Instructional Quality Commission
IQC-001 (04/2014)
State of California
/Instructional Quality Commission
AGENDA ITEM memorandum
Date: / September 9, 2015TO:
VIA: / Rob Foster, Chair, Science Subject Matter Committee
members, Science Subject Matter Committee
Cynthia Gunderson, Acting AdministratorCurriculum Frameworks Unit
FROM: / Bryan Boyd, Consultant
Instructional Resources Unit
SUBJECT: / Science Subject Matter CommitteeAgenda Items
Item 3: Science Subject Matter Committee
- Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
- Review Draft Science Framework (Information)
The Science Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee has completed an initial draft Science Framework that incorporates and supports the state-adopted Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (CA NGSS).
On August 27–28, 2015, the Science Subject Matter Committee (Science SMC) reviewed the draft Science Frameworkand came to consensuson the edits/additions to be made before the draft ScienceFramework is posted for the first 60-day public review and comment period (Attachment 1 – will be available in a separate mailing). You were provided an electronic copy or, if requested, a paper copy of the draft Science Framework.
- Public Comment on the Draft Science Framework
- Approval of the draft Science Framework for the First 60-Day Public Review (Action)
At the September meeting, the Science SMC will recommend to the full IQC the draft Science Framework with the recommended edits/additions for the first 60-day public review. With the approval of the full IQC, the draft Science Framework will be prepared by Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff for the first 60-day public comment and review period, which includes posting the draft Science Framework and an online survey form to facilitate comments from the field.
4. Online Survey Form for the draft Science Framework Public Review (Information/Action)
The first 60-day public review and comment process includes an online survey to solicit comments from the field regarding the draft Science Framework. The Science SMC will review the draft survey questions (Attachment 2) for the online survey and forward them to the full IQC for approval.
The online survey will allow survey users to respond to questions about the draft Science Framework. Survey users may provide written comments and suggested edits or additions. Survey users can respond to as many or few questions as they chose. The comments received during the 60-day field review will be presented to the Science SMC and the IQC once the comments are compiled by CFIRD staff.
Letters and e-mails will be sent to local educational agencies, as well as science organizations and other stakeholder groups, regarding the online survey and encouraging them to inform staff and members about the opportunity to provide comments.
5. Revised Schedule of Significant Events (Timeline) (Information/Action)
Per Senate Bill 625 (Chapter 148 Section 60200.9), signed on August 7, 2015, the Timeline (Attachment 3) has been revised to reflect the extension ofthe deadline for action by the State Board of Education (SBE) on the IQC’srecommendation regarding the draft 2016Science Frameworkon or before January31, 2017.
- Other Matters/Public Comment
© California Department of Education, September 9, 2015