Digital Photography I
Scope and Sequence
Course Description:
Students will learn to operate their individual digital cameras while working at their own skill level. They will explore the elements of composition and lighting while exploring various subject matters. Students will have a solid grounding in both the technical and creative photographic processes. Photoshop will enable students to edit photos and learn key graphic design concepts. A digital portfolio is compiled throughout the semester and work is displayed throughout the semester. Field trips and guest speakers will enhance our learning environment.
National Visual Art Standards
1. Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes.
2. Using knowledge of structures and functions.
3. Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas.
4. Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.
5. Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and work of others.
6. Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines.
1. What is Photography? (3 days)
a. Photography Explained
b. History and Today
c. Making choices in camera formats, lenses and film.
d. Review individual cameras and manuals
Assessment: Student will build a camera obscura. Photo assignment: Six
Modes/Six Photos. Unit quiz over chapter one
Outcomes: 4
2. Art of Photography (3 days)
a. Elements of Art
b. Principles of Design
Assessment: Student will create an Art Elements Scrapbook. Photo
Assignment: Elements Photography. Unit quiz chapter 2.
Outcomes: 3
3. Digital Photography (8 days)
a. SLR
b. Point and Shoot
c. ISO Film speeds
d. Megapixels and memory cards
e. Storing images
f. Image format
g. Workflow in Photoshop
Assessment: Student will make a composite image using scanned 3D objects and Photoshop to create these photo images. Class critique. Unit quiz.
Outcomes: 1,2,3,5
3. Landscape Photography (8 days)
a. History of Landscape Photography
b. Photographing the Landscape
c. Composition, Balance and the Rule of Thirds
d. Settings, Light, Film, Lenses and Support
e. Grand, Detail and Close-up Landscapes
Assessment: Student will create a Landscape and Macro Landscape Photograph. Class critique. Photo contest entered with these photos.
Outcomes: 1, 2,3,4,5, and 6
4. Black and White Photography (5 days)
a. Camera Basics
b. Elements of Exposure
Assessment: Student will create high and low key photos and displaying their ability to control exposure. They will also create a series of architectural photos to spell out their name. Class critique. Unit quiz.
Outcomes: 1,2,3,5
5. Portraits (8 days)
a. 4 Categories of Portraiture
b. Early portrait photography
c. Working with people
d. Film choices for portraits
e. Equipment choices
f. Camera accessories
g. Camera settings
Assessment: Student will create self-portraits, candid and formal portraits Class critique.
Outcomes: 1,2,3,4, and 5
6. Action Photography (8 days)
a. Creating Action Photographs
b. Rhythm and Movement
c. Camera settings
d. Film
e. Lenses, Flash and Support.
f. Freezing the Action
g. Blurring the Subject
h. Panning
Assessment: Student will create blur and frozen action photography. Class
7. Still Life Photography (8 days)
a. History of Still Photography
b. Shooting Still Life objects
c. Unity and Variety
d. Camera Settings, Film, Light, Background, and Support
e. Closeups
f. Product Photography
g. Narrative Still Life
Assessment: Student will create a Narrative Still Life Photograph. Class critique
Outcomes 1, 2,3,4,5, and 6
Final Assessment: Student will produce a digital photo portfolio from the semester assignments and include a written reflection for each photograph. This project will be presented in a Power point format. Student will also attend semester art show.