Simon Kenton’s Guide to the 2015-2016 School Year
John W. Popham
PRINCIPAL / Georgina Campbell
Michelle Hickey
Craig Reinhart
Trent Steiner
Roy Lucas
Shelley Sizemore
Phone: 960-0100 / First School Day : August 19, 2015 / Fax: 960-0360
1Pioneer Parent
Welcome to Simon Kenton, home of the Pioneers! I am happythat you will be a part of Simon Kenton during the 2015-16 school year. I am proud of the quality education we provide at Simon Kenton. Our outstanding teaching staff is continually striving to meet all student learning needs. I am proud to report that assessment data shows increased student achievement and Simon Kenton is rated as a Proficient school.Your continued support of the school is vital to keeping us moving forward. Please be sure to contact us at any time if you have questions, concerns, or want to help Simon Kenton in any way. I am confident that with parent, student, community, and school support, 2015-16will be an outstanding school year!
John W. Popham, Principal
The Simon Kenton Site-Based Council meets from 3:00-5:00 on the 3rd Thursday of each month. The public is invited to attend. SBDM members areJohn Popham, Craig Reinhart,Christine Hoerlein, Megan Wilson, Chris Fossett, Toni Moore, Micele Sturm, Tara Snelling, Jennifer Taylor, Beth Hellman, and Amy White.Please join the PTSA and attend meetings when possible. The PSTA president is Tara Snelling.
Please make sure your child’s immunization is up-to-date. If we do not have an immunization form on file, we will be unable to provide a schedule or enroll a student. If you have any questions, please call the nurse.
Please make sure any clothing you purchaseis in compliance with the dress code. Students who don’t meet the dress code are subject to disciplinary actionand will need to call home to have proper attire delivered. We ask for your support on checking students’ clothing before theyleave home. Please be assured that while steps are in place to be consistent, a student who is found to be out of compliance will need to fix the issue before going to class. A copy of the dress code is available on the school web page.
We are striving to provide a positive, safe and appropriate learning environment for all students.The following policies help maintain a safe learning environment:
1. The building is unlocked from 7:20-2:50 Access to the building before or after school is limited to supervised activities only.Please make sure to follow these time lines.
2. Security Sweeps including use of cameras, police, and canine units areperformed (cars and lockers included).
3. Please note the SBDM approved cell phone policy and encourage your student to follow this policy. We are unable to allocate resources to investigate theft or loss of cell phones or electronic items such as personal music players. Students bring such items at their own risk.Instruction must not be interrupted by cell phones.
4. We encourage all students to support a positive school environment by reporting unsafe or concerning situations to the school. Anonymous reports may be made through 903HELP but we ask that this be used in serious situations only.
5. Identification is required to check a student out of school. A written note is necessary from the legal guardian when an emergency contact is checking a student out of school. If a note is not provided, please call the school in advance.
Students may pick up scheduleson Tuesday, August 18thfrom 9:00am to 2:00pm. Parent teacher conferences and open house will be held at midterm of the first quarter. Student schedules may be viewed on Infinite Campus. For IC assistance, please call the counseling office. Schedule change requests will be available in the counseling office for students to fill out if an omission has been made. Schedule changes for elective courses, teacher preference, or AP courses may not be made. Students will report to homeroom on the first day and will receive an updated schedule at that time.
Students missing school will be required to make up all work. Leaving early, arriving late, excused and unexcused absences, being sent to ISS (inschool suspensions), and suspensions from school, etc., all count toward the total that could result in loss of credit. Parent notes are accepted for up to three (3) events per grading period up to a maximum of nine (9) events per school year. Any child who has been absent from school without valid excuse for (3) or more days, or tardy on (3) or more days is a truant regardless of the number of minutes he/she is tardy. No final exams will be given early. In order to attend extracurricular school activities, you must be present in school. Students who are absent or have early dismissals on days of events (example- dance) will not be allowed to attend following our attendance policy. Graduation participation requires fewer than 9 unexcused events. While students who miss more may still qualify for a diploma, they will not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies.
As part of the locker rental, students are provided with an individual school locker and a combination lock for security. Students need to keep the lock combination private for security purposes. Students are responsible for any contents of the locker. Students may not use personal locks on school lockers. A lost lock becomes a $6.00 fee assessed for replacement.
Having a parking permit is a privilege. Parking permits are assigned through an application process based on priority need, with primary consideration given to seniors withschoolrelated activities (i.e. coop, sports, band, etc.) and secondary consideration given to afterschool employment and other personal needs. Any student who abuses the privilege through unsafe driving or repeated tardies will forfeit his/her parking permit (see parking regulations on application). Those students approved for permits at this time should bring the $20 parking fee, driver's license, and proof ofinsurance to receive a permit on Thursday August6 or Thursday August 13 from 9:00 to 11:30 am. Onlystudents with fees paid will be issued a permit. You must have a permit to park on the first day of school. Parking pass listswill be posted at the front of school onAugust 3.Applications are available on the school web page. When dropping off or picking up students, please pull forward as far as possible in the driving lanes to help the flow of traffic. Also, please observe any cones and staff members directing traffic. Please do not double park in the lanes in front of the school.
The faculty and administration of Simon Kenton High School extend an open invitation to all parents to email, call, or set up an appointment for a conference. Please contact your teachers as needed to insure a successful school year. To help keep parents informed, we utilize our website and use a calling system to deliver important information.To keep you updated student progress, we send report cards home and give students progress reports every few weeks. You may also check grades online through Infinite Campus.()(Website
Building opens 7:20
7:40 / 8:33 / First8:38 / 9:31 / Second
9:36 / 10:29 / Third
10:34 / 10:59 / SKORE
11:04 / 12:34 / Fourth
12:39 / 1:32 / Fifth
1:37 / 2:30 / Sixth
Building closes 2:50
Please -no drop-offs before 7:20 and pickup by 2:50.
Be sure to register for our orientation day on August 14th. This day allows students to spend the day at Simon Kenton familiarizing them with our facility. Registration forms are in the main office or online.
1Pioneer ParentKenton County Schools
2015-16 Student School Calendar
August 17 - Records, Schools Closed
August 18 - Professional Development Day #1 - Schools Closed
August 19 - First Day of School for Students
September7 - Labor Day, Schools Closed
October9 - Schools Closed
October 12 - Professional Development Day #2 - Schools Closed
November3 - Schools Closed
November 25 - Professional Development Day #3 - Schools Closed
November 26 - Thanksgiving Holiday, Schools Closed
November 27 - Schools Closed
December21 - January1 - Winter Break - Schools Closed
January4 - Students return to school
January18 - Martin Luther King Day - Schools Closed
February15 - Presidents' Day - Schools Closed
March 28 - Professional Development Day #4 - Schools Closed
April11 -15 - Spring Break, Schools Closed
May17 - Primary Election - Schools Closed
May27 - Last Day of School for Students
May30 - Memorial Day - Schools Closed
May 31- Records Day, Schools Closed
*Calendar andsubject to change pending legislation and/or additional statutes or requirements.
Five Make-Up Days have built into the calendar
Snow Make-Up Days to be used after five snow days:
February 15, June 1, June 2, June 3, June 6, June 7, June 8, June 9, June 10, June 13, June 14, June 15