Computer Applications Technology/P1 DoE/November 2008
MARKS: 200
TIME: 3 hours
This question paper consists of 18 pages and 2 appendices (3 pages).
- Owing to the nature of this three-hour examination it is important to note that you will NOT be permitted to leave the examination room before the end of the examination period.
- Insert your examination number and the question number in the header of EVERY document that you create or save.
- The invigilator will give you a disk containing all the files needed for the examination or you will be told where the files can be found on the network. If a disk has been issued to you, you must write your name on the label; if you are working on the network, follow the instructions provided by the invigilator.
- A copy of the master files will be available from the invigilator. Should there be any problem with a file/files, you may request another copy from the invigilator.
- Ensure that you save each document using the file name given in the question paper. Save your work at regular intervals as a precaution against possible power failures.
- Read through each question before answering or solving the problem. Do NOT do more than is required by the question.
- At the end of the examination you must hand in the disk given to you by the invigilator or make sure that all the files have been saved on the disk or on the network as explained to you by the invigilator/teacher. Make absolutely sure that all files can be read.
- During the examination you may make use of the help functions of the programs that you are using. You may NOT use any other resource material.
- Note that if data is derived from a previous question that you cannot answer, you should still proceed with the questions that follow.
- Formulae and/or functions must be used for ALL calculations in questions involving spreadsheets unless specified otherwise. Absolute cell references must only be used where necessary to ensure that formulae are correct when they are copied to other cells in spreadsheets.
- In all questions involving word processing, the language should be set to English (South Africa). The paper size is assumed to be A4 Portrait, unless instructed otherwise.
The data disk that you receive with this question paper will contain the following folder and files. Ensure that you have this folder and ALL these files before you begin the examination.
The world is faced with a crisis because people are using more resources than the earth can provide. We can all save energy and recycle products to help save our world.
Your school has decided to reduce its energy consumption by 20% and to promote recycling projects. Computers will be used to assist with the various projects and monitor the progress.
Various computer applications are used to create documents with information on or relating to projects in the school.
The computers have been loaded with all the relevant software, including an operating system and an Office Suite.
The following folder structure has been created on one of the computers used for the school’s recycling project:Recycling Management
Calculations / Correspondence / Fund Raising / Projects
Backup / Letters / Project Backup
1.1 / Change the attributes of the file International Recycling in the Recycling Management folder so that it is hidden. / (1)
1.2 / Delete the file Outdatedfound in the Projects folder. / (1)
1.3 / Change the format of the file Project Invitation in the Recycling Management folder to Rich Text Format. / (1)
1.4 / There is one text file in the Recycling Management folder. Enter the name of this file in the space provided in the file called q1Answers. / (1)
1.5 / Add the password gr4de to the file Internet Research in the Recycling Management folder. / (2)
1.6 / The recycling co-ordinator knows that one of the documents referred to carbon dioxide output, but he cannot remember which one. Find a file that contains the word 'CO2' and enter the name of the file in the space provided in the file called q1Answers. / (1)
1.7 / Move all the word processing documents from the Recycling Management folder to the Letters folder. / (3)
1.8 / Create a subfolder called Reports in the Correspondence folder. / (2)
1.9 / Copy all the files in the Recycling Management folder (and its sub-folders) that contain the word 'Lab' in the file name to the Backup folder. / (2)
1.10 / Determine the total amount of disk space that is used by the files in the ProjectBackup subfolder in the Projects folder. Enter this amount of disk space (in kilobytes) in the space provided in the file called q1Answers. / (1)
1.11 / Display all the files in the Fund Raising folder as shown in the screen dump/screen shot below. Note that the files are sorted by size and that the Date Modified column appears after size.
Make a screen dump/screen shot of your display and paste it into the file q1Answers. / (4)
1.12 / The file Summary can be found in the Projects folder. Create a shortcut to this file in the RecyclingManagement folder. / (1)
Open the file q2HintsAndTips.A document on HINTS AND TIPS IN CASE OF POWER OUTAGES was found on the Eskom website ( One of the learners messed up the document and it now needs to be edited.
Type your examination number in the header of the document.
2.1 / In the Properties feature set the author to Gr 12 CAT. / (1)
2.2 / Change the page orientation to A4 Portrait. / (2)
2.3 / Set the line spacing of the whole document to 1.5. / (1)
2.4 / Reformat the whole word electric so that it appears as ELECTRIC in upper case and in red throughout the document. / (3)
2.5 / Place a border around the heading HINTS AND TIPS IN CASE OF POWER OUTAGES. / (1)
2.6 / Create a footnote linked to the word ventilators in the second paragraph. The footnote should read: For people with breathing problems. / (2)
2.7 / Remove the comment found on the words Eskom Contact Centre in the third paragraph. / (1)
2.8 / Replace the round bullets in the first bulleted list beginning with Geyser with finger-pointing bullets similar to this: . / (1)
2.9 / Two errors were found after the heading Switch it off. Correct these errors as indicated below.
