The Molokans: Search for a hidden culture Zarik Avakian. - Andok TV tV-Studio, 1994, 30 ' report on the Molokans, a religious minority in the Caucasus.
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Tape XVIII (2000) columns in preparation Author: Daniel Heinz
PAVLOV, Vasilij G., father of the Russian-Ukrainian Baptismus; Feb. 1854 in Voronsovka with Tiflis. (the exact day of the birth is uncertain. Birth specification without current date occurs in the Orthodoxie frequently; the day is crucial, on which one is received " to the gentleman ", the day of death.) † 15.4. 1924 in Baku. - it originated from a molokan family. The Molokans ("Milchesser") - it called itself " Duchovnye Christiane " (religious Christian) - the orthodox church almost days ignored and took during this time milk and milk products to itself. Some did not eat pork, others celebrated the Sabbat than Biblical quiescent day. Coming from the influence set of the Dukhobors, they applied in orthodox view as friendly sparkling wines, which appointed itself alone to the Bible, particularly to their concerning. The Molokans is in a certain religious relationship with the western Quakers, although a direct influence is hardly provable. Already with five years P. read in public meetings from the Bible. After parents had pulled after Tiflis, the pious language genius took Hebrew instruction in a Jewish school and taught themselves German. It is to have acquired itself in the course of its life to the 25 languages and dialects. 1870 he came with the Baptismus into contact and could against the will of parents be baptized. The exact baptizing date seems disputed. The biograph P.s, V.A. Popov, indicates the year 1870 as baptizing date, by equating P.s specification in this year of the Tifliser Baptistengemeinde to have followed with the date of the baptism. Other sources indicate 1871 than year of its baptism. The native Molokane and buyer Nikita I Voronin, in whose service the recent P. was, gave the crucial impact to the baptism. Voronin was baptized even 1867 by the German baptistischen layman laienprediger Martin K. Kalweit coming from Litauen. The baptism Voronins by Kalweit generally becomes as beginning of the actual history of Russian Baptismus analysed. P. operated now as Laienmissionar under the Molokanen. 1875 it attended baptistische seminar on recommendation Kalweits that Hamburg ones, where it studied one year and 1876 were ordiniert by Johann G. Oncken - returned to Tiflis, translated P. the Oncken glaubensbekenntnis from 1847 to the Russian, in order to obtain the Baptistengemeinde a founded theological basis. Additionally it worked as Wanderprediger in the molokanischen villages of the CaucasusCaucasus Caucasus. One regarded it as a Lutheraner and arrested him temporarily. P. developed an unusually successful mission strategy, by addressing also scientific topics in Bible hours and stressed the social responsibility of the Christian municipality. It appeared as courageous speakers. Arrests and tumults because of public appearances - so 1884 in St. Petersburg, 1885 in Odessa, 1886 in Rostov/Don - mehrten themselves. 1887 it - on personal intervention of the Oberprokurors K. P. Pobedonoscev at the Zarenhof - was banished with its family by Tiflis for four years into the area by Orenburg. After its return the authorities of it required the function of its lecture activity, which it rejected however. Consequently it was put still in the summer 1891 in chains and banished for the second time for four years into the steppe area with Orenburg, where it lived under the Kirgisen. Hunger and cold weather added to it. In March 1892 the family followed it voluntarily into banishing, a consequence-fraught step, because in the next weeks its wife and three children at Cholera died, a daughter drowned in the Urals river. During its second banishing it could