5 DRAFT School Research Committee Terms of Reference.doc
Terms of Reference
School Name Research Committee
The committee
- monitors and reports on the research performance of the School,
- provides advice and makes recommendations to the School Executive in relation to research planning and development
- monitors and reports on the performance of the School in relation to Higher Degree Research students and makes recommendations to the School Executive on program improvements.
Committee Practices
The School Research Committee reports to the Dean/Head of School through the Chair of the Research Committee, and the College Research Committee as necessary. The Dean/Head of School approves the terms of reference, membership and other requirements for the operation of this committee.
The Committee
-Oversees the implementation of University research policy and procedures within the School, which could include local development of codes of practice, guidelines, proceduresand processes
-Monitors and oversees the development and implementation of the School Research Plan within the context of the DSC College and University Research Plans
-Recommends strategies relating to research development across the School including the identification of research priorities
-Recommends to the Dean/Head of School on priorities for the school research budget and oversees the allocation of research support
-Facilitates research collaboration and communication both within the School and across the University
-Promotes research in the School in line withthe School Research Plan and its targets and KPIs
-Monitors and reports on the performance of the School in relation to Higher Degrees by Research students and makes recommendations to the Dean/Head of School.
Membership of the Committee will be determined by the Dean/Head of School and wouldnormally include:
-Deputy Head, Research, Chair
-Higher Degree by Research Coordinator, Deputy Chair (or other committee member where the HDR Co-ordinator is a combined role)
-Deputy Dean/Head Disciplines (One representative from each discipline or defined research area)
-One representative from each of the Research Centres /Group (as appropriate)
-Research student representative
-Dean/Head of School (ex officio)
-Senior/Manager Planning and Resources (ex officio)
The Committee can co-opt additional members to assist with specific matters.
In attendance
Research Administrator, Secretary
The Committee meets monthly between February and December. Meetings can be held at other times if required.
Five workings days notice in writing should be given of a meeting, including the time, place, agenda and papers for the meeting.
Absent members can be represented by a proxy.
Review and Improvement
The Committee will report annually through its Chair to the Dean/Head of School and School Executive Groupand engages annually in a process of improvement.
Minutes would normally be prepared within 5 working days following a meeting and distributed electronically to members of the Committee. Minutes are confirmed at the following meeting.
Save Date: 11/10/2012
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S:\College office general info\templates & checklists 2012\School committee TOR templates\5 DRAFT School Research Committee Terms of Reference.doc