Solo and Ensemble is rapidly approaching and your child has expressed an interest in participating. The date for the contest is set for Saturday, February 4th at Cinco Ranch Junior High. Some students might want to do a soloand/or small ensemble. Solo and small ensemble entries cost $8.00 each. UIL requires that all solos have a piano accompanist for this event. The Band Department will be hiring a piano accompanist for your child’s solo in additionto arranging times for the rehearsals. These rehearsals will be during the school day or after school in the Band Hall depending on the availability of the pianist. The pianist will designate his/her fee for the event. The average pianist fee is $30 dollars. This fee will cover two rehearsals with the soloist in addition to the performance. Checks can be made out to Katy Junior High Band Booster Association or just a cash payment.
As another option, if you have a pianist that you would like to use, this will be perfectly acceptable. Please let us know this for scheduling purposes.
This is an important event for the students and we are very excited. Thanks so much for supporting the program and we hope to see you there.
Katy Junior High Band Staff
(Please detach the form below and return)
KJH Band - Solo & Ensemble
I, ______, have expressed my interest in playing a solo at the UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest on Saturday, February 4th, 2017, at Cinco Ranch Junior High. I understand that the fee for percussionist solos is $8, the fee for all other instrument solos is $38, and the fee for each member for a small ensemble is $8. I also understand that if I miss the event for any reason (ineligibility, illness, etc.) I am still responsible for the fee. Furthermore, I understand that the exact time of my performance will be scheduled at a later date (late January), and that no buses will be taking students to or from the contest.
______What I am doing for Solo & Ensemble:
Student Signature (please check all that apply and fill in)
___ Solo (instrument ______)
___ Solo (instrument ______)
___ Small Ensemble
r from the contest. performance will be scheduled at a later date (late January), and that no buses will be taking students to ______Small Ensemble
Parent Signature
*** Fees are due by Dec.7th, 2016***
(Cash or checks (made out to “Katy Junior High Band Booster Association”))