Youth Mission Trip The youth will be on a mission trip in Chicagofrom July 31st to August 3rd. They will be staying at the First Brethren Church in Garfield Park and will be serving at various agencies in Chicago. Please pray for all who are participating: Rachel Cowley, Kristin Delaney, Lizzie Delaney, Xander Riebock, Catlin Delany, Emma, Aidan Gagnon, Nicole Riebock, Mary and Dale Nordick, Mark Delaney, and Deaconess Andrea.

All God’s Children One of our “Summer of Service” programs. This time, we will be serving animals in our community. All ages invited! Saturday, August 20, 9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

We will be looking at animals in the Bible, making dog and cat toys for Anderson Animal Shelter, and of course having fun!Please bring the following items, if you are able, we will give them to the shelter: pedigree dry dog and puppy food, gently used towels and blankets (no bed sheets), pillowsor curtains please, and fabric scraps or old cotton clothes (not suitable to donate Goodwill) to stuff dog beds.

Sherman Hospital is in need of Prayer Shawls for patients. Please let the church office know if you are able to make a shawl. Shawls may be dropped off at CTL.

Scrip Fundraising Simply return an order form with your check to the church on Sunday. You will receive a new order form each week. Youmay pick up your order the following Sunday at the church. We encourage you to take advantage of the wonderful benefits offered by this on-going fundraiser. If you have questions, please talk to

Mary847-828-0027 or Dorothy 847-888-4484.

Save the Date…

CTL Picnic

September 18th

This Week at CTL

Mon., July 25Office Closed

7:00P.M.CCC Group

Tues., July 26

8:30 A.M.Prayer Group

9:00 A.M.Needles & Pins

7:00 P.M.Bible & Brew

Wed.,July 27Westminster Parking at CTL

(their lot is being paved)

10:00A.M.Bible Study

12:00 P.M.AA Meeting

5:00 P.M.Piano Lessons

Thurs., July 28Westminster Parking at CTL

(their lot is being paved)

Fri., July 29

9:00 A.M.Coffee with Friends – ITN Café

5:00 P.M.Soup Kettle

Sat., July 30

3:00 P.M.FRVI

Sun.,July 31Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Mission Trip

9:30 A.M.Worship/Holy Communion

We are centered in Christ and reach out to care.

We proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.

We equip and teach for spiritual growth.

We worship passionately.

We minister to the physical and spiritual needs of others.

We discern and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We invite and involve others with a welcoming heart.

Today at CTL

Holy Holes––were donated today byEric & Sharon Larson.

Altar Flowers –– Today’s altar flowers were given byJacki Bakker in honor of Salma’s birthday.

Pr. Michael

Dss. Andrea Delaney–Director of

Jason Palmer – Director of

Jim Harrer – Director of Handbell

Peggy Letourneau – Office

Sandy Mason and Barb Bosch------Nursery

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church
12N462 Tina Trail, Elgin, IL 60124–4876

Phone: 847–741–8141


CTL Office Hours
Monday: Office closed

Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 A.M.–1:00 P.M.

These are the regularly scheduled hours for Peggy.

Dss. Andrea available beyond these hours—just call!

For Pastoral needs during this time of transition please contact Pr. Michael Rothaar at 630-865-5246

Daily Devotions

Sunday, July 24–Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Hosea 1:2-10
Psalm 85 Colossians 2:6-15 [16-19] Luke 11:1-13
Mon., July25
Psalm 44
Hosea 2:14—3:5 Colossians 2:16—3:1 / / Thurs.,July 28
Psalm 107:1-9, 43 Hosea 8:1-14
Romans 11:33-36
Tues., July 26
Psalm 44
Hosea 6:1-10 Romans 9:30—10:4 / Fri.,July 29
Psalm 107:1-9, 43 Hosea 9:1-17
Ephesians 4:17-24
Wed., July 27
Psalm 44
Hosea 6:11—7:16 Matthew 5:43-48 / Sat. July 30
Psalm 107:1-9, 43 Hosea 10:1-15
Mark 10:17-22
Sunday, July 31–Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Hosea 11:1-11
Psalm 107:1-9, 43 Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21

+ Worship Assistant Responsibilities +

Sunday, July31, 2016

Asst. Minister:John Mullins

Acolyte:Amelia Stoner

First Reader:Jeanne Tolzmann

Second Reader:Marcy Worden

Cup and Gifts:Susan Tousey and Jacki Bakker

Tray:Jan Getty and Justin Riebock

Pick up:Amelia Stoner and Xander Riebock

Prayer Chair:Henrietta Neeley

Greeters:Jan Getty and Jacki Bakker

Ushers: Dave and Marsha Christie

Counters:Justin Riebock and Andy Langsfeld

Sacristan:Mark Delaney

Hospitality Table:Carol Blohm

Coffee:Patty Harrer

Altar Guild & Communion Bread:Marcy Worden

Sound Board:John Cowley

Nursery:Barb Bosch and Nicklas Nelson

See the monthly Worship Assistants Calendar on the bulletin board. If you are unable to serve when you are scheduled, please find a replacement and let the church office know! Thank you for serving!

