User Guide
19 April 2010
Setting Up an Account
Logging In
Logging Out
User Administration
User Settings
Date Settings
View Report Description
Run Report
Select Profile
Report Status
View Report Results
Scheduled Tasks
Create a Scheduled Task
View Completed Tasks
Edit a Scheduled Task
Delete a Scheduled Task
Drilling Down
Create Drill Down Report
Create Drill-Down Report with a Prompt
Adhoc Reporting
TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting6.0 provides you the ability to access and run TRAVELTRAX reports via the Internet. Reports can be run quickly to share throughout your organization or set up as automated report distributions. With TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting6.0, access to your travel related information is limited only by your access to the Internet. Reports are returned to you in numerous formats, including Microsoft Excel, a Printable Document Format (PDF), Xcelsius dashboard (Adobe Flash).
About this Book
This User Guide had been designed to assist you in setting up your TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting6.0 application for use. The emphasis of this guide is on providing you step-by-step guidance for completing tasks as easily as possible.
This User Guide is designed for beginning, intermediate, and advanced TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting6.0 users. This guide assumes that you understand basic Microsoft Windows functionality and web browser characteristics. If you are new to these concepts, you may find it helpful to consult additional reference materials to enhance your understanding.
TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting was designed to allow you to follow your own business model for establishing who can see what information – by controlling data access through Profiles and Reports. In order to understand the scheme, let’s introduce a few TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting terms:
- Entity - This represents a logical business grouping such as a corporation, government agency, department, division, etc.
- An entity owns one or more users
- User –An Individual member of an entity. Each user will have their own login and settings.
- Profile- A view of part of an entity’s data.
- Profiles are assigned to a user via User Settings
- Reports are assigned to the profile
Setting Up an Account
The typical process for setting up an account
- The initial TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting System Administrator is set up for you by TRX.
- The System Administrator can then create new Entities.
- A Meta Layer Administrator may be created to manage multiple Entities.
- An Entity Administrator may be created to manage the users belonging to that Entity.
- New users can be added for each Entity.
- As a user is added, profiles are assigned to them.
- The user can only see profiles and reports that are assigned to them. That is, the scope of the user’s access to data through profiles is determined by the System, Meta Layer, or Entity Administrator.
NOTE: The profiles and reports available to the user in TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting are built to be configured through TRAVELTRAX.
TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting6.0 requires the installation of an internet browser. The supported browsers are:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 +
- Mozilla Firefox 1.1+ running either Windows or Mac operating systems.
In preparing to access TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting, please make these few modifications to your Internet Explorer settings.
Verify version in use:
- Open your internet browser.
- Select Help from the menu bar.
- Select About from the pop-up menu. This will display the version.
- Select OK.
If your version is not supported, please download a supported version or contact your IT department.
Configuration continued
Security Settings
Version 6.0 / Version 7.01.From the menu bar, select Tools.
2.Select Internet Options.
3.On the General Tab, select the Setting button on the Temporary Internet files panel.
4.Select the radio button next to the option: Every visit to the page.
5.Select OK. / 1.From the menu bar, select Tools.
2.Select Internet Options.
3.On the General Tab, select the Settings button in the Temporary Internet files panel.
4.Select the radio button next to the option: Every time I visit the webpage.
5.Select OK.
Logging In
To access TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting, do the following:
1.Enter the address of your TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting URL.
2.Enter your username and password (they are case sensitive).
3.Select the Login button.
NOTE: If you’ve forgotten your username or password, you must contact your system administrator.
Logging Out
- To log out, click the Logout button in the bottom right-hand corner of the application.
- Once you’ve logged out, you have the option to log back in by clicking the hyperlink words login again?
User Administration
User Settings
As a user, you can change the password associated with your username. You can also set some display and email options. To edit your User Settings, follow the steps listed below:
1.Mouse over Edit.
2.Select UserSettingsand the user’s settings will display. There may be more than one page of user settings. If so, there will be numbers in the bottom right corner. Select the arrows to move to the next page of user settings or choose a specific page number.
