École Irvine Elementary PAC Meeting Agenda

April 20, 2016


Board Members: Cristin Wilson (Chair), Tara Tait (co-chair), Sinead Joy (co-secretary), Rachel Loffler (co-secretary), Jennifer Darling (Treasurer)

In attendance: Tara Tait, Ms Birnie, Sinead Joy, Rachel Loffler, Jen Darling, Steve Darling, Leanne MacGregor, Colleen Morel, Alisha Delver, Leanne MacGregor, Suzy Phillips, Brenda Hynes, Tracey Carslake, Tonya Pankratz

Welcome / Tara Tait
Old business and approval of last meeting’s minutes
Minutes approved and will be sent out with April 20 minutes. / Tara Tait
Carnival Update: April 27 from 5-7 pm
Kinsmen will be preparing the food. They have waived their fees and prepare and run the food staff – will also do the clean-up and will set up in courtyard with an eating area
Hyde creek salmon festival display and potential demonstration on site
Prizes*– purchased 3000 prizes for $203.00
$PNE – loan of 6 games Free of charge –
-  Giant Plinko, Giant Connect Four, Rolling Bowling, Zombie knockdown acquired as games for the school carnival.
-  Also offering a Big prize basket (swag, tickets -$400 equivalent)
Ponies – 3 for 2 hours (this will be an extra charge at 2$ per ride—overall cost is 400$)
Vancouver Stealth Lacrosse Team – prizes autograph jersey, 2 t-shirts, 2 hats, tickets for 12 people in a suite ($1000 prize). The prizes will be divided up into a primary and secondary prize
Other festivities include:
-  Menchies ice cream will be onsite as a treat station. The cost per tub will be $3.50 with a portion going to Irvine PAC.
-  Martial Arts presentation
-  Volunteers needed on the day 25+ per shift (Scouts, Girl Guides, students)
-  Music system to ensure music for inside and outside
-  Face painters for free Blanche Macdonald volunteers. We just need to buy the face paint and $25 for the brushes. Need to purchase good quality face paint.
-  Inside games include: Cake walk, Head and tails & other games in storage
-  3000 double sided Tickets plus extras in storage
Contact details if anyone has links with sponsors, can volunteer, etc.
Send out an email/tweet/etc. asking for volunteers prior to and at event–
Themes for baskets – Suzy to follow up on basket themes
need license for 50/50 but not the raffle prizes
Carnival meeting : May 11 @ 7pm May 18 @ 6:30 (Before the next PAC) / Steve Darling
Budget Presentation –updates
RBC $3528.70
CIBC $24, 078.24
extra $916 was awarded to the gaming the account from Gaming Body
Treat Day $338 / Jen Darling
Principal’s Report – dates and events, update
·  Communication – weekly reports are coordinated between Ms. Birnie and Nancy Hartmann.
·  Apologies for the mix-up regarding the class photos – Life Touch accommodating retake of class pictures, choir, redo the Como Lake Relay but not able to redo all the group photos
Retakes MONDAY APRIL 25th
·  Emergency release not an early dismissal. Parents who are able- can pick up their child. The emergency release drill will end at the bell at the end of the day. The children will be then released as usual at the end of the school day to daycare or home for those who walk home independently.
The intent of this first release is to determine the best practice for release, signature of parents/guardians etc.
·  Wish List from staff includes:
-  Improve the medical room (chairs, medical bed)
-  Permanent goals put across the field (width)
-  Sand box, Toys
-  Ukuleles (10 new)
-  Document cameras
-  iPads (one for each of the French grade 2/3 classes)
-  Money for the garden (inside wall gardens perhaps)
NEXT STEP: PAC to look into purchasing some of the above items.
·  Early Learning Coordinator awarded a pilot through Avenues of Change for pre-kindergarteners. Half day preschool for 16 spots. More information will be sent out as it becomes available.
·  Over the next few weeks, the district has arranged for the school facility to be surveyed / audited. A project development report is in progress.
·  Staffing – proposal for next year is in. In addition, the Education fund application has also been submitted. It is based on learner needs. Irvine has applied for additional staffing based on a flexible intervention model for both streams.
·  Cash Online – reminders to be sent to parents about the procedures. / Ms. Birnie
Standing Items (updates as needed)
A.  Year Book – is being put together for this year. Staff to send photos to Veronica Enair
B.  Fruit and Veggie fridge – Ms. Birnie has researched the fridge. No decision made.
C.  KM club – starts April 25th volunteer schedule. Looking for more help. Contact through their email
D.  Volunteer Draw winners – Loreen Dall - Sumer Mashkoyer
E.  Seismic Update – As above
F.  Treat day and hot lunch – Jenn and Lisa are stepping down at the end of this year for hot lunch and effective immediately for Treat Day. A new coordinator will be needed for next year. Last treat day total - $338
G.  Movie Night – all organized with enough volunteers April 22. Wreck It Ralph
Doors open at 6pm. / A.  Cristin W.
B.  Cristin
C.  Krista/Suzy
D.  Tracey C.
E.  Tara T.
New Items
BCAA adopt an outside play place nomination
-  $100, 000 available to winner to improve play space
-  Go to BCAAplayhere.com to enter the contest – a couple of sections to complete including:
-  How the play space to be used 1250 words or less
-  Impact on the community 750 words
-  Why we need it and what needs to be done
-  Encouraged to produce a short Video of the issues and concerns.
-  Deadline May 1st
Fundraising- Rachel showed us a Tea towel with kid’s drawings on it. Would people be interested in this as a fund raiser? Concern over use of the wording of fund raiser. / Steve
Additional Items
Bike rack near Pre-school/daycare -- An email was sent to Facilities to check on the earlier request on Thursday, April 21st. / Sinead
Next meeting - May 18 , 2016
Meeting adjourned

** If you would like to be added to the agenda, please email **