Remember to re-set time control clocks on cooking ovens, pool pumps, stet
geysers and other automatically controlled appliances, unless these are
battery operated. Also remember that householders are responsible for all
appliances and electricity usage in their homes. trs / (2)
2.10 / Format the bulleted list under the phrase: 'Think about access, security and safety' to appear as two even columns. / (2)
2.11 / Correct the hanging indent for the whole bulleted list under the phrase 'Think aboutkeeping things cool and heating them up': to appear as follows:
/ (2)
Save and close the document. / [18]
Open the file q3Brochure.Type your examination number in the header of the document.
3.1 / Page 1:
3.1.1 / At the top of this page, insert a table across the width of the page with one row and two columns, similar to the image below. Continue with the instructions in QUESTIONS 3.1.2 to 3.1.4.
/ (1)
3.1.2 / Insert a date that updates automatically in the first cell as shown. Format the date to 13 pt and align vertically as shown. / (3)
3.1.3 / Insert WordArt/TextArt/Fontwork in a large font to fill the cell with the words Energy Info in the second cell.
Format the WordArt/TextArt/Fontwork with thePowerLogo found in the file calledq3PowerLogo. The fill styleshould be visiblein the text as shown above. (Ensure that the text remains in the cell.) / (3)
3.1.4 / Change the background colour of the cell containing the WordArt/TextArt/Fontwork to light green. / (1)
3.2 / Page 3:
Format the information on this page so that it appears like Appendix A. The image required for this question is found in the file q3TempMonitor. / (12)
3.3 / Page 4:
3.3.1 / Format the table as follows:
- Sort the data in the table in ascending order of energy used (Watt). Do NOT include the row with the average in the sort.
- Use a formula to calculate the total usage in the bottom most (last) cell of the column with the heading 'Watt'.
- Format the table with a colourful AutoFormat.
- Position the table on the right-hand side of the page so that the text can wrap around it.
3.3.2 / Use the automatic numbering feature to number the steps beginning with Right-click on your desktop … to … Select the number … (for example Windows NT). / (1)
3.4 / Whole document:
3.4.1 / Arrange the page numbering of the document so that the even numbers appear on the bottom left side of the page and the odd numbers appear on the bottom right side of the page. Number the pages from page 1. The page number must not appear on the first page. / (5)
3.4.2 / Format the following headings as Heading 1:
3.4.3 / Modify the style Heading 2 to Arial Narrow or Granada 14 pt and bold. / (2)
3.4.4 / Format the following headings as Heading 2:
Myth #1: Turning off my computer is bad for my computer - Wrong!
Myth #2: Computers don't really need a lot of power if they are on but not used - Wrong!
Myth #3: Screen savers save -Wrong! / (1)
3.4.5 / Use a feature of your word processing program to generate a Table of Contents that must appear at the bottom half of page one of the document as indicated. Use one of the available formats (templates) other than the default. / (2)
Save and close the document. / [37]
There is a potential for generating income from the recycling of computer equipment and televisionsets.Open the file q4HighTech. Type your examination number in the header of the document.
4.1 / Adjust the width of column A so that all the text in this column can be read. / (1)
4.2 / Format the heading of the spreadsheet 'What happens to high tech trash?' to Arial 16. / (1)
4.3 / Format the numbers in the Recycledcolumn as percentages with one decimal place. / (2)
4.4 / Delete column B on Sheet2 as the code is not required. / (1)
4.5 / Insert a formula on Sheet1 to calculate the number of tons that are recycled for each type of high tech item. Use the number of tons from Sheet2 and the percentage recycled from Sheet1. The answers must appear in column C on Sheet1 under the heading 000 Tons Recycled. / (3)
4.6 / The sheet Trial Data is not required. Delete this sheet from the workbook. / (1)
4.7 / $128,50 per ton can be earned from recycled goods. Refer to the value in row 4 of Sheet1 and use a formula with an absolute cell reference to calculate the potential income from 000 Tons Recycled. The formulae must be placed in column D. / (3)
4.8 / The potential income is in dollars. Format the amounts in column D as USdollars and cents. / (2)
4.9 / In column E, place an assessment of the recycling rate which is found in column B. Use a VLOOKUP function to set up this assessment. The lookup table must start in cell G6. Use the values in the table below as aguide.
10% - <15% / Poor
15% - <20% / Needs improvement
20% - <25% / Adequate
25% - <30% / Good
30% - <35% / Very good
/ (6)
Save and close the document. / [20]
Open the file q5Recycling.Type your examination number in the header of the document.
5.1 / A local company is giving prizes for recycling projects at schools. Your school keeps a record of the collections by each class.
Work on the worksheetMass.
5.1.1 / Merge cells B2 to E2 and place a border around the merged cell. / (2)
5.1.2 / Use a function in cell B23 to calculate the total mass of paper collected. Apply this function to calculate the total mass for the other products collected. / (3)
5.1.3 / Use a formula in cell B24 to determine the amount of money raised by selling the paper at 28 cents per kilogram. / (1)
5.1.4 / The winner is the class that collected the highest total mass of recycled items. Use a function in cell F25 to calculate the highest total mass collected by a class. / (2)
5.1.5 / A second prize is awarded. Use a function in cell F26 to calculate the second highest total mass collected. / (3)
5.1.6 / Use a function in column G to show a comment on the effort made by class 8A. The word 'excellent' should appear if the total mass collected is greater than 200; 'well done' if the total mass is in the range 100 to 200; otherwise 'can do better'. / (6)
5.2 / A company that recycles old cartridges would like to buy the cartridgescollected at the school.
