Santa Barbara University-CNRS Call
We are pleased to issue a call for applications for the UCSB-CNRS Faculty Exchange Program in the humanities and social sciences (including cognitive science and geography). The exchange agreement provides for faculty exchanges of three months between September 1 and July 31. Preference will be given to those applicants who work on a project in conjunction with anAmerican colleague.
Each participant in the exchange will be paid by his or her home institution. CNRS will provide the equivalent of $1,200 per month of residence at UCSB as a living allowance, but UCSB faculty must be on leave in order to participate in the exchange.
CNRS faculty will be expected to participate in the activities of the host UCSB research group and conduct research as part of a joint project with anAmerican colleague.
All proposals must be submitted electronically via our web-site in WORD format. Projects shall all be submitted in English. French applicants can also send a French version of the project.
The complete application must include the following documentation in the order listed below:
1. Project Summary Form and Application Form
2. A description of the project, including a timetable for completion, not to exceed FIVE pages. This description should indicate how the project contributes to scientific knowledge and research methods within the applicants’ field; the nature of the collaboration proposed,
3. A detailed budget—indicating a breakdown of the budget request by category (airfares, stipend, etc.) and an account of other sources of funding (potential and actual)—not to exceed ONE page.
4. A curriculum vitae of each project coordinator not to exceed TWO pages each (including list of publications for the last four years).
The deadline to apply is June5, 2006.
Awards will be announced around the end June
Please send applications by mail to: Carlos de Oliveira
Département Homme et Société
Relations Internationales
Mail :
Tel : 01 44 96 53 02