Save the Children Sandy Recovery Grants: How the Process Works
This has been created to help you understand the Sandy recovery grant process so you know what will be expected of you along the way. Your Case Manager will refer to this document as they work with you, so you both can track the status of your application.
Step 1.Submit grant application form.
a)Please make sure that the application form is complete and that you have included all required documents as attachments. We cannot consider your application unless we have all requested information and documents.
b)If you are having difficulty completing the application form, please feel free to contact us at 203.341.8226 or
Step 2.Review of application & follow up phone call
a)When we receive your application, it will be assigned to a Case Manager and a Finance Delegate. The Case Manager will be your primary point of contact with Save the Children for the duration of the grant process.
b)After reviewing your application, the Case Manager will call you. If any information is unclear or any required documents are missing, the Case Manager will ask you to send that information directly to him/her.
c)Once a Case Manager determines an application form to be complete, it will be reviewed by the Sandy Recovery Review Committee. This committee will determine whether your application meets the eligibility criteria for funding.
d)Your Case Manager will contact you to let you know if your application has been accepted ,andwill arrange a site visit. S/he will also provide you with links to information about materials available through our vendor partners (Community Playthings, Kaplan & Staples).
e)The Committee will determine the maximum amount of funding available to you,pending final review of your request.
Step 3.Site Visit
a)You should be prepared to discuss the main obstacles you are facing in regards to getting your program back to its pre-disaster level, and how Save the Children might help you reach this goal.
b)If you are requesting funds for reimbursementof program related materials, you should have all related receipts ready to give to the Case Manager when they visit.
c)If you are requesting program materials, the Case Manager will bring along catalogues to help you finalize your material order. The Case Manager will leave you with a final budget form to complete.
d)A member of our finance team (Finance Delegate) will be working in partnership with the Case Manager and may also attend the site visit.
Step 4.Detailed Budget Finalized(Funding & Material Request)
a)You will continue to work on your detailed budget proposal, contacting your Case Manager with any questions or concerns along the way. The budget form will be broken down into three categories:
- Reimbursements: Requires receipts for all previously purchased items.
- Material Requests: Requires adetailed list ofall items you are requesting from our preferred vendors (Staples, Community Playthings, Kaplan). Approved items will be directly ordered and paid for by Save the Children.
- Sub-grant award (Cash Advance): This may cover other items you may need that cannot be purchased from our vendors. We require an official estimate for each item. For any item over $500, you need to show three quotes.
Step 5.Funding Review & Approval
a)Financial Review. After your final budget is submitted, the finance delegate assigned to your case will contact you to arrange a 10-15 minute phone interview with the main financial contact for your program (accountant, site director, etc.). This will be to discuss the main financial processes you have in place.
b)Final Approval:Your detailed budget proposal will be reviewed by a senior manager and the finance team. Your grant request may be approved, partially funded or deferred. Your Case Manager will inform you of the outcome.
Step 6.Materials/Funding Sent
a)Before your purchase order for materials is placed, you will be sent a memorandum of understanding or MOU by email for you to sign and return to us.
b)Before any checks are issued, you will receive a Grant Agreement by email, which also requires your e-signature.
* Please note, for all cash awards, you will receive 80% of the total award in the first check issued. After receipts are submitted, you will receive the remaining 20%. For reimbursements, you will receive 100%.
Step 7. Program Follow-up
a)Packing Slips: Please inform your Case Manager as soon as you receive any goods or checks from Save the Children. You must send signed packing slipsto your case manager within 48 hours of receiving your items.
b)Check Receipt: Please let your Case Manager know as soon as you receive a check.
c)Training: Your Case Manager will follow up with you to schedule a time for you to attend the mandatory training on Emergency Preparedness.
d)Final Report: Your finance delegate will send you an outline to complete for your final report which will let us know how the grant was spent and should include all receipts and purchase orders. The report is due one month after your grant end-date.
*The end-date will be determined by your finance delegate and will be included in your Grant Agreement. It is the date by which all funds must be spent.