win about 150 persons in Orenburg and environment for the Baptistengemeinde - after termination of the banishing time 1895 P. transferred the line of the baptistischen refugee municipality to Tulcea (Dobrudscha), Romania, in order to escape a further banishing to Siberia. it took an invitation to 1898 into the USA to 1901 returned P. again to Tiflis, however the connection with the west kept upright (1905 with the establishment of the Baptistenweltbundes in London, 1908 on the congress of the European Baptisten in Berlin, 1911 with the second world congress of the Baptisten in Philadelphia/USA, 1922 with its last Germany journey). From 1907 to 1914 it led the Baptistengemeinde in Odessa, had in Turkestan and in other regions to however temporarily submerge, because it was judicially sued. Since 1909 he was a chairman loose of the organized federation of the Baptisten. 1913 it justified the baptistische magazine " Slovo istiny " (the word of the truth), which appeared until 1922 in Odessa. P. used itself contrary to D. Ith Mazaev for an opening of the Russian Baptismus and for the link to the world church. For this reason it shifted the seat of the federation to Moscow. Starting from 1919 it participated together with its son Pavel in the " united advice of the religious communities and groups " (Ob"edineennyj sovet religioznych obècin i grupp). The advice strove initially for the release of free-church members from the waffendienst and led also to an approximation of the different Protestant free churches. Around this time busy itself P. among other things critically with the sabbathaltenden Adventismus, which represented a challenge for it in its Bible loyalty. The chief of the Adventisten, H. J. Loebsack, was member of the advice. 1923 decided P. to the mission work under moslemischen act arene in Transkaukasien, whose language he controlled. During a course journey in December 1923 the course in the proximity of Mosdok (north Caucasus) was attacked by Chechnian bandits. The 70jaehrige P. suffered thereby a heart accumulation, from which it did not recover any longer. P. was buried in Tiflis - P. was the outstanding shape of the Russian Baptismus, which he united and to the west oriented with his different currents. He gave a universal missionary vision, which closed the entire Russian Orthodoxie and also not-Christian religions beyond that to his municipality. Its life was drawn of wrong and fight. A deep faith and a unbeugsamer will advanced it. Also its opponents like the communist sparkling wine-assigned Vth D. Bonc Bonc-Bruevic zollten it high acknowledgment.
Factories: Vospominanija ssyl'nogo, in: Materialy k istorii i izuceniju russkogo sektantstva i raskola, tape 1, hrsg. of Vth D. Bonc Bonc-Bruevic, St. Petersburg 1908, 1-24 (also appeared in: Al'manach po istorii russkogo baptizma, St. Petersburg 1997, 194-219); The Rise, Growth and Present position OF the Baptist Body in Russia, in: Proceedings, European Baptist Congress, 1908, 152-60; Project ustava sojuza russkich baptistskich obècin, in: Baptist, No. 5, NR. 35, 1910; Pravda o baptistach, in: Baptist, No. 42-47, 1911 (also appeared in: Al'manach po istorii russkogo baptizma, St. Petersburg 1997, 220-72); L E. Hoegberg, Skuggor och dagrar fran missionsarbetet i Ryssland, Stockholm 1914, 307-13; Politiceskie trebovanija baptistov, in: Slovo istiny, May 1917, 2-4; Otdelenie cerkvi ot gosudarstva, in: Slovo istiny, May 1917, 10-12; Dnevniki Vth G. Pavlova, 1898-1921 (diaries, Vth G. P., 1898-1921, unpublished), file of the federation of the Evangeliumschristen/Baptisten, Moscow; Southern Baptist Historical LIBRARY and Archives, Nashville, TN/USA; Za veru, Toronto Chicago 1960; Baptistskij katechisis, o. O., o. J.; (numerous further articles among other things in: Baptist, Rostov/Don, Odessa, Baku, Moscow, 1907-1924; Slovo istiny, Odessa, Moscow, 1913-1921).
