Mr. Almer

Prerequisites: You must have successfully completed pre-calculus and trigonometry in order to be enrolled in this class. A strong working knowledge of all previous math courses is necessary for success in AP Calculus.

Text: “Calculus”Edition 10e, Larson & Hostetler, Houghton Mifflin (2012)


Classroom Discussions: In order for classroom discussions to be helpful, you need to come to class prepared – assignments completed, reading done, get plenty of rest (don’t work to all hours of the night) etc. You need to keep a notebook with notes, examples, and problems in it. You are allowed to use your notes on quizzes and daily work assignments. A three ring binder is helpful to keep handouts, returned papers, etc.

Board Points: All students are expected to go to the board and present work as part of the course. Each presentation is worth 5 points. You will be graded on the effectiveness of your presentation as well as the accuracy of your solution. There are generally 2-3 rounds of board points per term, depending on the size of the class.

Homework: The responsibility for checking homework for accuracy lies with the student. The answers to odd numbered exercises are in the back of your text, and the even problems are generally covered as board points or are collected for correction on occasions. Online resources are available on the school website.

Quizzes: Quizzes are given periodically. These are usually announced, but not always. You may be allowed to use your notes, homework, and calculator for quizzes, and sometimes no notes, no calculator quizzes will be given to check memorization work. These are generally worth 10-15 points. Quiz corrections will be assigned after the completion of each quiz, worth 5 points each.

Calculators: Graphing calculators are required for this class. Students will be instructed in their use, and specific skills will be tested. Classroom demonstrations are conducted using model TI-89, and this calculator is recommended if you want to purchase one. The school has a limited number of “loaners” for your use, but it is strongly recommended that you purchase your own. It is anticipated that instruction will also implement the functionality of the TI-Inspire calculator as well. Both machines utilize a CAS system (computerized algebra) which is a great advantage for students.

Small Groups: Classtime will generally be allocated for group work, and you are encouraged to work together with other students around you. From time to time, you will work with a partner or your small group on graded daily work. Communication skills and working with others are extremely important skills in today’s marketplace, and these activities are also helpful to clarify your ideas and thinking about new concepts.

Exams: Exams are worth 40 points, and they occur at roughly three week intervals. Students are allowed to use calculators on exams, but may not use books or notes. Portions of many exams will be non-calculator. These exams are based on AP Exam style questions.

Electronics Policy: Personal electronics are allowed only for the following purposes:

A) Using the school website to check on grading information, class handouts and posted assignments, and online homework assistance.

B)Using websites for research pertaining to a topic relevant to the mathematics being studied.

Students may not:

A)Accept or make phone calls during class.

B)Write or respond to text messages

C)Use headphones to listen to music or videos.

D)Use their devices for any other non-educational reason that has not been listed here (e.g. game playing, facebook/twitter, etc…)

Devices must be turned off during class time devoted to:

A)Board Points

B)Whole class discussion

C)Quizzes, tests, and other assessments.

Violations: 1st violation: warning, 2nd violation: device collected and turned in to office, parent conference necessary, 2nd violation: device held for 5 days. (See student handbook p.8)

Other handbook items that will be enforced: You are tardy if you are not in the room when the opening bell sounds. Bring a pass if you are late with a legitimate reason. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom during the first or last ten minutes of class.

Grading: Your grade will be determined by total points earned according to the following scale, with percents rounded to the nearest whole percent. Please check parent portal frequently and report any errors ASAP.

A90% or above









