To: / SEE LIST BELOW / Phone:
From: / JANE E. BOESENBERG / Phone: / 319-364-8864
KLEIMAN CONSTRUCTION inc. / Fax: / 319-364-6721
/ 4REMARKS: / Information / For your review / Reply ASAP / Please comment
Please find attached, the “Meeting Minutes” for the referenced project. Please distribute to the following people as applicable.
Steve Kleiman, Kleiman Construction /
Eldon Clouse, Kleiman Construction / (319) 533-5122
Susan Bowersox, OPN Architects
/Katie Harns, OPN Architects /
Stacy Hanley, OPN Architects /
Kelly Harrer, Design Engineers /
Adam Bunnell, Design Engineers /
Marc Foster, Design Engineers /
Jon Bogert, Anderson-Bogert /
Jay Vavra, Anderson-Bogert /
Tom Kaldenberg, Kirkwood Community College /
Chris Croy, Kirkwood Community College /
Mark Zuber, Kirkwood Community College /
Jon Neff, Kirkwood Community College /
Kristine Tharp, Kirkwood Community College /
Marcia Driscoll, Kirkwood Community College
/Sean Cary, KJWW /
Kevin Gross, KJWW /
Dwayne Ebel / Wes Ernst, A’Hearn Plumbing & Heating /
Tim Rusch/Shelby Allgood, A’Hearn Plumbing & Heating /
Mike Borst, Borst Brothers Construction /
Tom Otis / Mark Gallager, Hawkeye Electric /
T.J. Ramsey, Ramsey Communications /
Tony Holkan / Jeremy Freerks, Blackhawk Sprinkler / (319) 277-0000
Dick Hart, Menefee Drywall / (319) 363-3870
Darreld Landon, Menefee Drywall /
Kevin Sperfslagh, Barker Lemar /
Greg Smalley, Advanced Builders / (319) 247-7179
Chris Lyons / Tony Michels / Scott Yeuter, Netom, Ent. /
Thomas E. Kleiman, Kleiman Construction Inc. /
Kirkwood Academic Building
MEETING DATE: / July 22, 2008MEETING TIME: / 1:00 p.m.
Tom Kaldenberg, KCC / Susan Bowersox, OPN Architects
Chris Croy, KCC / Katie Harns, OPN Architects
Kelly Harrer, Design Engineers
Tom Otis, Hawkeye Electric / Adam Bunnell, Design Engineers
Mark Gallager, Hawkeye Electric
Jeremy Freerks, Blackhawk Sprinkler / CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIVES:
Dwayne Ebel, A’Hearn Plumbing / Steve Kleiman, Kleiman Construction
Dick Hart, Menefee Drywall / Eldon Clouse, Kleiman Construction
Scott Yeuter, Netom Enterprises
- Steve has quote from Culver’s and will submit a Change Order Request for revised landscape/paving layout.
- Steve has quote from Geisler and will submit Change Order Request for whole new TPO roof at Theater Room. He noted price was approximately $40,000.00 which figures out pretty close to area and unit prices.
- Ramsey is done on 2nd and will proceed to 3rd once Menefee out of the way. He needs Telecom Room 1065 drywalled/taped/painted to install racks and wiring.
- Telecom handhold south side will be scheduled for next week. Need advised of exact date so telecom can be done at same time.
- Control wiring is complete on 1st & 2nd. 3rd needs to be done yet.
- East end of parking lot has not been seeded. Weeds are taking over. Steve will follow up on.
- Executed Change Order returned to Susan. Some items are still under review by OPN and Design Engineers. COR’s for ITC #13-16 are being finalized. Susan noted that credit for deleting terrazzo at stairs was not acceptable and at this point why change. Steve advised that the pans at the stairs had been changed to 2” pans to accommodate concrete. If terrazzo was still to be installed there would be adjustments.
- If light pole bases need re-flagged, it will be the responsibility of the Barker Lamar as they were staked once. Hawkeye will check on this and pour bases once everybody out of their way.
- Blackhawk Sprinkler’s RFI regarding sprinkler main at stairwell third floor will be review after the meeting.