Bibliography: A. W. Wardin, Evangelical Sectarianism into the Russian Empire and the USSR. A Bibliographic Guide, Lanham, MD London 1995. Lit.: H. Dalton, the deferment of paymentism in Russia, Guetersloh 1896; - Vth L Val'kevic, Zapiska o propagande protestantskich sparkling wine v Rossii i, v osobennosti, well Kavkaze, Tiflis 1900; - R. S. Latimer, With Christian in Russia, London 1910, 189-93; - C T. Byford, Peasants and Prophets, London 1911, 88-94; - J. N. Prestridge, Modern Baptist Heroes and Martyrs, Louisville, KY 1911, 95-103; - C Fuellbrandt, Vth G. P., in: A truth witness, 20 July 1924, 231-32; - S. V. Belousov, Vth G. P., in: Baptist, No. 1, 1925, 3-7; - K. A. Modén, Vittnen och troshjaeltar, Stockholm 1930, 25-41; - J. H. Rushbrooke, Vth P.: A Russian Baptist Pioneer, in: Baptist Quarterly, 1933, 361-67; - Ders., Vth P., in: Sejatel ' istiny, January February 1934, 12-13; 11-12; - Ders., Baptists into the USSR. Some Facts and Hopes, Nashville, TN 1943; - W. Gut, western ones sources of the Russian deferment of paymentism, Kassel 1956; - M. Klimenko, Anfaenge of the Baptismus in south Russia (Ukraine) after official documents, attaining 1957; - A. Q. Blane, The relation Between the Russian protestant Sects and the State, 1900-1921 (Diss., Duke Univ., Durham, numerical control), 1964; - S. J. Nesdoly, Evangelical Sectarianism in Russia: A Study OF the Stundists, Baptists, Pashkovites, and Evangelical Christians, 1855-1917 (Diss., Queen's Univ. Kingston, Canada), 1971; - P. D. Steeves, The Russian Baptist union, 1917-1935: Evangelical Awakening in Russia (Diss., Univ. OF Kansas, Kansas town center), 1976; - W. bald one, Evangelist Christians in Russia and the Sovetunion. I. S. Prochanov (1869-1935) and the way of the gospel Christians and Baptisten, Wuppertal Kassel 1978; - L Èenderovskij, Jevangel'skie Christiane, Toronto 1980; - h CH Diedrich, settler, Sektierer and deferment of paymentists. The emergence of the Russian Freikirchentums, Berlin (o) 1985; - Istorija evangel'skich Christian baptistov v SSSR, hrsg. of Izdanie vsesojuznogo soveta evangel'skich Christian baptistov, Moscow 1989; - H. Loewen, Russian free churches. The history of the gospel Christians and Baptisten until 1944, Bonn 1995; - S. N. Savinskij, Istorija russko ukrainskogo baptizma, Odessa 1995; - W. bald ones, Evangelist free churches and free municipalities in the Russian realm, in the Soviet Union and the succession states (dictionary), Gummersbach Zollikon 1995, 137-38; - Vth A. Popov, Stopy blagovestnika. Žizn ' i trudy Vth G. P., Moscow 1996 (first appeared in: Bratskij vestnik, 1991-1997); - S. V. Sannikov (Hrsg.), Istorija baptisma, Odessa 1996; - L N. Mitrochin, Baptizm: istorija i sovremennost ', St. Petersburg 1997; - H. Hartfeld, Vth G. P., Russia, in: They followed Jesus, hrsg. from G. Wieske and H. Loewen, Bornheim 1999, 72-81; - The decaying Encycl. OF Russian and Soviet History (MERSH), XXVII, 91-94.
