Pizza Lunches
Our School Council offers a “Pizza Lunch” Program. Our Pizza Lunch includes a choice of cheese or pepperoni pizza (one slice for $3.50 or two slices for $5) from our supplier 2-4-1 Pizza and a 100%, unsweetened apple juice box. We are in compliance with the Ministry’s Food and Beverage policy.
Volunteers run the Pizza Lunch program. This year, we will offer Pizza Lunches on Thursdays.
The Pizza Lunch Program is our most successful fundraiser. Funds raised allow our students opportunities that they may not otherwise get, such as French and English library books, new technology and tools for learning - all of which align with the School Success Plan for the current school year.
Order Forms
Our first order form is attached. Please watch for future order forms. Order forms are also available on our school website ( and in the school office. Please submit your order by the due date. Late orders will not be accepted, no exceptions. Refunds cannot be given once an order is received.
Forms of Payment
- Cash - Please provide the exact amount. Change is not given. Any excess funds are considered a donation to Council.
- Cheque – Please make your personal cheque payable to: Sheridan Park Public School.
We place our orders with our supplier in advance, so…
- If your child is sick, we cannot cancel your order on short notice. If you wish to pick up his/her order, please come to school during lunch break (11:55-12:15) and contact our volunteers. For health and safety reasons, if the pizza is not picked up by 12:30p.m., it will be discarded.
- If a school trip is scheduled on Pizza Day,you can a request a credit at least 2 days before the trip to be applied to your next order form. Please email the Pizza Team at . Please remember to leave your child’s full name and homeroom teacher. As not all students participate on trips, it is your responsibility to advise us if your student is on the trip. This will allow us to order the correct amount and avoid waste. Note: Due to health and safety reasons, pizza will no longer be refrigerated and sent home with students at the end of the day.
- Complete one form per student. Clearly print yourchild’s full name and homeroomteacheron the form.
- Keep track of the lunches you order for your child/children. Writing the days in your child’s agenda is useful, so both you and he/she know the dates. Check with your child/children to make sure his/her order was correct.
Volunteers Needed! If you love this program, please consider volunteering. We need help distributing the pizza on Thursdays from 11:15a.m. to 12:15p.m.
If you can assist in any way, whether it is a little or a lot, please email: (please type “Volunteer” in the subject line).
We look forward to another great year!
Sheridan Park School Council