Teachers: Ben Montgomery, Cassie Engberecht, Sarah Smith
Name of Lesson: Eric Carle
Grade level: pre-k


  • How colorsand textures relate to feelings and/or stories by using ideas from Eric Carle


  • To gain understanding of how colors mix to create other colors
  • To gain appreciation for Eric Carle’s style and distinguish his work among others
  • To demonstrate ability to describe their artwork while using topics of color, texture, and feeling
  • To demonstrate the ability to create a story from their artwork
  • To develop skill in fine motor skills & techniques to create their texture works


  • TSWBT understand that red, yellow, and blue can create green, orange, and purple
  • (color, primary color, secondary color)
  • TSWBT understand the connection between colors and emotion
  • TSWBT understand that behind every piece of art the artist had a story or feeling behind it
  • TSWBT understand how Eric Carle created his artwork
  • TSWBT understand how scissors work and how to operate them correctly


  • Having an outline of animals premade if they aren’t able to create a drawing on their own
  • Having a “brain break” to 1) get up and exercise and get the silly’s out AND 2) snack break related to the project
  • One on one attention if needed


  1. Artist: a person who makes art for a living as a job
  2. Colors: what we see when light shines on an object
  3. Texture: what a surface OR thing feels like
  4. Basic (primary) color: red, yellow, blue
  5. Mixed (secondary) color: all the other colors except white (orange, green, purple, brown, black)
  6. Critique: a time when you explain or tell your story of your artwork
  7. Emotion: our feelings during an activity (happy, sad, glad, mad, angry, joyful, etc.)
  8. Tissue paper: really thin, colored paper that has high transparency (you can see through it!) it comes in presents
  9. Illustrate: to make pictures for a book
  10. Author: to write words for a book that makes a story
  11. Collage: many pieces pasted together


  • Eric Carle (artist) (read Brown Bear, Brown Bear)
  • Who is he?
  • Look at his illustrations from multiple books
  • Show video “How Eric Carle makes his illustrations”
  • Compare his work with other artists’ work (assessment)


Subject Matter

  • Why did you choose your animal? What’s his name?
  • What’s its story? (what’s happening in the picture)
  • How are they feeling today? (sad, happy etc.)
  • How does your animal talk? How might it sound? (tell a partner)
  • How is Eric Carle’s artwork different from this other example?


  • What would the texture of your animal be in real life? (hard/soft, smooth/rough, etc.) is it normal or is it a new different type of animal?
  • What colors did you use? Why?
  • How many mixed colors can we name? Go!
  • What kind of shapes does Eric Carle use? What do you use?
  • How does your animal move or get place to place?


  • Large (butcher) paper
  • Many newspapers
  • Acrylic paint
  • Regular print paper
  • Glue (paint brushes? What kind works best?)
  • Pencils
  • Scissors
  • Projector (ipad)
  • Snacks? Napkins/cups

Students need: clothes that can be painted in


8:15 Arrival and set up

8:45 Greet children and parents/ name tags

9:00 Color mixing on floor

9:15 clean up – washing hands
hand out snacks

9:30 ERIC CARLE history lesson
read book
9:35 history
9:40 compare artists (assessment)

9:45 show our art examples, explain what will happen

9:50 brain break (run outside if nice, or dance to song inside if not)
set up art project

10:00 begin art project
-pick an animal outline or choose to draw their own
-glue their tissue paper to picture

10:30 draw it in, clean up a little
10:35 talk about our pictures with a partner (assessment) use questions from above
10:40 make a circle, explain our song

10:45 practice our song

10:55 perform to parent who are here