Constitution of

The Miami Valley Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association

Article I


1.01  Name. The name of the organization shall be The Miami Valley
Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association (MVSSCA) affiliated with the Ohio Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association (OSSCA) and the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA).

Article II


2.01 Objective. The purpose of the MVSSCA is to promote the growth and development of soccer in the Miami Valley.

2.02 Objective. The purpose of the MVSSCA is to promote cooperation with and assistance to the OSSCA , Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) and NSCAA in the development of soccer at all levels.

2.03 Objective. The purpose of the MVSSCA is to encourage MVSSCA to become active participating members of the OSSCA and NSCAA.

Article III


3.01 Membership. Active membership, upon payment of annual dues, shall include only head and assistant coaches on the high school and junior high school level. In order to maintain active membership in the MVSSCA, a head coach must also be a dues paying member of the OSSCA and NSCAA. Active members shall be able to vote at meetings of the MVSSCA and to hold office.

3.02 Meetings. The MVSSCA shall conduct a minimum of three meetings of the members consisting of a pre-season meeting, mid-season meeting and an All Star meeting. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or Executive Board with the condition that advanced written notice of at least seven days and such notice shall be issued to all members.

3.03 Quorum. The quorum required to conduct business at regularly scheduled meetings will be twenty percent (20%) of the active members. The quorum necessary to conduct association business at Special Meetings will be ten percent (10%) of the active members.

3.04 Voting. Each member entitled to vote shall be entitled to one vote on any matter submitted to the members. The exception to the one vote per member rule is during the All Star selection voting in which case each school, regardless of its number of members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be applicable law within the MVSSCA.

3.05 Attendance. To remain an active member of the MVSSCA, a head coach must represent his/her program at all regular meetings of the MVSSCA unless excused by a member of the Executive Board. If a coach fails to attend a meeting or fails to be excused by an Executive Board member, the violating coach will lose his/her right to vote in the next regularly scheduled meeting. Any exception to this rule is at the discretion of the Executive Board.

3.06 Dues. The annual dues will be set by the Executive Board with the approval of the members. Dues must be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer of the MVSSCA by the 3rd Sunday of August of each fiscal year. Failure to meet the stated deadline will result in elimination from active membership of the coach and/or school at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Article 4


4.01 Powers. The business affairs of the MVSSCA shall be managed by the Executive Board. The Executive shall direct, organize and supervise the functioning of the MVSSCA.

4.02 Composition. The Executive Board shall be comprised of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer that shall be considered members.

4.03 Election. Election of the officers shall take place on the 1st Sunday after the conclusion of the regular season during All Star selection meeting.

4.04 Term. Each elected officer will serve a term of one full year starting with the All Star selection meeting. There are no limits to the number of terms an elected officer can serve.

4.05 Meetings. Meetings of the Executive Board will be at the discretion of the President or at such times as the majority of the Executive Board determines.

4.06 Quorum. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of MVSSCA business.

4.07 Voting. Each officer on the Executive Board shall be entitled to one vote on any matter determined by the Executive Board with the exception of the President as stated in Article 5 Section 5.01

4.08 Vacancies. In the event an officer cannot complete the term he/she was elected, President will appoint a member to fulfill the duties of the position for the remainder of the term until the next election. In the event the President’s position becomes vacant during the term, the First Vice President will assume the responsibility until the position is filled during the election.

Article 5

Officer Responsibility

5.01 President. The President shall serve as chairman of the Executive Board, shall be the official representative of the MVSSCA and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall cast no vote with the exception of a tie vote at which time he must break the tie vote.

A.  The President shall fulfill all of the following responsibilities for a term of one full year:

1.  Uphold the letter and intent of the Constitution of the MVSSCA.

2.  Execute the decisions approved by the MVSSCA membership.

3.  Represent the interests of the MVSSCA and high school soccer through membership and participation in the Ohio Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association.

4.  Represent the interests of the MVSSCA and high school soccer by attending and participating in all OSSCA Board of Directors meetings.

5.  Organize and lead the MVSSCA August meeting (date determined by the OHSAA Rules of Interpretation meeting) and the October All Star selection meeting (1st Sunday after the conclusion of the regular season)

6.  Communicate with MVSSCA through letters and emails concerning the upcoming meetings, important dates and membership responsibilities.

7.  Coordinate through the First Vice President and Second Vice President organization of the All Star selection process and All Star games.

8.  Solicit financial supports and/or sponsorships for the MVSSCA All Star game

9.  Coordinate the MVSSCA Coaches Poll

10.  Communicate and meet with the MVSSCA Executive Board when necessary.

11.  Perform various and unspecified duties as the Executive Head of the MVSSCA

5.02 First Vice President. The First Vice President shall assist the President as requested. This officer shall uphold the letter and intent of the Constitution of the MVSSCA. This officer shall be a member of all committees and the administrator-in-charge of any meeting the President is unable to attend. This officer shall be responsible for the organization and direction of the MVSSCA All Star selection process. (See All Star information packet for a complete list of All Star selection process responsibilities)

5.03 Second Vice President. The Second Vice President shall assist the President as requested. This officer shall uphold the letter and intent of the Constitution of the MVSSCA. This officer shall be responsible for the organization and direction of the MVSSCA All Star game. (See All Star information packet for a complete list of All Star selection process responsibilities)

5.04 Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary Treasurer serve as the administrator of the financial functions of the MVSSCA which includes all of the following responsibilities:

1. This officer shall uphold the letter and intent of the Constitution of the MVSSCA.

2. Collect all MVSSCA/OSSCA unified membership dues

3. Pay all bills that are assumed by the MVSSCA.

4. Provide an accurate financial statement of MVSSCA business at all MVSSCA general meetings and at the request of the President or Executive Board.

5. Provide an accurate directory of all schools, coaches, addresses and phone numbers of MVSSCA members in good standing.

6. Assist the President with all mailings to MVSSCA members.

7. Assist the President and First Vice President in the All Star selection process by providing accurate lists of MVSSCA members in good standing which process All Star voting privileges.

8. Assist the President with soliciting of financial support /sponsorships for the MVSSCA All Star Game.

Article 6


6.01 Committees. The Board of Directors may appoint such committees that are deemed necessary or desirable to address issues identified by the Executive Board or MVSSCA members. Committees Chairpersons will not become members of the Executive Board nor be granted a vote at an Executive Board meeting. Committee Chairpersons are directly responsible to the Executive Board and MVSSCA membership.

Article 7


7.01 Amendments. The Consititution of the MVSSCA may be amended only at regularly scheduled meeting of the membership as described in Article 5 Section 5.01 Subsection 5. In order for the Constitution to be amended, fifty one percent (51%) of the active membership must attend the meeting for a quorum to be established. The Constitution of the MVSSCA may be amended by a two thirds vote of those present provided that the proposed amendments are submitted to the members of the Executive Board in writing seven days prior to the meeting at which the voting will take place.