Risk Assessment: Angling Participation Events
Site Supplementary RISK ASSESSMENT
Venue: Watermeadows Coarse Fishery Lead Event Organiser (name) Roger Pratt .
Date of Assessment: 21:08:2010 Lead Event Organisation EAW and PFAC coaches.Date of Event: 04:09:2010
Conducted by:
Verified by EA (if EA not Lead Organiser):
Task Element
/Hazard and harmful effect
/Initial risk level
/ Control measures to reduce likelihood /Controlled risk level to Employee
Site / Partner selection. / All hazards identifiedBelow.
Reasonable forseeable
Worse case injury
(RFWCI) - Death / 3(H) / 2(M) / 6(H) /
- Lead Organisation appointed and named individual from lead organisation,appointed as lead organiserwith overall responsibilities for Health & Safety consideration at events.
- All Participants to be made aware of Site Risk Assessment by LO.or nominated person.
Female Participants / Sexual harisment / 3(H) / 1(M) / 3(H) /
- Her organization or parent/gardian is happy enough that she participates in the event as it stands.
- Another female to be on site at the same time.
- Not to be left out of sight with one person.
- Dynamic risk Assessment.
Toilets facilitiesl / On site at receiption. / 1(M) / 1(M) / 1(M) /
- Inform participants where they are when regerstering in for event.
- Inform participants that they must inform Lead Organizer when they leave fishing area to go toToilets as they are some distance away.
All Participants / Health & Safety
Issues. / 3(H) / 2(H) / 3(H) / All Participants told about all issues relateing to Site specific risk asessment. / 3(L) / 3(L) / 2(L)
Deep water while Fishing environment. / Immersion in water.
RFWCI -Death / 3(H) / 3(H) / 6(H) /
- All participants told at regerstation piont by LO or nominated person by LO of dangers of deep water and how to reduce any accident.
- Walk not run
- Wear life jacket.
- Fall over other fisherpersons equipment.
- Told of any other obsticle referance to this site
Weil's Disease / Putting things in mouth. / 2(H) / 2(H) / 3(H) /
- All participants told at regerstration piontLO or nominated person by LO of dangers of not washing hands before eating.
- Also there are special washing facilities substance if requested.
Weather / Changing Weather coditions / 3(H) / 3(H) / 3(H) /
- Inform participants how the weather can change in such a sort time.
- What you should wear from sun creams to water proofs.
Rules / EAW Rules
& all Fishery rules /
- The need to purchase an EAW Licence.and the conciquence of not having one.
- Each fishery has differants set of rules and where you should find them.