Division of Labour Exercise
Development Partner Questionnaire
24th August 2006
Name of Development Partner completing Questionnaire:
Conducted by:
Overseas Development Institute
111 Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7JD
T: 020 7922 0300 F: 020 7922 0399
Questions? Please contact Andrew Clarke (+44 (0)20 7922 0379), Susan Juuko (0712 698609),
Charles Mugerwa (0772 793488). Or email Questionnaire due: 29th Sept
This document contains the Development Partner Questionnaire. It comprises four sections:
Section A: Present Activities
Section B: Division of Labour and Degree of Engagement
Section C: Future Plans
Section D:Other Comments
Please consult the accompanying Introduction and Instructions document before completing this Questionnaire. You will also receive the Financial Data Tool (FDT) as a separate Access database file to verify and correct.
Please indicate:
Name of Development Partner completing questionnaire:
Name and title of staff member filling out questionnaire:
Date of response:
This section will be used to map DP activities onto PEAP pillars in terms of financial support and dialogue processes. The first table covers sectors/areas of engagement in Uganda. This section will be supplemented by information from the Financial Data Tool (FDT), which is distributed alongside the questionnaire. The second table maps dialogue with the GOU and between DPs in relation to the PEAP pillars.
1)In the table below, please identify the Sectors/Areas of the PEAPin which your agency is currently engaged and the number of years you have been funding the sector/area – this should cover all of your financing, both on and off-budget, and a brief description of the support you provide. For projects that overlap many sectors/areas, please map according to the sector to which the project “mostly” belongs and do not include a project in more than one area. Specifics of financial support data will be sent to you in the Financial Data Tool (FDT) for your verification and correction. N.B. “Any other form of support” includes any project, basket-funding or TA. Thisdoes not include PAF or General Budget Support, which are captured in the first line of the table. The final column (short description of support) might include, for example, under 4.4b, support specifically to Audit Authority with a unit based in Government and TA, or, in 2.6b, supporting planning department in ministry with TA and building a power station.
PEAP Pillar and Objective / Main Sectors/Areas under each PEAP pillar / Approx Years Engaged in Sector/ Area:1-3yrs, 3-5 yrs, 5-10 yrs, 10+yrs / Financial support in 2006/07 (see also FDT) / Please provide a short description of the nature (e.g. TA and PIU in ministry) and focus (e.g. sub-sector) of support in the Sector/Area and provide any other relevant information. Please ensure consistency by cross-referencing with FDT.
Sector budget support
given / Any other form of support (not GBS)
GBS & PAF Budget Support
Provision of GBS and PAF Budget Support / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years / n/a / n/a
1. Economic Management
1.1 Macroeconomic stability consistent with rapid private sector-led growth / 1.1a Revenue Policy and Administration / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
1.1b Financial Sector Reform / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
1.1c Macroeconomic Management / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2. Enhancing Production, Competitiveness & Incomes
2.1 Increased & more efficient Private Sector production / 2.1a Trade Policy / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.1b Export Promotion / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.1c Barriers to Trade and Competitiveness / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.2 Increased & more efficient Agricultural production / 2.2a National Agricultural Research System / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.2b National Agricultural Advisory Services / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.2c Agricultural Education / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.3d Agricultural Policy & Coordination / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.3eLand Policy & Implementation / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.3 Increased & sustainable Fisheries production / 2.3 Fisheries / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.4 Increased & sustainable Forestry production / 2.4 Forestry / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.5 Increased & more efficient production of non-agricultural goods & services / 2.5a Support to MSMES and the Private Sector / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.5b Tourism / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.5c Mining and Petroleum / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.6 Strengthened Infrastructure in support of increased production / 2.6a Roads and Transport / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.6b Energy / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.6c Water for Production / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.7 Strengthened Environment & Natural Resource (ENR) Management regime in support of sustainable production / 2.7a Environment / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.7b Wetlands / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2.8 Strengthened Financial Sector in support of production / 2.8 Microfinance / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
3. Security, Conflict & Disaster Management
3.1 Protection of Persons & their Property through elimination of conflicts & cattle rustling, resettlement of IDPs, & strengthened Disaster Management / 3.1a Defence & Security / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
3.1b Conflict Resolution / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
3.1c Humanitarian Assistance, including IDPs / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
3.1d Northern Uganda Reconstruction / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4. Good Governance
4.1 Strengthened Political Governance / 4.1a Democracy, Political Parties, and Civic Education / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4.2 Improved Human Rights / 4.2a Human Rights / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4.3 Strengthened Legal & Justice Systems / 4.3a Stronger Justice Institutions, Policy & Legislation / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4.3b Commercial Justice / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4.4 Strengthened Public Sector Management & Accountability (Decentralisation, PFM, Public Sector Reform) / 4.4a Public Service Reform & Service Delivery / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4.4b Public Financial Management / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4.4c Decentralisation / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
4.4d Anti-Corruption / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5. Human Development
5.1 Better Educated Ugandans / 5.1a Education in Conflict & Hard to Reach areas / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.1b Primary Education / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.1c Secondary Educ. & BTVET / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.1d Tertiary Education / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.1e Education Policy / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.2 Healthier Ugandans / 5.2a HIV/AIDS / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.2b Delivery of Health Services / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.2c Family Planning and Reproductive Health / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.2d Health Policy / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.3 Improved Water & Sanitation Systems / 5.3a Rural Water and Sanitation / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.3b Urban Water and Sanitation / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.3c Dam Construction / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.4 Inclusive & Empowered Communities / 5.4a Community Development & Social Protection / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
5.4b Gender / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Objective as a whole / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Cross Pillar Support and Support Not Aligned with PEAP
Please specify: / Please specify: / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Please specify: / Please specify: / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Please specify: / Please specify: / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Please specify: / Please specify: / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
Please specify: / Please specify: / please select1-3 years3-5 years5-10 years10+ years
2)Please map out your presence in dialogue with GOU and with development partners. This will be used to map patterns of dialogue and ongoing policy alignment processes onto the PEAP.
