Your hospital stay and suggested items to bring with you
Please keep to a minimum as storage is limited. You may prefer to have a back-up/rotation bag in the car.
For baby: Newborn nappies, cotton wool or baby wipes, nappy bags, three vests, three sleep suits and a hat.
For you: Night clothes, wash bag and towels, maternity pads, breastfeeding pads, underwear, slippers, a small amount of cash for papers and TV, a set of day clothes ready for your discharge.
If possible, please pack this into a soft collapsible bag that can be stored in the locker.
The Department of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months but if you have chosen to formula feed your baby, please bring cartons of ready prepared formula. The ward supplies sterile bottles and teats.
Personal Property
Each bed space has a locker, a chair beside the bed, and above the chair are coat hooks.
Storage space is limited so we request the minimum of property is brought in with you and that it is unpacked into the locker by your birthing partner.
Personal property must not be stored on the floor or under the bed or chair.
TV/telephone and mobile phones
Each bed space has a TV and telephone unit. There is a charge for use of these facilities.
The use of mobile phones is permitted on the ward, but please put your ring tone on silent or vibrate.
We ask that mobiles are turned off at 10pm.
Preventing the risk of infection
We take infection control very seriously and are proud of our low infection rates.
Staff members are trained in hand hygiene and regularly wash hands and use alcohol gel. We recommend that patients and visitors also use hand gels provided and we ask relatives and friends not to visit if they have been unwell i.e. colds, flu, or diarrhea and vomiting in the last 48 hours.
Keeping the ward clean
We have a house keeper and a domestic who work hard to keep the ward clean, tidy and organized. If, however, you are concerned about the level of cleanliness, please inform your midwife.
Going home
The midwife will discuss your plans for going home. You and your baby’s health and wellbeing will be paramount.
A car seat is required to take your baby home. Please bring it to the ward just prior to discharge. The community midwife will contact you the day after discharge from hospital and discuss appropriate visits for your needs.
Friends and Family Test
We want to improve the quality of services we provide and you help us with this by completing a ‘Friends and Family Test’ survey when you leave hospital. Ask your midwife how you can complete this. It will only take a few moments to complete.