- 3rd Floor, Room 338 closet taped, painted, ceiling grid installed, and lighting & switches are installed. Steve will advise Murphy Acoustics regarding ceiling tile so that can be installed right away. Ramsey needs to configure for data and will require a day to pull his lines. Kirkwood will provide furnishings. Area needs DONE IN 2 WEEKS.
- Blackhawk Sprinkler’s men will core drill for fire connection as per the original contract documents. They are done above the “clouds” in the corridor except for a few heads. An ITC has been issued for alarm strobes.
- Borst storm work has been delayed due to incessant rains. They will be back this Friday.
- Steve will supply more de-humidifiers once all glass is installed. Menefee noted he still needed access for his material.
- ADT is onsite installing their sleeves. Mark Gallagher will call Doors Inc. and arrange a meeting for details of door security installation.
- Retaining walls, seats, sculpture bases, etc. are complete and drainage issues resolved.
- Murphy Acoustics is waiting on trim pieces to finish ceiling grid at the heat pump on 1st floor by the bulkhead.
- Heat pump closet needs finished off. All heat pump issues are resolved except for return air connections. Design Engineers will take a look at prototype of return air connection after meeting.
- Susan has ITC for Conference 2061, south wall, precast support angles and will review with parties involved after the meeting.
- Marc has the ITC for re-feed of sidewalk lights for review after the meeting.
- Hawkeye Electric and Design Engineers will discuss electrical RFI issues after the meeting.
- The access floor layout is still needed.
- Precast patching and cutting reveal will take place next week. Steve will let Susan know what day so she can approve the reveal cutting.
- IT issues were resolved.
- Roof leak @ intersection Corridor A and one by open window still need taken care of. Geisler Brothers Roofing will be notified to take care of leaks.
- Progress/Schedule:
- Pipe insulation work almost done on 2nd and will then move to 3rd. Dwayne will get more insulators onsite.
- Overhead wiring on 2nd floor is done.
- Terrazzo workers are done on 1st floor except for some grinding. All parties advised to move everything out of 2nd floor corridors so Hawkeye Flooring can have access.
- Drywall in 3B, inside rooms and corridors will be done this week. Rockers are now on 2A. Painters are back on 3rd floor. Acoustical work on 2nd done at all interior rooms, N & S exterior rooms, and restrooms. Murphy Acoustics will have a crew working Saturday and Sunday.
- Geo-Thermal horizontal crew working north side of the building, backfilling to NE corner. Once out of area, north sidewalk can be installed.
- Corridor Painting is working on 3B now.
- An ITC is forthcoming addressing locations of hose bib and fire connection by the front door, as well as the strobe and enunciator panel.
- Ceramic tile work is installed in 1st floor restrooms but is not grouted yet. Tile is being installed on 2nd. Steve can get measurements for countertops and setting of plumbing fixtures can start soon.
- KCI/Subcontractor Questions/Issues:
- North sidewalk where it hooks to Bookstore schedule for completion at least past Johnson Hall before August 1st as well as storm sewer work. Rain has delayed this work – will get it done between raindrops. Steve will check on delivery of the steps and will be installed as soon as delivered.
- Eldon needs Cedar Hall canopy footing drawings. Canopy is being made now. Steve will check on the canopy steel delivery. Alternate 3 work still scheduled for Christmas vacation.
- Steve will get a cherry stain sample back to Christi @ OPN.
- Landscape benches don’t required any type of foundation.
- ITC #16 – Tom Otis has final pricing to Kleiman…Change Order Request forthcoming.
- Steve still needs decision regarding the Mecho shades.
- Signage questions have been resolved and Susan has forwarded standard details from previous projects to signage contractor.
- Soffit at radius wall is done.
- Access doors will not be required at 2nd floor stairwells sprinkler risers.
- Jeremy Freerks advised 3rd floor sprinkler rough in will be done today. He had concerns regarding Room 2063 and open air shaft walls. OPN and Design Engineers will review and advise. Jeremy asked that elevator car be moved up to 3rd so he can access bottom sprinkler head to adjust. Eldon will call Schumacher Elevator. Jeremy needs copy of ITC #16 for sprinkler head locations at new mechanical room.
- KCI will coordinate installation of entire corridor flooring over break.