PEAP Pillarand Objective / Main Sectors/Areas under each Objective / Dialogue with GOU / Development Partner DialogueTick Sectors/ Areas where you have dialogue with GOU / Are you engaged in official/formal fora with GOU under this objective? If yes,
Please identify the fora and describe the focus of the dialogue. / Tickwhere you engage with other existing DP sector/thematic groups (i.e. not SWGs) / Have you delegated the responsibility to other partners?
If yes,please name them and describe the nature of the relationship.
PEAP, Budget & General Budget Support
Engagement in dialogue on PEAP, the budget and General Budget Support / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Yes No DPs delegated to:
1. Economic Management
1.1 Macroeconomic stability consistent with rapid private sector-led growth / 1.1a Revenue Policy and Administration / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Economist
Statistics / Yes No DPs delegated to:
1.1b Financial Sector Reform
1.1c Macroeconomic Management
Objective as a whole
2. Enhancing Production, Competitiveness & Incomes
2.1 Increased & more efficient Private Sector production / 2.1a Trade Policy / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Private Sector / Yes No DPs delegated to:
2.1b Export Promotion
2.1c Barriers to Trade and Competitiveness
Objective as a whole
2.2 Increased & more efficient Agricultural production / 2.2a National Agricultural Research System / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / PMA (Plan for the Modernisation of Agriculture) / Yes No DPs delegated to:
2.2b National Agricultural Advisory Services
2.2c Agricultural Education
2.3d Agricultural Policy & Coordination
2.3eLand Policy & Implementation
Objective as a whole
2.3 Increased & sustainable Fisheries production / 2.3 Fisheries / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Yes No DPs delegated to:
2.4 Increased & sustainable Forestry production / 2.4 Forestry / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Yes No DPs delegated to:
2.5 Increased & more efficient production of non-agricultural goods & services / 2.5a Support to MSMES and the Private Sector / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Private Sector / Yes No DPs delegated to:
2.5b Tourism
2.5c Mining and Petroleum
Objective as a whole
2.6 Strengthened Infrastructure in support of increased production / 2.6a Roads and Transport / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Energy / Yes No DPs delegated to:
2.6b Energy
2.6c Water for Production
Objective as a whole
2.7 Strengthened Environment & Natural Resource (ENR) Management regime in support of sustainable production / 2.7a Environment / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Environment / Yes No DPs delegated to:
2.7b Wetlands
Objective as a whole
2.8 Strengthened Financial Sector in support of production / 2.8 Microfinance / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Yes No DPs delegated to:
3. Security, Conflict & Disaster Management
3.1 Protection of Persons & their Property through elimination of conflicts & cattle rustling, resettlement of IDPs, & strengthened Disaster Management / 3.1a Defence & Security / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / DP Technical Group (DTG) NARC
Northern Uganda / Yes No DPs delegated to:
3.1b Conflict Resolution
3.1c Humanitarian Assistance, including IDPs
3.1d Northern Uganda Reconstruction
Objective as a whole
4. Good Governance
4.1 Strengthened Political Governance / 4.1a Democracy, Political Parties, and Civic Education / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / DTG Democracy
Civil Society / Yes No DPs delegated to:
4.2 Improved Human Rights / 4.2a Human Rights / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / DTG Human Rights / Yes No DPs delegated to:
4.3 Strengthened Legal & Justice Systems / 4.3a Stronger Justice Institutions, Policy & Legislation / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Justice, Law and Order / Yes No DPs delegated to:
4.3b Commercial Justice
Objective as a whole
4.4 Strengthened Public Sector Management & Accountability (Decentralisation, PFM, Public Sector Reform) / 4.4a Public Service Reform & Service Delivery / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Public Sector Reform
Public Financial Management
Anti- Corruption
DTG Accountability
Procurement / Yes No DPs delegated to:
4.4b Public Financial Management
4.4c Decentralisation
4.4d Anti-Corruption
Objective as a whole
5. Human Development
5.1 Better Educated Ugandans / 5.1a Education in Conflict & Hard to Reach areas / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Education / Yes No DPs delegated to:
5.1b Primary Education
5.1c Secondary Education & BTVET
5.1d Tertiary Education
5.1e Education Policy
Objective as a whole
5.2 Healthier Ugandans / 5.2a HIV/AIDS / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Health
HIV/AIDS / Yes No DPs delegated to:
5.2b Delivery of Health Services
5.2c Family Planning and Reproductive Health
5.2d Health Policy
Objective as a whole
5.3 Improved Water & Sanitation Systems / 5.3a Rural Water and Sanitation / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Water and Sanitation / Yes No DPs delegated to:
5.3b Urban Water and Sanitation
5.3c Dam Construction
Objective as a whole
5.4 Inclusive & Empowered Communities / 5.4a Community Development & Social Protection / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / Social Development
Civil Society
Gender / Yes No DPs delegated to:
5.4b Gender
Objective as a whole
Cross Pillar Support and Support Not Aligned with PEAP
Please specify: / Please specify: / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / n/a / Yes No DPs delegated to:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / n/a / Yes No DPs delegated to:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / n/a / Yes No DPs delegated to:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / n/a / Yes No DPs delegated to:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Yes No Names of Fora:
Description: / n/a / Yes No DPs delegated to:
This table asks for your opinions on the importance ofparticular characteristics for a DP leading on some aspect (leading DP) or one just remains actively engaged DP. The results from this section will be collated to provide the basis for recommendations by the ODI team on how SWGs could approach a division of labour. There is no ideal model or blueprint that can be applied across the board; these specific roles, responsibilities and functions need to be adapted sector by sector. For more information on the terms “leading” and “actively engaged”, see the Glossary, pp. 3-4. Please rank on a scale of 1-5 (1=very important; 5=not at all important) the following characteristics for each type of development partner.
Characteristics of Development Partner / Leading DP / Actively engaged DP (but not leading partner/)1. Headquarter/Decentralisation Issues
- Decision making is decentralised, enabling country office to make decisions on financial, operational and programming issues
- Country office can make decisions on Policy Issues
- There is strong Commitment and support from HQ
2. Financing and Systems Alignment
- Level of funding
- Use of joint funding modalities (baskets or BS)
- Disbursement record (predictability and timeliness)
- Flexibility of resources allocation
- Experience of managing other development partners funds
- Alignment of DP instruments with GOU Sector policies and strategies
- Ability to undertake multi-year commitments in line with MTEF
- Use of GOU Sector/Area reporting mechanisms and national systems
3. Dialogue, Credibility and Historical Record
- Dialogue skills (agency internal technical capacity)
- Experience of joint development partner negotiation / representing other development partners
- Development partner characteristics (e.g. proactive, troubleshooting approach; able to build bridges and create/generating consensus)
- Credibility with MFPED
- Credibility with line ministry
- Credibility with other development partners
- Credibility with other key stakeholders
- Number of years in Sector/Area
4. Staffing and Capacity
- Sectoral expertise in-country
- Sectoral expertise across different countries
- Negotiation and process management skills
- Understanding aid modalities to be used in the Sector/Area
- Experiences with joint working relationships
- Moderation of inter-institutional arrangements
- Managing networks
- Technical Support from HQ
5. Please specify any other resources or characteristics of a DP you consider relevant for this role?
(such as long-term financial commitment, procedural ability/mandate to represent others and coordinate wider resources)
Taking into account the Uganda Partnership Principles (see Glossary), and the objectives of increased DP specialisation and selectivity, this section asks for initial thoughts on your future plans for engagement, and further information on the sectors/areas in which you plan to continue to engage in or to leave. Please be ambitious, yet realistic. These thoughts do not represent any formal commitment, and you will be asked to revisit this on the basis of the peer review that will follow. These will provide the basis for consultation and negotiation within theSWGs.
1)In future, which PEAP Objectives, and Sectors/Areas would your institution consider leading, remaining actively engaged in (but not leading), delegating responsibilities to another DP, or leaving? In doing so, first consider which PEAP Objectives you wish to remain engaged in, and second consider the nature of engagement within that objective. Then, if you consider, this a change from your current involvementunder an Objective, please describe the change (e.g. from engaged today to disengaged in the future)? Please leave blank or write “not applicable” (n/a) if your agency is not currently engaged in and Objective or Sector/Area. Please note that this question asks only for preliminary plans and is not binding in any way.