User Settings continued
3.The user is able to edit the following:
User Profile
- Username – Cannot be modified.
- Password and Confirm Password – Users are able to modify their own password if the administrator has set it up for them to do so. The passwords need to follow the rules below:
- Have at least 6 characters.
- Have at least one alpha character and at least one numeric.character.
- Not have any special characters.
- Not have your username, first name or last name in any combination.
- The password may be mixed case
- Email address – Users can change their email address.
Security Settings
- Encryption Public Key - Emailed reports may be encrypted. Encryptions provide added security restricting recipients from viewing reports if they do not have the appropriate security key installed. TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting supports encryption keys created with GPG or PGP. Copy and paste your public key in the Encryption Public Key edit box. Contact your system administrator for additional information.
User Settings continued
Zip Enabled – The user can enable or disable the zip functionality when reports are sent via email.
Date separator – Character used to separate the date in the date format.
Date Format – Date format displayed within this application.
Currency Format – This option allows the user to change the format of the currency.
Language – The language displayed within this application.
User Settings continued
Email Addresses – The user has the ability to add, edit, or delete email addresses that are (will be) available for the user to send reports to.
- Add: Select New, add the information, and selectAdd.
- Edit:Select Edit, edit the information, and select Save.
- Delete:SelectDelete and Save.
4.Select the Save button at the bottom of the form and any settings that have been added or edited will be saved. If the settings were saved successfully, the user will receive the following notification:
User Administration continued
Date Settings
Date Ranges are set up for the user at the time of implementation. If the user would like to reset those default date ranges, they may do so in the Date settings area.
1.Mouse over Edit.
2.Select UserDates.
3.Use the calendar or manually enter the start and end date for each date range you need to change.
- If there is more than one page of dates, page numbers and arrows will display in the bottom, right corner of the page. Click the arrow or the page number to get to more date ranges.
4.Select Save to save all changes made to any of these dates.
- Reset– will not save any changes but will reset to the default dates.
- Default – this will reset all the dates back to the default dates.
View Report Description
To view the description of a report, do the following:
1.Mouse over the group/category name and then the report name.
2.Select View Description.
Run Report
This section will show the user the steps to run one report or multiple reports at the same time and have the results sent to their browser or have it emailed.
Each user has a default profile that is displayed when they log into this application. To display the profile that is currently being used, the user can mouse over Profile. The profile name will be displayed lightly under the word Profiles.
Select Profile
1.Select the profile the report is listed under.
Small number of profiles – if a company has a small number of profiles, they can select a profile by following these steps:
- Mouse over Profile and then mouse over the profile names until you reach the profile you need.
- Click on Select. The profile will automatically change.
Select Profile continued
Large number of profiles – if a company has a large number of profiles, they will have two ways to search for a profile: by Name and by Profile Hierarchy.
- By Name
- Mouse over Profiles.
- Select Profile Selection by Name.
- Select either the Starts With or the Contains radio button.
- Starts With – this will display any profile that starts with the information the user enters in the Profile Name Like box.
- Contains – this will display any profile that contains the information the user enters in the Profile Name Like box.
- Enter all or part of the profile name in the Profile Name Like box.
- Click on the Find button. This will display all profiles that contain the information entered in the Profile Name Like box.
Profile Selection by Name continued
- Select the correct profile in the Matching Profiles box.
- Click on the Select button (bottom of page).
- You will not receive a confirmation message, but the report categories will automatically display for the selected profile.
- The profile name will also display if you mouse of the word Profiles.
Search by Profile Hierarchy
- By Profile Hierarchy
- Mouse over the word Profiles.
- Select Browse by Profile Hierarchy. This will display a list of all the profile hierarchies for your company.
- Select the profile name needed.
- If the profile needed is a child profile, then open up the parent profile by clicking on the plus sign (+) until you reach the profile needed.
- Click on the Select button.
- You will not receive a confirmation message, but the report categories will automatically display for the selected profile.
- The profile name will also display if you mouse of the word Profiles.
Run Report steps continued
2.Select the Report Group by mousing over it. The report groups can be found to the right of the Multiselect option on the Main Menu.
