Wednesday 12th September,2012
17.30pm to 19.30pm
William Emmett's Barn,Longlands Farm,RG42 6HM
Chris Graham(Chairman)
Robin Howard, Nick Pellew, David Coppinger, William Emmett, Rod Ball, Dick Mellor, Sarah Ball, Duncan Johnston
Louise Challis, Steve Adams
1) Action recorder for the meeting was agreed as Duncan.
2) Action Notes of the 19th S.G.meeting were agreed
3) Chairman reported the site allocation sessions had been helpful
4) Workshops
a) The Town Hall event on 16th Oct was expected to encapsulate the thrusts of the whole Neighbourhood Plan thus far. Nick would lead, in concert with The Prince's Foundation for Building Community and members of the whole Steering Group.
b) Nick is to set down his thoughts on bullet points for the Foundation.
c) Lead Coordinators for the 3 more local events would be Chris for Bray (to include Windsor Road area), Robin for Fifield and Oakley Green, and Duncan for Holyport
d) All 4 events will start at 7.00pm. Bookings had been made allowing for set-up time before, with expectation that some could take say 3 hours.
e) More flyers would be organised by Chris, displaying the start time. Meantime,the remaining ones could be used, writing the time on them
f) William is to obtain a school plan for Robin.
g) David is leading on Invitees and has means of securing addresses/contact points but each coordination group requires to provide him with a list of names, apart from residents,
h) Chris is to draft an invitation letter and the Foundation's thoughts on it obtained
i) Developers who approach us from time to time will not have a specific invitation but it may be anticipated some will be in attendance as a result of public marketing of the events.Our primary focus needs to be in drawing out the views of locals
eg.residents,traders,businesses, about their wishes
j) Catering - Coffee, tea or a glass of wine are to be made available to all attendees,at the start
k) Equipment - It is anticipated the Foundation will use powerpoint,but the hiring of equipment may be necessary for 2 of the local events.No logo panels need be organised
i) Finance - A detailed draft budget was submitted and a total provision of £2500 agreed.
5) Feedback (electronic and paper) from the Borough, on the Neighbourhood Plan submission, was deferred until the afternoon of Tuesday 18th Sept. following a morning sign-off by key members of the Local Authority. A meeting was set up for
10.00am,Thursday,20th Sept. at the Town Hall, when Sarah will lead explanations to members of the Steering Group.
6) Feedback from the Foundation had been received and would be reviewed later.They had suggested that it would be helpful for the Local Authority Education Dept to be at the events, to field relevant questions.Sarah is to pass this request on
7) Further healthy discussion took place regarding the focus of the 4 events.While major parish-wide matters are likely to arise at the Town hall,it was recognised that issues like through traffic, motorway noise, greenbelt and other large subjects also have very local
consequences now and for future development proposals.These could take up disproportionate time at the local events unless clear guidance is given, perhaps at the start, by the chair and the Foundation, and/or presenting updates on what is/is not being done
about them now. This might allow strength of views to be expressed and taken fully into account but enable the event to focus on the art of the possible in addressing more of the local needs/wishes and their resolution.
8) A draft paper is to come from Steve Adams
9) A proposal to support a request for a comprehensive, Holyport Hub - traffic study capital-grant provision,(estimated at say £5000 ( and to include consideration of a possible Holyport Road pedestrian crossing) was agreed.The chairman is to write a supporting letter to the Chief Planning Officer and will be assisted by Sarah
10) Sarah reported additional staff support for the Planning Dept.
11) Early warning was given of a meeting on 19th Nov.2012 to which all Neighbourhood Planning Steering Groups would be invited ,to share thoughts, discuss policy - writing,etc
12) Sarah is to investigate and report back whether RBWM have any control over the raising of Agricultural Land.
13) Sarah is to action a request from the Steering Group for the notes taken by RBWM at the Sites Allocation meeting, to be released