Seaman Athletic Booster Club Minutes, May 11th, 2016
Meeting was called to order by Jenny Sodergren in room E-14 at 6:30 PM Seaman High School.
Those present were: Traci Podlena, Kristin Garman, Jenny Sodergren, Jennifer Sauer, Kelly Greene, Mark Miller, Natalie Sykes, Jeff Cowan, Julie Heinrich, Susan Anderson, Julie Heinrich, Lisa Hebert, Jennie Beavers, Tami Akin, Kat Smith, Gwen Jowers
Call to Order/Welcome New Members
Review March Minutes. Minutes approved
Review Treasurer's Report--Treasurer's report approved.
Old Business
Auction-202 people were in attendance. Raffle items were awesome this year. The auctioneer was awesome. Idea was brought up to do the baskets at the Chili Feed and collect money from teams. If donated items come in those are great. We need a better checkout system. A-G in one pile and H-Z in another. Committee meetings for the auctions need to start in January. DJ was great lets book him again once we secure our Auction Date. We made about $10,000.00.
SABC Spring Athlete Hotdog feed went well. The Swimmers were not able to eat. We need to go later and have enough hotdogs for all the athletes. Perhaps we can get team numbers from coaches ahead of time and plan better.
Camien/Welch Invitational-Broke even or made a little. The weather was horrible and many teams left. Booster Club has always run the concessions and we donate 80 meals and have 97 coaches. We pay a team $350.00 to do it. If we run it we can keep the profits.
Website-New one is up and old one has finally been taken down.
Spring Programs/Pictures, Senior Posters-Almost completed. Waiting on last photo.
New Business
Officers to Vote on: Natalie Sykes-President, Jeff Cowan-Vice President, Kristin Garman-Member at Large, Traci Podlena-Secretary, Tracy Jepson-Treasurer. Motion was made to approve the officers. MOTION APPROVED TO INSTALL THE OFFICERS.
Website-add our upcoming events: August 7th is kickoff to get your reserved football seats, Watermelon Feed is August 24th and so is Open House, Tailgate dinner is September 30th, Chili Feed is December 16th, Dinner Auction is TBA. We need to put our spirit wear on our website.
Spirit Wear-Kari Traver is in charge of Spirit Wear and Susan Anderson and Gwen Jowers will help Kari.
Motion was made to donate some spirit wear and other items for the SEAF Golf tournament. MOTION APPROVED.
Motion was made to donate $700.00 to After Glow for outstanding expenses. MOTION APPROVED.
Dietz's Report-
The tennis courts are getting finished up this week.
We are getting the turf field repaired they begin June 1.
$29.70 for Girls Soccer and Boys Baseball Senior Night Parent Flowers. Softball is $14.85.
Boys Swim Patches were $244.80 plus shipping.
We received many Thank you's from the coaches for the hotdog feed and also one from Seaman Relays from Don Steffan.
Need List: Motion was made to buy either balls or bags for the B & G golfers.
Water Bottles were eliminated from the Boys Basketball list.
Motion was made to approve the Need List. MOTION APPROVED.
Regional baseball is Monday, Softball is Tuesday and golf is also Monday.