Homework is Due: Monday, September 18, 2017
Teacher’s Remarks:
□ Great Job! Your homework is complete.
□ Careful! Your homework is not complete.
MathComplete Home Links 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 / Math
Complete Home Links 2.4 and 2.7
Science/Social Studies
Write the definition of a need in your own words and provide an example.
Write the definition of a want in your own words and provide an example. / Science/Social Studies
Your cafeteria is too noisy!
What steps would you take to solve the problem knowing that citizens impact communities?
Why is it important to follow the rules in the cafeteria?
Word Work
Use the word pattern list and activity sheet provided in your red folder. Start at the pattern that best challenges your child and the activity that suits your child’s interests.
For extra spelling practice visit this site and work through the spelling lists. BEFORE moving to second grade words, make sure your child can spell all the first grade words. / Word Work
Use the word pattern list and activity sheet provided in your red folder. Start at the top and work your way through each word pattern. Choose the activity that best suits your child’s interest.
Respond to your reading 3 times in your red spiral. Remember to write at least three good sentences for each response including a beginning, middle and end. Watch for capitalization and punctuation. / Writing
Respond to your reading 1 time in your red spiral. Remember to write at least three good sentences for your response including a beginning, middle and end. Watch for capitalization and punctuation.
Daily Reading for a minimum of 75 minutes per week! Please fill in your reading log (RTS-Read to self, RTM-Read to me, RTO-Read to Others). The left side is more challenging and the right side is on grade level work. Please choose one box (from each subject area) that best fits your child’s needs or you can do them all.