Work on the worksheetSheet2.
5.2.1 / Rename Sheet2 to Cartridges. / (1)
5.2.2 / Use a function in cell F23 to calculate the total number of black laser cartridges collected by grade 9 classes. / (4)
Save and close the document.
5.3 / All the information relating to the computers at the school is stored in a spreadsheet called q5Computers.
Open the file q5Computers.
Type your examination number in the header of the document.
5.3.1 / The principal wishes to dispose of all P3 computers. Display the number of P3 computers to be recycled in cell D1.
HINT: Use a function in column D to assist you in this calculation. / (6)
5.3.2 / The principal also wishes to dispose of other old computers. Use a formula in cell H4 to determine the number of years that the computer has been in use up to today (current day). / (4)
5.3.3 / Sort the data according to the size of the hard drive (HDD) from the largest to the smallest. / (3)
Save and close the document. / [35]
6.1 / Open the database called q6Collections.6.1.1 / Create a database table called Recycle with the following fields:
Field Name / Data Type / Length/Format
ItemCode / Text / 4
Description / Text / 12
Biodegradable / Yes/No / Yes/No
Mass / Number / Set to 1 decimal point
/ (5)
6.1.2 / Set the ItemCode field as the primary key. / (1)
6.1.3 / Set a default value of TRUE for the Biodegradable field. / (1)
6.1.4 / Create a validation rule that will ensure that only numbers in the range 0to 150 for the Mass field are accepted. Ensure that a suitable message appears if invalid data is entered. / (4)
6.1.5 / Set the input mask for the ItemCode field so that the data must consist of two uppercase alphabetical characters followed by two numbers. / (3)
6.1.6 / Create a form called EnterCollection that will be used to input data for all fields. / (2)
Remember to save and close the document.
6.2 / Open the database called q6Energy. Refer to the table called Stock.
6.2.1 / Create a query called OpSys that will display the Description, OS and Date_Of_Purchase fields for those computers using WINXPPRO or VISTA operating systems (OS). / (3)
6.2.2 / Create a query called Older that will display the Description, Monitor_Type and OS fields of the computers bought before 2005, have a CRT monitor and use either XPHOME or WIN2000 operating systems. / (6)
6.2.3 / Assume that the energy used by each computer depends on the speed of the processor. 15 watts of energy is used per hour for each gigahertz.
Energy = Processor * 15
Create a query called EnergyUsed with a calculated field called Energy that displays this value for each computer. Display the Description, Processor and Energy fields. / (3)
6.2.4 / The governing body requires a report regarding the recycling of computers at the school.
- Create a report called Saving. Display the Description, Date_Of_Purchase,HDD and Monitor_Type fields in this order
- The records must be grouped according to the monitor type
- Sort according to HDD from the highest to the lowest
- The following statistics must appear with suitable headings:
- The number of monitors in each group (in the group footer)
- The average hard disk size (in the report footer)
- The date on which the oldest computer was purchased (in the report footer)
6.2.5 / A local company has offered to set up an additional computer centre at the school. The data concerning the computers for this centre is found in the file q6NewCentre.txt.
Import the data from the q6NewCentre.txt file into the database called q6Energy. Make sure that each field has an appropriate name. Save it as a new table called NewCentre.
NOTE: The data in the text file is separated by semicolons. / (3)
Save and close the document. / [45]
The team in charge of the recycling project has decided to send out a newsletter to keep the community informed about their plans for the next quarter. Jabu has prepared the newsletter but needs help in completing it.Type your examination number in the header of each document.
Refer to Appendix B to see the desired result.
You will need the following files to answer this question:
- q7MainLetter
- q7EnergyRates
- q7Addresses
7.1 / Open the file q7MainLetter.
7.1.1 / Format the heading 'Recycling Project Report' so that it stands out from the rest of the document. / (1)
7.1.2 / Refer to Appendix B.
Complete the form at the end of the letter as follows:
- Copy the address of the recycling project from the top of the letter to the appropriate place in the form as indicated in Appendix B.
- Use a tab with a dot leader together with a feature on theForms tool bar to format the form so that it appears similar to AppendixB.
- The form must appear on the second page of the letter as indicated in Appendix B.
7.1.3 / Correct all the spelling errors on the first page of the letter. / (2)
7.2 / Refer to Appendix B.
Open the file q7EnergyRates.
7.2.1 / Create a pie graph/chart of the data from the sheet EnergySaved. Pull out the slice for energy saved from recycling newspapers as indicated in Appendix B. / (3)
7.2.2 / Insert this pie chart in the appropriate place in q7MainLetter as displayed in Appendix B. / (1)
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