ICAO is seeking to have a complete regulatory and technical AM(R)S allocation for the future communication systems in the L-band (960 – 1164 MHz). This can be reached via the WRC 12 agenda item 1.4
Agenda Item 1.4
to consider, based on the results of ITUR studies, any further regulatory measures to facilitate introduction of new aeronautical mobile (R) service (AM(R)S) systems in the bands 112117.975MHz, 960-1164MHz and 5000-5030MHz in accordance with Resolutions413(Rev.WRC07), 417 (WRC07) and 420(WRC07);
The discussions is on the Resolution 417 issue. It is in particular proposed to modify the resolves 2part of this resolution in order to take into account results of studies made between the new AM(R)S and the existing systems.
For the deployment of the new AM(R)S system a coordination process is required with non ICAO ARNS system in countries listed in RR. 5.312 for aircraft stations operating within 934 km and/or ground stations operating within 465 km from the border of the territory of these countries.
In order to limit the number of countries and therefore to reduce constraints on the new AM(R)S systems deployment,States are asked to align the position with their National Telecommunication Agencies and provide input to the regulated organisations (CEPT and RCC) by modifying the resolves 2part of this Resolution. (example is given below)
In caseyour country name appears in the list in the resolves 2,you are requested to delete itand/or remove your country name from the footnote 5.312 (depended on the current draft text for WRC position of your region).The list of countries names in the proposed modifications of resolves 2 of Res. 417 above is the same as in footnote RR 5.312
Example of modification of resolves 2 of Resolution 417 (WRC-07) based on the CPM text:
that any operation of AM(R)S systems in the band 960-1164 MHz with aircraft stations operating within 934km and/or ground stations operating within 465km from the border of the territory of [Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, the Czech Rep., Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine] countries mentioned in No. 5.312 is subject to the coordination agreement to be obtained from the concerned administrations of the countries listed above mentioned in No. 5.312 for the protection of aeronautical radionavigation systems (see considering e)) operating in the same band in these countries, No. 9.21 does not apply. However, such coordination will not be required with respect to those above mentioned administrations, whose names no longer appear in ich are deleted from No. 5.312;