1 / I
I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII / O
2 / Li / N / F
3 / Mg / Ar
4 / a / Br / Kr
5 / c / b

aWrite down the symbol of an element in Group II.

bWrite down the symbol of the element in the same Group as Ar.

cWrite down the symbol of the element in the same Period as Mg.

diIn which group is element ‘a’?

iiExplain how you know that the letter ‘a’ is not the symbol for this element.

eHow many of the elements shown are non-metals?

fWrite down the symbol of an element in the same Group as element ‘c’.

gWhich element, shown by a letter that is not its symbol, is in the same Group as N?

hWhich element is probably argon?

2Copy and complete the sentence below:

Mendeleev is an important scientist because .


3Copy the outline of the Periodic Table, shown in question 1, but do not put in the symbols.

aShade in the elements that are non-metals.

bWrite the symbols for the following elements in their correct positions:

iSodium, symbol Na, in Group I and Period 3.

iiChlorine, symbol Cl, in Group VII and Period 3.

iiiXenon, symbol Xe, in Group O and Period 5.

cHow many of the elements in Group II are metals?

dThe symbol for lead is Pb. It was used by the Romans to line water tanks and plumbing generally. Suggest why its symbol is Pb rather than Le.

© Harcourt Education Ltd 2004 Catalyst 2

This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.


4Look at the following information about some elements.

Element / Symbol / Reason for symbol
Copper / Cu / Cuprum is Latin for copper
Tungsten / W / Wolfram means tungsten, in German
Lead / Pb / Plumbum is Latin for lead
Sodium / Na / Natrium is Latin for salt
Silver / Ag / In Latin, silver is argentium
Iron / Fe / Ferrum is Latin for iron. Also, haem, as in haemoglobin, means ‘containing iron’

aWhich elements are likely to be found in each of the following minerals:





bIn Africa, there is a lake called LakeNatron. What does it probably contain in the water?

cWhy are people who mend pipes and sinks called plumbers?

dYou may need a copy of the Periodic Table to work these out.

iHow many Groups contain only metals?

iiHow many Groups contain only non-metals?

iiiHow many Groups contain both metals and non-metals?

© Harcourt Education Ltd 2004 Catalyst 2

This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.