- If you do not see the report group needed, select the right arrows or left arrows. There may be more groups available that cannot fit on the screen.
3.Mouse over the name of the report needed. This will display the options allowed for this report.
- This will display the list of the reports the user has chosen to run. Users have the ability to run more than one report at a time. To do this, they would have to select Multiselection, which is to the left of all the group names. We’ll look at this later in the document.
4.Select Run to run the report. This will display the filters and prompts.
= Excel Design
= Xcelsius (Dashboard)
5.If necessary, change any filters or prompts (see information on filters and prompts below).
- Output Format – each report has a default format. If the user wants to change the format of the report, they can select the drop-down arrow and choose from format that displays. Here is a list of all Output Formats. Each report has a different set of outputs that are allowed for that specific report, so you may not see all Output Formats for the report selected.
PDF / Reports displayed in the Adobe Portable Document Format standard.
XLSDATA / Report output is an Excel workbook that includes a worksheet for each report section with the applicable date, column headers, detail and totals if applicable. There is no design or other formatting.
XLSDESIGN / Report output is an Excel workbook with a complete design (headers, footers, etc.). These reports may utilize Visual Basic for Application (VBA) code and enhanced Excel functionality.
XLF / Dashboard reports creating using Business Objects Xcelsius Designer
CUBE / An interactive decision cube displayed in the browser providing the user the ability to change ones perspective of the information by changing the sort order, column order or items displayed.
- Output Destination
Browser / Results will display in the user’s browser
Browser & Email / Results will display in the user’s browser and be sent to
the user’s email address & to any email address the user has added in their settings.
Email / Results will be sent to the user’s email address & to any email address the user has added in their settings.
This section will allow the user to select other dates if necessary.
- Dates: The user should enter the new dates manually or use the calendar. A start date and an end date are required.
- Currency: The option of changing currency may or may not display, depending on the report. Click on the icon that looks like a piece of parchment paper and a picklist will display. Choose the currency you want shown on this report and click on Select.
Corporate Structure
A corporate structure is a representation of the levels of a company’s hierarchical structure. A corporate structure is created in TRAVELTRAX (see the TRAVELTRAX User Guide) and then can be accessed via TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting.
- Click the select button. A list of corporate structures that have been assigned to the user will display. A blank window is displayed if the user does not have a corporate structure assigned to them. The user will need to close the window.
- The user will go down the tree view and select the corporate structure needed for this report.
6.Select the Run button.
- Reset button – To set all prompts/filters back to the defaults
Report Status
While the system is gathering the information to return the report results, the user will see the status of the report.
- The boxes you see represent sections of the report. As the sections are completed, the icons will be displayed in color.
- If an error occurs when a report is running, the system displays an X in the appropriate box. Users can click on the box to see additional details. When this happens, Level 1 support should contact Level 2 support using the online portal.
- The system will show you the status of the report. Below are the list of status’.
Running / This status will display when the report is running.
Queued / The report is in line to be processed.
Running / The report is currently processing.
Printing / The report is formatting the output presentation and sending it via the Internet to the user’s browser.
View report / Reports are displayed in a Pop-Up window when completed. If Pop-Ups are disabled, the user can still view the report by clicking this button after enabling Pop-Ups in their browser.
Check email / This status will display when the report is complete and an email has been sent with the report.
Error / This status will display when there is an error in the report and the results cannot be returned. When this happens, contact Level 2 support.
- Select View report to display the report results.
View Report Results
- At this point, you could use the PDF toolbar to save or print the report. The number of pages contained in this report displays at the bottom of the browser window.
- Note that this is a separate browser from TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting. You can look on your Windows task bar and notice that you have two browsers open. You can close the browser window containing the report and still have your TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting browser open.
Security may prevent Excel from automatically displaying the report. The user may need to right click on the security bar and then select Download File.
In Excel, users can set a macro security level to control what happens when you open a workbook that contains a macro. It is recommended that users set their Excel macro security to Medium. Open Excel and select Tools / Options and click on the Macro Security tab. For additional details see
If the report includes Macros, the user may see the following: