Cabramatta Public School
(Fairfield Principals Network)
Expressions of interest are invited from interested applicants for a support classroom teacher (numeracy) position K-2 at Cabramatta Public School.
Cabramatta Public School is a diverse school with an enrolment of 745 students, including 96% of students from a non English speaking background. The school has one mildly intellectual disabilities class, two moderate disabilities classes and 5.8 community language teachers catering for students from the predominately cultural groups in Vietnamese, Chinese and Khmer. The school has a balance of early career and experienced staff who are dedicated to catering for the diverse academic and social needs of students. Cabramatta Public School has a Parent’s and Citizens’ Association and a School as Community Centre working in close partnership with the community.
Location: Cabramatta Public School
Level of appointment: Classroom teacher
Period of appointment: Immediate start to end of term 1, 2016 with possible extension.
Note: The successful applicant will retain right of return to their substantive school and position level at the end of the temporary appointment where they are a permanent NSW public school teacher. Temporary and casual teachers with relevant skills and experience are encouraged to apply.
Application Details
Applicants should consider the information in the role description and respond to the five skills and experience criteria on the following page. Applications must include the names of two referees who are familiar with and are able to discuss your abilities and suitability for this position. One of your referees must be your current Principal. Candidates may be required to participate in an interview as a component of the EOI process.
Permanent applicants should include a signed verification from the Principal that he/she is aware this position is 1.0 full time equivalent (FTE) and that he/she is prepared to release you from your current position for 1.0 FTE should you be the successful applicant.
Applications to: Applications, of no more than three A4 pages (addressing skills and experience criteria and including contact details for referees) should be forwarded to no later than 4pm Friday 19 February 2016.
Enquiries to: Kristie O’Neill, Numeracy Instructional Leader, Cabramatta Public School on 9724 1534.
Early Action for Success
Early Action for Success (EAfS) is the strategy through which the Department of Education is implementing the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Action Plan.
The strategy combines high quality leadership, a focus on individual students and early intervention to ensure K-2 students at risk of not achieving expected outcomes in literacy or numeracy are identified and receive additional support.
As part of the EAfS strategy expressions of interest are sought from teachers to provide classroom support in numeracy K-2.
Role Description:
The successful applicant will be required to:
- Work in close collaboration with the Numeracy Instructional Leader
- Support the analysis of student data and monitor student progress to determine strategic teaching interventions in numeracy K-2
- Work with teachers K-2 to differentiate teaching and learning for target students in numeracy
- Develop, apply and evaluate Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) for target students in collaboration with the Numeracy Instructional Leader and K-2 class teachers.
Skills and Experience:
- Demonstrated classroom teaching experience in the K-2 setting.
- Excellent understanding and demonstrated application of the numeracy continuum, with training in the TEN (Targeting Early Numeracy) program preferred.
- Knowledge of evidence-based strategies to improve student outcomes in numeracy K-2.
- Strong interpersonal skills to work with a range of K-2 staff.