our friend Bruce.

Bruce was related to the to prisoners on either end.


**Maryland Line Camp is now selling Botony Cross pins and Bradley T. Johnson pins**

The cost of the Botony Cross pin is $9.00 plus s/h (if applicable)

The cost of the Bradley T. Johnson pin is $6.00 plus s/h (if applicable)

Contact Commander Tom Dale to order pins- /301-262-8992

Contact Bob Weir. He designs all our t-shirts and would be happy take care of your printing needs.

Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans

“To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the Cause for which we fought; to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations.”

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General, United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, 1906