Daniel Heinz
Last modification: 05.05.2000
GRASS, Karl Konrad (1870-1927), professor for ev. Theology at the GermanBaltic Dorpater university - to 8.4. 1870 in the Pastorat Kursiten/Kurland as a son of the minister Karl and the Blanka Grass geb. Renquet born, studied G. after attendance of the then mountain preparatory school and the Gouvernement High School in Mitau, where the father provided his service starting from 1878, of 1888-1892 at the Dorpater University of theology. it received the silver and golden price medal to 1892. 1893 existed G. also the Konsistorialexamen in Mitau and became briefly a house teacher of the count von Medem in Stockmannshof/Livland. Further studies led G. to attaining and Leipzig (1893-1894). 1894-1895 followed a probejahr (Vikariat) with upper minister G. Oehrn. At the same time it locked the Magisterstudium of theology in Dorpat to the 1993 renamed imperial-Russian University of Jurjev and informed after receipt venia legendi (28.4. 1895) up to its recall in the inside of Russia 1896 as private lecturer to the Dorpater university new will and dogma desk a practical course over Franz Hermann Franks " system of the Christian truth ". In June 1896 the church line sent G. after St. Petersburg, where it informed first until 1897 provisionally, then budget-moderately as a religion teacher at the hauptschule. In the autumn 1897 G. its Privatdozentur had to give up, could however in the summer of the same yearly again for the recess of its educational knowledge to Germany to travel, in order to prepare a new curriculum for the religious education. 1897-1901 informed G. then as an upper teacher of the religion at the German St. Petri church school in St. Petersburg. Fruit of these years was its history of the Dogmatik in Russian representation (1902), into the two most important Russian Dogmatiker 19. Century, Makarij Bulgakov and Sylvestr Malinovskij, in part in German translation to be submitted. In the appendix of this work G. attached an alphabetical list of factories of Russian systematic theologians and a containing enumerating of Russian theological magazines to 72 numbers. In the year 1901 G. additionally the Kollationen of the neutestamentlichen handwriting St. Petersburg for the citizen of Berlin Neutestamentler Hermann baron von Soden made, a function, which led him in the following years also again to Moscow and Kiew. After these first professional years, which already showed the fruits of its large gifts, G. was allowed to return again to its homeland, where he found certainly now a changed situation and new faces at the university. Hope for a Dogmatik Professur smashed itself. 1901-1909 informed G. both and religion teachers of the Dorpater city six-form high school and after renewed receipt venia to 9.10. 1901 as a private lecturer in exegetische theology. 1903 became G. due to its first, of of the Criticism in a well-meaning manner taken up publication to the Russian Orthodoxie a Heimbuerger Reisetipendium grants, which led it to the study of the Russian Dogmatik and Russian sparkling wines the 1903/1904 after St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan ' and in the summer 1904 also after Transkaukasien. Out this first and the following journeys, which however still minutioesen the field research, more, enzyklopaedisch pursued library studies applied, erwuchen a small source publication to sparkling wines of the Skopzen (1904), some letters and a suffering report of the founder Kondratij Selivanov containing, and above all still today the fundamental 3baendige large representation available in several editorships to the Russian sparkling wines. In this G. Geschichte and Dogmatik represents first the Chlysten and their branchings, then the Skopzen. Interest of output G.s is the strange in each case religious life, which is able to bring its own teachings out. As good Exeget and of global gel honouring SAMNESS was able he the sources with special caution and more carefully to read historically gelaeuterter religion-psychological viewpoint. G. could not finish the planned termination tape over the Duchoborzen and Molokanen unfortunately. Only 1909 received a Professur to G. and worked after the continuation Alfred's of sea-mountain in Dorpat as an extraordinary professor of exegetischen theology. In these most fruitful years G. finished not only its sparkling wine factory, but mediated in numerous scarce articles of the Protestant encyclopedia " the religion in history and present " the German-language reader set of knowledge of the contemporary Russian dogma desks theology, authors, their factories for lack of newer designs 100 years later at the end 20. Century in Russia were partly again again presented. With the dictionary articles disproved G. the statement E. Kargarovs in the detailed review of the 1909 appeared 1. Tape: Rossica non leguntur. 1914 lent the University of hall Wittenberg G. for the sparkling wine representation to the Dr. h. c., at the same time received G. from the Dorpater University of the theological doctor degree. When to the autumn 1916 into Dorpat also for the theologians the Russian was finally introduced as instruction language - the Russifizierungsbemuehungen already set 1889 in, held however before the Evangelist-theological faculty stop, probably fewer, because the Russian orthodoxe national church from inferiority feelings did not want to permit Evangelist verkuendigung and theory in Russian language as from respect for the German-language theology, which in the Russian theological magazines and academy libraries with large attention was considered -, withdrew G. from its office as a professor. 1918 he became again training representative for the new will. 1921 and 1922-1924 followed again year as teachers first to Walter and then at the Grass' school, until 1924-1927 the last years came as a tidy professor for new will at the estnischen University of Tartu. Already several years ill, G., whose life was dedicated alone to the science, died exhausted office for association and from the NOT for many years to 25.11.1927. From the exegetischen factories G.s is today no more the speech, the representation over sparkling wines ranks however further among the standard works, how not least their reproduction shows.
