Last minute Notes for 2015 CCCNYC

Packet pickup will be at the Lions Club building inside the Fairgrounds fence. Results will be posted on the side of the large white trailer by the Fairgrounds fence.

Each team will be provided with a garbage bag at packet pickup. Please put your team’s trash in the bags and leave them at the trash barrels when you leave.

Remember to bring the signed waivers with you if you did not enter online at YES Athletics. If you entered the meet online, your waivers were done then. You will not need birth certificate or copies unless challenged.

Please follow the parking police and parking staff’s instructions. When you turn down Ruffian Way in to the park, turn left up the first paved road and parking will be in the roped area on the left. Pull your vehicle up to the rope. Busses will take the second left and park inside the Fairgrounds fence. PARENTS’ VEHICLES ARE NOT TO FOLLOW THE BUSSES IN TO THE FAIRGROUNDS FENCE. They will have to park in the parking area.


Live results will be available Saturday at and immediately after each race.

We will be using chips on the bibs. Do not bend these. We will have a split mat located roughly at the following distances in the races. 5K @ 2000 meters, 2K @ 600 meters, 3K at 1 Mile, 4K at 2000 meters. The chip readers will send signals back to a 60 inch TV which we will have near the finish line trailer. Athletes times will be posted on the TV as runners cross the timing pads. Team results will be real time scores which will also be posted on the TV. All results on the TV are unofficial. Please do not have athletes cross the split pad while warming up so as not to appear in the results of the current race.

Awards will be separate in single years for birthyears 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. To help athletes know their competition, there will be green ¾ inch dot stickers on the odd birthyears (2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007)which are the younger age in each age group. 2009 (six year olds) will have orange dots. Please check the awards schedule on the webpage. In the 15-16 & 17-18 combined race, the 17-18 age group will have green dots on the bibs. Remind parents ages are based on ages on December 31, 2015, not their age on meet day.

Top 25 in each single year group from 6 to 14 and separate 15-16 & 17-18 will receive awards on the stage by registration pavilion as well as team awards.

Fine Designs will have three booths set up.

Guided course walks will be at 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM Friday

Next year--- Save the date Saturday November 19, 2015, at Voice of America Park, West Chester, Ohio.