Prayer Requests

Please pray for those who are part of the life of CTL who struggle with illness and other concerns, especially:Toni Barkey,Linda Bauer, Bob & Diane Blake, Jessica Bolda, Patsy Bradshaw, Teri Carrick, Al Dubiak, Jan & Howard Engelking,Barb Lawrence, Dick & Dena Morford,Karl Nelson, Pat Patrick, Dolores Stockel,Arlyn Tolzmann, and Marcy Worden.

Please pray for those in care facilities or at home, especially:

At Home:Ursula Hebein

Please pray for those in military service, especially:

Brandt Johnson, Matt Krog,and John Yaeger

Please pray for our family and friends, especially:

Kim Alexander...... niece of Mary Tamraz

Pam Eastop...... friend of Tolzmann’s

DorothyElvey...... motherof Carol Helmers

Sue Greenwood...... friend of Mary Tamraz

Katy...... neighbor of Teri Carrick

Mar Kober...... sister-in-law of Dena Morford

Grace Krstich...... aunt of Carol Helmers

Marjorie Krubbenhoft...... sister-in-law of Frank & Corrine Ashenhurst

Chris Lemcke...... friend of Diane Blake

Joan Lewis ...... sister-in-law of Cheri Lee Lewis

Richard Marcotte...... brother-in-law of the Tousey’s

Marti...... sister of Cate Murschel

Carter Rud...... grandson of Barb Lawrence’s friend

Salma...... granddaughter of Jacki Bakker

Samantha...... friend of Dale & Mary Nordic

Cory Sanderson...... friend of Steve & Susan Tousey

Taryn and Charlene...... grandniece and sister of Arlyn T.

Don Veverka...... father of Holly Veverka

Paul Wauchope...... brother of Marcy Worden

Judy Weaver...... friend of Diane Blake

Names in the above prayer lists are kept active for 6 weeks.

Please call our office if you want to request additional time.

Please pray for those in our year–round Circle of Care:

Eric & Sharon Larson, Beth Lawniczak, Barb Lawrence, Dick & Cheri Lee Lewis, and Jeff & Katy Mason


7/24–Lizzie Delaney, Jen Saylor 7/25 – Alexandra Barkey, Linda Bauer

7/26 – Sandy Mason 7/27–Landon Van Horn, Jeneane Zeimen

7/28 – Julie Goetsch 7/29 – Dean Saylor 7/30 – Dana Pasholk

- Baptismal Anniversaries-

7/26– Michael Cummings, Jennifer Evans

- Wedding Anniversaries-

7/25 –Tom & Debbie McGuire 7/26 – Doug & Debbie Johnson

7/27 – Kevin & Dana Pasholk 7/28 – Frank & Corrine Ashenhurst,

Jeff & Katy Mason, Warren & Barbara Bosch

What’s Happening

Join Us We are making more quilt tops to send to Orlando!

Tuesday, July 26, 9 am - noon.

Beginner sewers welcome! We also need people to cut fabric and iron.

Communion Instruction We will be having a communion instruction class this summer at CTL on August 27th from 9:30AM to noon. This is for all children who haven’t received instruction or for any child who would like a refresher!

If you have questions, or would like your child to participate, please contact Dss. Andrea Delaney.

God's Work.Our Hands.Sunday, September 11th
If you don't have a T-shirt/hoodie or need a new one...order today. I need to place the order onJuly 20th. Let me know your size. There are also order forms at church. T-shirts are $6.50 and hoodies are $19.95. Let Deaconess Andrea know ASAP.

All CTL members are invited to come together to plan for our future as we move forward to calling a new pastor. Where do we want to go? Who do we want to be? Join the Council and the Visioning Task Force for World Café discussions. We'll gather onSeptember 27thfrom 6-9 for pizza and conversation orOctober 1stfrom

9-noonfor coffee and goodies.Childcare will be provided, if requested when you sign up for the sessions. ~ Blessings.

Bible Study – Our Wednesday morning Bible Study will resume on

Wed., July 27th at 10:00 am.