Factories: Is the Hebraeerbrief written heath Christians? Diss. Dorpat 1893. 68 S.; - the behavior for the " realm " of God after the " gentleman masters " of the three first gospels, required by Jesus. Leipzig 1895. III, 99 S. (= MNR 51/28 (1895) 49-146); - born of the virgin. Dorpat 1895 (Acta et Commentationes Univ. Jurj.); - the behavior to Jesus after the demands of the " gentleman masters " of the three first gospels. Leipzig 1894. IV, 156 S.; - short design of the 1. Johannesbriefs, in: MNR 53/30 (1897) 45-176; - over the newest work to the johanneischen teachings, with special consideration of the basic character of johanneischer principle terms, in: MNR 54/31 (1898) 11-21; - to the theory of the divinity Jesu Christi. Dorpat 1900. 208 S.; - Katechese over the Biblical creation report on the lower level, in: Magazine for the Evangelist religious education 12 (1900/01) 25-30; - Rez. God praise Mayer, system of Christian hope. Leipzig 1900, in: ThLB 22 (1901) 410f.; - history of the Dogmatik in Russian representation. Guetersloh 1902. XV, 179 S.; - Rez. H.J.Bestmann, history of the development of the realm of God under the old person and new federation on the basis an analysis of the sources. II. Leipzig 1900, in: ThLB 23 (1902) 4-9; - the Suehnebedeutung of death Jesu Christi, in: MNR 59 (1903) 145-183; - the secret holy writing of the Skopzen. Leipzig 1904. 77 S.; - sketch of revealing Johannis for educated Bible readers, in: MNR 60 (1904) 1-32; - Rez. Johannes Kunze, the eternal divinity Jesu Christi. Leipzig 1904, in: ThLB 25 (1904) 452f.; - to the theory of the natureful divinity Jesu Christi. Two Dorpater of lectures. Leipzig 1905. V, 74 S.; - God son shank and Messianitaet in the synoptic gospels, in: AELKZ 38 (1905) 298-303; - Russian sparkling wines. 2 Bde. in 3 Tln. Leipzig 1905, 1909 and 1914. Leipzig N1966. 716 S.; 448 S.; - the meaning of the Russian sparkling wine customer for the evaluation vob Russian Religiositaet and culture, in: Religion and spirit culture 2 (1908) 161-166; - history and personality of the Skopzensekte: MNR 63 (1910) 97-114; - 1. Dmitri Muretow (1806-1883); 2. Dmitri Sambikin * 1839, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 75; - Dmitrijewski, Alekse, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 95; - Bobroklonski, Aleksandr, * 1856, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 95; - Fawórow, (Nasssri), (1820-1897), in: RGG1 2 (1910) 841-842; - Feognóst (in the world Jegór Iwwssnowitsch Lébedew) (1829-1903), in: RGG1 2 (1910) 856-857; - Feophssn (in the world Georgi Wasiljewitsch Gomorow) (1815-1894), in: RGG1 2 (1910) 857; - Gawriíl 1. Georgi Iwanowitsch Gorodków (1785-1862); 2. Wasili Nikolssjewitsch Wskresénski (1785-1868), in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1139; - Gerónti, Kurganówski, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1340; - Glagólew, D. Sergé Sergejewitsch, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1423-1424; - Glubokówski, Nikolaj Nikanorowitsch, * 1863, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1463-1464; - Gólubew, Stephssn Timoféjewitsch, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1521; - Golubinski, Jewgéni Jewgsignéjewitsch, * 1834, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1521; - Golubzów, Aleksandr Petrowitsch, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1521-1522; - Górski, Aleksandr Wasiljewitsch, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1525; - Gortschaków, Mikhail Iwanowitsch, * 1834, in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1525-1526; - Grigori, Georgi Petrowitsch Póstnikow (1784-1860), in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1702; - Grigorówitsch, j-oann j-oannowitsch (1792-1852), in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1702; - Gusew, 1. Aleksandr Fjódorowitsch; 2. Dimitri Wasiljewitsch († 1895), in: RGG1 2 (1910) 1739; - Rez. Aurelius Palmieri, Theologia dogmatica orthodoxa (ecclesiae graeco russicae) ad lumen catholicae doctrinae examinata et discussa. I. Prolegomena. Florenz 1911, in: ThLB 32 (1911) 328-330; - Lopuchín, Aleksssndr Psswlowitsch (1852-1904), in: RGG1 3 (1912) 2376-2377; - Makssri (lay name: Michaíl Petrôwitsch Bulgss.kow, 1816-1882), in: RGG1 4 (1913) 52-53; - Malueschéwski, Iwan Ignsstjewitsch (1828-1897), in: RGG1 4 (1913) 113; - Msslzew, Aleksé Petrowitsch, * 1854, in: RGG1 4 (1913) 114; - Manswétow, Iwssn Danilowitsch (1843-1885), in: RGG1 4 (1913) 125; - Murétow, Mitrophssn Dmítrijewitsch * 1851, in: RGG1 4 (1913) 574; - Palmow, Iwan Ssswwitsch * 1856, in: RGG1 4 (1913) 1117; - Petrów, Nikolaj Iwssnowitsch, * 1840, in: RGG1 4 (1913) 1408; - Philarét, 1. (lay name: Wasili Michailowitsch Drosdow, 1782-1867); 2. (lay name: Dmitri Grigórjewitsch Gumilewski, 1805-1866), in: RGG1 4 (1913) 1492; - Russian one sparkling wines 3-16: 3. Chluesten; 4. Skopzen; 5. Duchoborzen; 6. Molokanen; 7. Judaisierende; 8. Pruegunen; 9. Obschtschieje; 10. The Molokanen of the Don Denomination; 11. Deferment of paymentists; Stundobaptisten; 12. Paschkowianer; 13. Jehovisten; 14. Adventisten; 15. Tolstoianer; 16. Developing S.; a) Mormonen; b) Bogomilen; c) Sjutajewzue; d) Wosduechanzue; e) Dunkas confidence; f) Beloriszue; g) Jenochowzue, in: RGG1 5 (1913) 74-90; - Silwestr (Stephan Wasiljewitsch Malenanski, 1827-1908), in: RGG1 5 (1913) 636; - Smirnow, 1. Aleksé Wasiljewitsch, 2. Sergé Konstantinowitsch, in: RGG1 5 (1913) 724-725; - Spasski, Anatolij Alekséjowitsch, in: RGG1 5 (1913) 816; - Swetlow, Psswel Jsskowlewitsch, in: RGG1 5 (1913) 1026-1027; - Ternówski, Pfilipp Alekséjewitsch, in: RGG1 5 (1913) 1133; - sketch of the teachings Jesu after the three first gospels. Dorpat 1912. 51 S.; - lines idealistic world view. Against materialism and bolshevism. Leipzig-attain 1921; - (Hrsg.), Alexander Berendts, Flavius Josephus, of the Jewish war Bd. I-IV, after which, German given change and with the Greek text compared slawischen translation. Dorpat 1924-1927 (Acta et commentationes Universitatis Dorpatensis 6/Humaniora 5).