The gospel of today began with the phrase “When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah”. This confirms that we are still in the Christmas festive mood. Prior to this day, according to the gospel of St. Luke, the Word God Jesus the baby, through the joyful angels, had already manifested Himself to the shepherds who represent the poor people of God and the ordinary uneducated among us. They were filled with joy. Matthew today records that Jesus also made Himself known to people who live far in the east, the wise, the Magi who studied the stars. The Magi left everything, traveled days and nights across arid regions and across the seas in search of Him. When the three wise men found Jesus, they did two things; they worshipped Him, and they opened their treasures and offered the gifts of fold for His kingship, frankincense for His priesthood and myrrh for His eternal mummification. They represent the most educated of our time. He also made Himself known to King Herod, and his ministers, and administrative head. Herod and his service chiefs were terrified because they thought that their leadership was in jeopardy. All the ends of the earth have seen the glory of God and so do all the people themselves. Notably wise people of time, such as Pater, Andrew, James and John, and the three Magi follow the light of God and have enjoyed His company. Likewise, the foolish ones such as Herod and Judas have manifested the culture of extinguishing this light even through murder.

So, all the ends of the earth have seen the glory of our God. That glory is Christ Jesus, the light of the world. He is the light which enlightens the gentile and Israel alike. He is the light which knows no discrimination of any sort, and the light cannot ever be extinguished by any darkness.

So, what does this mean for us Christians? The light of God shines in the whole world. Does it shine in you and me? He reveals Himself through whom we are and what we do. Jesus gave Himself to us. Such a gift demands a response. The shepherds offered Him their joy. The Magi offered Him gold, frankincense and myrrh which helped the raising of Jesus in Egypt. We can at least for His sake, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, cloth the naked, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned and recognize the Face of Jesus in our family members. By His grace, we can do these things.

Homework – at least once this week, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, cloth the naked, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned, and see the Face of Christs in our families.

Father Chrysogonus