- DB Acoustics have not been onsite to work on projections screens…possible tomorrow.
- Dick Hart questioned details for shaft wall at east end of commons area. Susan will review and advise.
- Eldon questioned installation of parapet at old canopy. Area will be looked at after meeting.
- Dick Hart advised Dwayne that access doors to dampers in 3rd floor mechanical room would have to be 12” x 12”.
- KCI to supply access doors for fire dampers on 2nd but need to know size. Dwayne will have tinner contact Steve.
- Scott Yeuter with Netom said installation will continue on north side as access to area becomes available. They are working on door frames. He has clips for sunshades.
- Third floor Benton Hall sprinkler and electrical work will be done over Christmas break.
- Owner/Architect Questions/Issues:
- Steve will check on hardware to change out old aluminum doors into the existing building.
- Tom Kaldenberg will review with Steve which steps at Neilson Hall need terrazzo repair so he can get a price from Hawkeye Flooring.
- Tom Kaldenberg questioned whether there would be access to building in late October or early November via sidewalks to the curbs or would access have to be via Johnson Hall. Steve assured him they would have sidewalk access to curb. It was further noted that elevator would be operational also.
- Chris Croy suggested cutting out brick during summer break for third floor access. Actual access finalized at end of fall semester.
- Susan reviewed the schedule and what needs to be accomplished the first two weeks of August so areas needing occupied are ready for occupancy. There was much discussion regarding the chimney and possible disturbances to office occupants. Area will be reviewed after meeting and decisions made.
- Chris advised water will be shutdown Friday…WORK HAS TO BE DONE. Break starts August 9th and faculty will return August 18th. Cedar Hall 3rd floor tiling has to be done. Steve advised him that they were scheduled for the 9th.
- Tom Kaldenberg advised all contractors that Freedom Festival activities will be held on campus over Labor Day weekend. Areas must be secured.
- Tom Kaldenberg reiterated Kirkwood Community College policy as of July 1st … CAMPUS IS TOTALLY NONE-SMOKING!!
- Susan asked Steve for name of manufacturer of graphic wall covering at kiosk so she can contact them direct.
- Susan will advise Eldon which two cabinets she wants switched around in the Workroom. Steve indicated a good share of the casework, corian, etc. had been delivered. He will wait till later to get wood paneling.
- Susan said furniture for first floor will be bid and ordered in August. Delivery dates will be set for sometime in October.
- Tom asked about Change Order Request for lighted stair rail credit. Steve advised it had been submitted.
- Tom and Susan said the IE and IR area sidewalks need completed before cold weather and office areas need heat.
- NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 1:00 P.M. at jobsite. Meetings to be on a bi-weekly basis. Subcontractors to meet weekly (Tuesdays @ 1:00 p.m.) to review schedule.
- PROJECT COMPLETION: Substantial Completion –Phase 1 September 10, 2008
The foregoing constitutes my understanding of matters discussed and conclusions reached. Other participants are requested to review these items and advise in writing, within three (3) days, the undersigned of any errors or omissions.
Jane E. Boesenberg
Contracts Administrator
cc: / Those in attendance / Kevin Gross, KJWWJon Bogert, Anderson-Bogert / Kevin Sperfslagh, Barker Lemar
Sean Cary, KJWW / Tim Rusch, A’Hearn Plumbing
Darreld Landon, Menefee Drywall / Mike Ralfs, Menefee Drywall
Mark Zuber, KCC / Tony Holkan, Blackhawk Sprinkler
Greg Smalley, Advanced Builders / Mike Ralfs, Menefee Drywall
Mike Borst, Borst Bros. Construction / Larry Hajek, Corridor Paint
Jay Vavra, Anderson-Bogert / Tony Michels, Netom Ent.
Stacy Hanley, OPN Architects / T.J. Ramsey, Ramsey Communications
Wes Ernst, A’Hearn Plumbing / Chris Lyons, Netom Enterprises
Shawn Grassfield, Design Engineers / Marcia Driscoll, KCC
\\Kci-dc\company\2719 Kirkwood Academic Building\Meeting Minutes\Meeting Minutes #24 7.22.08 Edited by SLK.doc