My agency is considering: / ..a lead role / ..continued engagement, but not in a lead role / ..devolving responsibility for either financial support or dialogue to other development partners. If yes, to which development partner you might delegate? / …leaving this Sector / Area / Do you consider this to be a change from your current involvement under this Objective? Please describe.PEAP Pillar and Objective / Main Sectors/Areas under each Objective
PEAP, Budget & General Budget Support
Engagement in dialogue on PEAP, the budget and General Budget Support / Financial:
1. Economic Management
1.1 Macroeconomic stability consistent with rapid private sector-led growth / Objective as a whole / Financial:
1.1a Revenue Policy and Administration / Financial:
1.1b Financial Sector Reform / Financial:
1.1c Macroeconomic Management / Financial:
2. Enhancing Production, Competitiveness & Incomes
2.1 Increased & more efficient Private Sector production / Objective as a whole / Financial:
2.1a Trade Policy / Financial:
2.1b Export Promotion / Financial:
2.1c Barriers to Trade and Competitiveness / Financial:
2.2 Increased & more efficient Agricultural production / Objective as a whole / Financial:
2.2a National Agricultural Research System / Financial:
2.2b National Agricultural Advisory Services / Financial:
2.2c Agricultural Education / Financial:
2.3d Agricultural Policy & Coordination / Financial:
2.3eLand Policy & Implementation / Financial:
2.3 Increased & sustainable Fisheries production / 2.3 Fisheries / Financial:
2.4 Increased & sustainable Forestry production / 2.4 Forestry / Financial:
2.5 Increased & more efficient production of non-agricultural goods & services / Objective as a whole / Financial:
2.5a Support to MSMES and the Private Sector / Financial:
2.5b Tourism / Financial:
2.5c Mining and Petroleum / Financial:
2.6 Strengthened Infrastructure in support of increased production / Objective as a whole / Financial:
2.6a Roads and Transport / Financial:
2.6b Energy / Financial:
2.6c Water for Production / Financial:
2.7 Strengthened Environment & Natural Resource (ENR) Management regime in support of sustainable production / Objective as a whole / Financial:
2.7a Environment / Financial:
2.7b Wetlands / Financial:
2.8 Strengthened Financial Sector in support of production / 2.8 Microfinance / Financial:
3. Security, Conflict & Disaster Management
3.1 Protection of Persons & their Property through elimination of conflicts & cattle rustling, resettlement of IDPs, & strengthened Disaster Management / Objective as a whole / Financial:
3.1a Defence & Security / Financial:
3.1b Conflict Resolution / Financial:
3.1c Humanitarian Assistance, including IDPs / Financial:
3.1d Northern Uganda Reconstruction / Financial:
4. Good Governance
4.1 Strengthened Political Governance / Objective as a whole / Financial:
4.2 Improved Human Rights / 4.1a Democracy, Political Parties, and Civic Education / Financial:
4.3 Strengthened Legal & Justice Systems / 4.2a Human Rights / Financial:
4.3a Stronger Justice Institutions, Policy & Legislation / Financial:
4.3b Commercial Justice / Financial:
4.4 Strengthened Public Sector Management & Accountability (Decentralisation, PFM, Public Sector Reform) / Objective as a whole / Financial:
4.4a Public Service Reform & Service Delivery / Financial:
4.4b Public Financial Management / Financial:
4.4c Decentralisation / Financial:
4.4d Anti-Corruption / Financial:
5. Human Development
5.1 Better Educated Ugandan / Objective as a whole / Financial:
5.1a Education in Conflict & Hard to Reach areas / Financial:
5.1b Primary Education / Financial:
5.1c Secondary Education & BTVET / Financial:
5.1d Tertiary Education / Financial:
5.1e Education Policy / Financial:
5.2 Healthier Ugandans / Objective as a whole / Financial:
5.2a HIV/AIDS / Financial:
5.2b Delivery of Health Services / Financial:
5.2c Family Planning and Reproductive Health / Financial:
5.2d Health Policy / Financial:
5.3 Improved Water & Sanitation Systems / Objective as a whole / Financial:
5.3a Rural Water and Sanitation / Financial:
5.3b Urban Water and Sanitation / Financial:
5.3c Dam Construction / Financial:
5.4 Inclusive & Empowered Communities / Objective as a whole / Financial:
5.4a Community Development & Social Protection / Financial:
5.4b Gender / Financial:
Cross Pillar Support and Support Not Aligned with PEAP
Please specify: / Please specify: / Financial:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Financial:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Financial:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Financial:
Please specify: / Please specify: / Financial:
2)For the 17 possible Objectivesyou are considering remaining engaged in (aka 4.1 or 5.3,. not sector or areas below that), please explain why your agency would like to continue its involvement, taking into account the criteria set out in section B: