S2 GenBank accession numbers of D-loop sequences analyzed

Newly obtained sequences of Martes martes and Martes foina were analysed together with sequences from the following mammalian species for the PCR-RFLP design. The partial sequences that did not fully incorporate the fragment analysed were included with complete sequences to check for possible changes in the D-loop sequences.

1. Marten Species

Martes martes (European pine marten; AF336949-AF336964, AF336968, AF336969 AJ585357); Martes foina (stone marten; AF336973, EF200701, EF200702); Martes zibellina (Sable; AF336965-AF336967, AF336970, EF200700).

2. Carnivore species showing similar scat morphology a

Vulpes vulpes (red fox; AJ585358, AF487753, AF487752, AF487736-AF487746, AF338789, AF338802-AF338790 D83639, AF098155, AM181037); Mustela putorius (European polecat; AY962022-AY962045, AF207718, AF207726, AF068560, AF068566-AF068568, AF068570); Mustela erminea (stoat; AB061215, AB049782-AB049788, AB049777-AB049780; AJ585353-AJ585356, AB006729-AB006733); Mustela vison (American mink; AJ585352-AJ585350, AB052720); Mustela lutreola (European mink; AF207720-AF207725, AJ548803-AJ548814).

3. Potential mammalian prey species

Sciurus vulgaris (Eurasian red squirrel; AJ238588, AB249881, NC_002369, AF111001-AF111026); Apodemus sylvaticus (European woodmouse; AY588255, AY588252, AY588264, AY588253, AJ410624, AJ410626-AJ410628,); Apodemus flavicolis (yellow-necked field mouse; AY588253, AY588264, AJ410624-AJ410631); Mus musculus (house mouse; NC_005089, AB042809,AB049357, AB042523, AB042524); Mus spretus (western wild mouse; AF287305, U47539); Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat; X57080, X57081, DQ897633-DQ897638, DQ673907-DQ673917, AJ428514, NC_001665, AC_000022, X14848, AY172581, X52757, X04733, X04734); Rattus rattus (black rat; AB211039, DQ009781-DQ009794, X04735); Microtus agrestis (short-tailed field vole; F267270, AY948542) Microtus rosameridionalis (southern vole; DQ323955, NC_008064, DQ015676); Microtus liechtensteini (AF267260-AF267266, AF267278-AF267283); Microtus subterraneus (European pine vole; AF267246, AF267247, AF267250, AF267271- AF267275); Microtus oeconomus (root vole; AF267268, AF267269); Microtus arvalis (common vole; AJ009883, DQ121418, AY708394-AY708459, DQ181947-DQ182012, AF267285) Microtus nivalis (snow vole; AF267284); Clethrionomys glareolus (bank vole; AJ236833, Y07543, AY185801-AY185810, AY133323-AY133326, AY133303-AY133315, AF165533) Erinaceus europaeus (western European hedgehog; NC002080, X88898, AF379703-AF379749); Talpa europaea (European mole; Y19192); Galemys pyrenaicus (Iberian desman; DQ305040); Crocidura russula (white-toothed shrew; NC006893, AY918341-AY918368, AY769264 AY769263, AF343009-AF343017, X90952); Sorex araneus (European shrew; X90951, AY781981-AY781060, AH014450-AH0144849); Oryctolagus cuniculus (European rabbit; AJ001588, AJ535817-AJ535822, AJ535791-AJ535792, AJ535785, AJ535784, AJ563720-AJ563721, AF534080-AJ563710, AJ293843-AJ293832, AJ293837, AJ293839, Z83356-Z83363, Z83351, Z83347, Z83345, Z83367, Z83353, Z83355, Z83349, Z83340-Z83344, AF157459, U62924-U62927, AJ535793-AJ535816, AJ535786-AJ535790, AJ535786-AJ535788, AJ563722, AJ563711-AJ563719, AJ293838-AJ293840, AJ293841-AJ293842, AJ293836-AJ293831, Z83364-Z83366, Z83352, Z83354, Z83358, Z83350, Z83346, AF003189-AF003195); Lepus castroviejoi (Broom Hare; DQ883207); Lepus europaeus (European hare; DQ645450, DQ883196-DQ8832016, AY876080 -AY876118, AY466782-AY466853, AY300032-AY300036, AY1546661-AY154666, AY103494-AY103531, AY163356-AY163376, AF1574363-AF157454, DQ645432 -DQ645449, AJ421471, Y15315); Cervus elaphus (red deer; AM419026, DQ386106-DQ386110, AM279271, DQ452075-DQ452087, NC007704, AB012385, AF016972-AF016973); Capreolus capreolus (roe deer; AM419028, DQ114784, DQ384640-DQ384708, DQ114745-DQ114783, AM279273, AY625732-AY625892, Z70318, AJ287365-AJ287383); Sus scrofa (wild boar; D17739, D16483, AJ854456).

4. Human

Homo sapiens (Human; AF254896 and D38112).

a As there were no available D-loop sequences for Gennetta gennetta in Genbank, the PCR procedure was only tested on tissue/hair samples.